Is that time? Let's talk about batteries. I'm a bit late releasing some of these uh, open source projects that I made in the last few months. So we've been dealing with a lot of lithium iron phosphate in this form, right? the L60 cells and we've made all kinds of different ones right? But uh, this one I've released it. This one I released it and one of the most popular ones.

Well I guess this would be it. These we've made them into different products sort like this one. This one has just like a case around it where this one is just a bar basic the the bare minimum right? It's just the the bus bar PCB on here. but then this one has the full but people have asked about making a bigger battery right? This one could put out 600 amps and then people are like well what if you want to do 10,000 Watts right? like in a car audio right? and so about 12,000 Watts or something like that then I'm like well just use two of those batteries and they're like yeah, but can can we make a bigger one and the answer is yes we can and there's two ways of doing that right.

So you have have one battery here with four cells One battery here with four cells. so if you combine those like this then now these two batteries could be one battery and it'll have twice the capacity and twice the power output. So what you would have to do is just make this board longer and then rearrange the the way you connect them right. So I would connect them like two in parallel and then they connect these ones here and then connect these two to these two and then these two to these two and then these two are going to be the the positive and then the negative.

Sort of like that, right? So there's that way you could do it, but there's also another way because these are going into Right Automotive Audio Then a lot of the times there's space constraint so there's not a lot of space to put these batteries so something like this large long like this would work. but sometimes they want it even long, maybe longer, but skinnier. So there are different ways of combining these batteries to make the same, the cells to make the same battery right. So another another way you could do it would be like this.

So this would be kind of a fatter uh, configuration here, but it's the same thing. Four, four, four cells in series, but eight cells, right? Two cells in parallel. So we'll do the same thing. So in order to do that, what you could do is have this to be the main positive for example, and then then these would connect to those and then these would connect to these two over here and then these would connect to these two and then this would be the main negative, right? So these would be your terminals here.

So this is the the one that we're going to make today. Eventually, we're going to make all of them. I Have made all of these because people have asked for if they requested it. But today I'm going to show you how to do this.

Combine two of these right there to make it into one single 8 cell 12vt battery. That would be twice the capacity, right? So this one is 74 amps. Now we're going to have Uh 148 amp hour and then not 600 amps, but 1,00 amps. and it's going to require some Ingenuity on our part to be able to achieve that.
But first, let's deal with the main busar. PCB Okay, so we're going to start recording here. Okay, so here's our file and this has gone through many iterations. Look at least five iterations.

We've been testing things in and out. We tried and made a bunch of mistakes and we've been fixing them right. So it's taking five tries to get here. but here we are.

So let me show you what it is that we are going to achieve there, right? So if you click here, if you click here, okay, so that's the border. The that's the outline and you see it has, um, well, the the dimensions. You know we just taken them because we've been using this for a long time. But here are the holes for the vents.

These are I Guess somewhat important, but these in the case of these cells will vent, then it'll it'll have the the gases will have a place to go. These holes right here. It's for you to be able to put this board all the way to the bottom, sit right on top of the cells before we were using. um, you know spacers and stuff and then we were using those spacers to to help carry the current.

But because this is such a beast 1,200 amps that's quite a power. Then we need all the real estate right? Those those bolts on those on those are are not very long and so we need every every millimeter right? So to to put materials because it needs to carry. If you think about it, this portion right here has to carry 1,200 amps which is a lot and so in order to do that then you have to use really thick materials. Uh, either copper or aluminum.

In this case, we've chosen aluminum after many you know, uh, iterations and many tests. but we need all the stuff so that's what these holes are there for right? So these are little pucks that stick out on every cell and there only uh present there on the positive side. uh uh of the cell, right? So there's the two positives over here over here and then over here so that's what those are there. Uh then obviously we have our connector here that is for you to install a a BMS This is for a balancer right here.

So it's basically the same. The same cables, the same uh pins right here. They're just transferred. Uh, this one will allow you to maybe like connect several of these batteries together and parallel and then put one of these cables in here.

And now even the balance wires are parallel. and then you can have like one balancer that maybe balances the whole thing. Uh, in theory, that's how that would work. Uh, we haven't tried that too much because this is a giant battery, so not a lot of people are building like larger systems in this, right? Um, so yeah, that's I guess uh.
I Don't know if there would be any issues, but these are brand new celles so there shouldn't be a lot of issues there. It should be able to carry that. Um, let's see what else. Now let's start looking at the layers.

So here's the bottom layer and this is the Copper that we're using to do that right? So of course, these two pins here these two terminals are are joined together with this Uh layer and then these two are connected to the same, but then also they need to connect to the next set of cells. So that's why this goes across like that. And then these four have to be connected together. These four Terminals and then the same thing here.

So it's a very simple, very very simple circuit that you have to achieve here. and then of course we have these vs in here to connect the lower layer. This is the lower layer with the upper layer and the upper layer. It just basically just mirrors the the lower layer.

This is pretty pretty simple and then just to run the uh, populate the the the connectors here here. the balance leads right. So the main negative that has to go here to the main negative and then runs right to the most negative. Uh, pad over here and the same thing.

it'll go down right. C1 or C2 is going to be right here and then C3 um is going to be over here and then C4 is going to be over here. Yeah, and then most positive is going to be over here, right? So that's it. When you look at, let's look at the thing here.

This is the 3D uh rendering here. this is what the board is going to look like and of course this uh, this is exposed uh Trace right aluminum, uh, not aluminum copper so that when this makes contact with the cells, then there's an even uh, Well, there's more surface area that has to make the connection there right. Again, remember these, Every one of these things is going to supposed to carry about 600 amps and so this all this stuff helps, right? So that is the main board and this is the part that we're going to make available. Uh, open source so you can just go to our sponsor.

This video is sponsored by PCB and then you go click on the link on the description of this video and then you can click on the project and and then you can download the Cad file the the Gerber file for this and then print it yourself. You can make changes or whatever and then or you can just buy it directly there by ordering it and you have to order a minimum of five. That's the only downside to using this thing, but then you can make up to five of these for not much money, right? All the Uh engineering is done here for you. so let's look at the at the one of these already install in the batteries.

All right. So here is the final built of the battery, right? So here's the Uh: the PCB Uh now installed in eight cells, right? And as you can see here what we had to do was uh, just reinforce this PCB using aluminum here, right? And of course we tried doing uh, copper and it works much better. But the problem is that the audio uh markets are full of people that Well, they don't know much about batteries and when they would see a thin piece of copper in there right there like well, that doesn't work as good as aluminum right? And so what? I Found myself was having to argue with people and having to make videos to prove that that they could. a thin piece of copper would carry 12200 amps and so I just kind of got tired of like arguing with with like with my would be customers right? and so so I just kind of gave in and like okay you want a big chunky piece of aluminum There we go.
it's actually easier. um it's about the same price. uh and you you know it achieves it does the the job, it does the job well and I don't have to convince people that it actually works where like with the other copper the uh you know layers of of um PCB I would have to do that right. So that's why we ended up here and this is the reason why I'm doing this video now.

It's like now it's the the the design is finalized. We went through a lot of iterations Again, we tried many different ways. This the shape is a little bit different, all this other stuff right? But finally this is it. Uh, this one doesn't have the thing but it's yeah.

it's five iterations. Version 1.5 and of course here is the connector, the green connector and this little cable here. and this is how you do the balancer and this is one of the balancers that I like again because it shows you where the batteries are at at any given time and then you could choose to balance them or to stop the balancing. Or you know that sort of stuff.

Um, where the other balancers, you're kind of just Flying Blind You don't know what they're doing you. You don't know if they're working, they might be dead, and they might actually be causing yourselves to uh uh, go out of balance right? And you would know because there's no screen on all the other ones and they cost about the same. So that's why I like using these. So anyways, by the way, uh, of course this is the basic battery.

It will do 1200 amp Peaks for 10 seconds while staying above 12 volts. which is like what? 14,000 Watts or something like that, right? 14 kilow? It will do 800 amps continuous until the battery completes itself right. so fully charged, fully discharged and also it will do it the way it is right now. But you could also get different options like sort of these uh, compression plates.

We have these compression plates that are are single cell but then we have the double cell that go all the way across and then you just put rods in here and then you can compress them that way and obviously this serve Dual Purpose You can also use these to mount those to a surface, uh, in your vehicle or in the wall. Wherever you're going to install this battery right? That is kind of like a Midway point right a middle the road thing where you have like a lot of functionality, but it's still like a bare basic. It's like a basic design. We've also made like a fullon battery box.
This is a custom steel case sort of like that one there, but this on this size for this battery right here and this once you're done, you put a PCB on top of it here with two big terminals in there and then all the uh cell. the interconnects in between the cells. Those are all hidden away so you can't touch them. You can't, uh, short them, accidentally short them St Sort stuff like that and this is, uh, you're much better protected right now.

You can hit it in there. you can put it in the back of your trunk for example, and you could throw other stuff in there and it's not going to hurt it, it's going to protect the cells. They're not going to get damage and so so we have those available for sale. um as an option when you buy this old build right? But of course because this is the DIY open source project where you can, uh, order all the stuff uh, even these bus parts right here.

These are uh, the aluminum reinforcements right that that are going to carry all that stuff. even have the big terminal connectors that I've designed for that for these batteries in here you there's links on there right? I Think these ones are going to be available? They're not available quite yet, but stay tuned if you're interested in that. They are available if you buy the battery completely made like that already assembl. So if you're looking into that also, yeah, uh, there're going to be a Jack But there you go.

Thank you for watching this video. Uh, if you are building one of these batteries in one of these projects, you're downloading the C the the Gerver files and you're printing them yourself and you're doing them and you change it to modify them. Do let us know, send us an email Jjack and we want to see your projects right Because a lot of people are using these batteries in their own builds. We always like to see what people are doing with our products right? So there you go.

This is, uh, the fat version of the 148 Amp Power 12vt L60 sell uh audio battery. As always, all the links to the project is are in the description of this video I Want to thank Uh PCB way for sponsoring Thank you PCB Way As always we'll see you guys on the next one bye it never been easier to build a DIY battery system. We live in the greatest time in history. Take a look at this for I mean just look at him.

Is that guy normal I Don't think he's all there Here is low IQ An example of the lowest kind in our society. and if he can do it, and if he can do it, if he can do it, What does that say about you? So just get up and do it. Are you really going to wait until a complete collapse of the electrical grid to worry about this? Are you really going to wait? What does that say about you? Just wait until all the lights go off and your precious Tik Tock goes dark. you oblivious fool.
Don't be that guy. Well are you sees the moment. Build It Build It Build It Build the power wall.

11 thoughts on “Beginner friendly 1200a 12v car audio lithium battery – pcbway”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @alparkopp says:

    What is the charge cut off voltage on these 12 V batteries?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @garrettscott4094 says:

    That's pretty awesome.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @hustlepayper2181 says:

    I just installed an 8 cell big fat under the back passenger seat of my Chevy Avalanche last week.

    Along with dual alternators it will be supporting 2 Slapz Shock 8k amps.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Smokeey409 says:

    I have 8cells in my truck i will email you tomorrow a pic of the build,thanks Jehu!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ericklein5097 says:

    Its amazing how ignorant the audio community is. Yes, there's a few very knowledgeable people (technically) in any circle but the amount of idiots is just mind boggling…and would explain how XS Power has done so well despite obvious proof they don't sell real Yin Longs.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @DivyangM says:

    That battery is rarer than the Cybertruck. At least I can get Cybertruck in Canada. LOL

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @mannyfragoza9652 says:

    If i needed to run high Amperage id buy the heavy duty Bus Bars you sell. In my tiny DIY Solar system i wouldnt need to draw 1200 Amps. I might buy 2 more of the Red PCB 4 cell pacs. to extend the run time. I ran a quartz Radiant Heater on low 350- 400 watts for 4 1/2 hours. In a power outages i may have to run the heater 8 hours so; 4-4 cell pacs should be good.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @michaelrohrs7475 says:

    Great video as always 👍

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @michaelrohrs7475 says:

    Why not gold buss bars?😂😂😂

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @michaelrohrs7475 says:

    What about a 2 cells wide,,by 2 cells long? would be the most compact way.
    Not sure if there would be a issue due to it large capacity.

    Could you just cut the existing one in half to get 2 cells by 4 cells

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @matttaylor3019 says:

    Any time is a good time. lol

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