Hey, do you know what time it is that is correct Time to build another battery. This video is sponsored by PCB way more on them later. All right. So this right here is a very popular battery.

It's called The Slim It's eight cells, 12 volts uh and is for car audio right? And so there's a lot of times where uh, you only have a skinny long place like behind your seat, something like that where you can fit a battery so then this one lens itself for that right? So what people have been asking is hey, can you make the four cell because the four cell is by far the most popular Uh, But also make it in a slim version right? So this would be something like this, right? Four cells This is 12. This is 12. This is just two of these four cells. uh, batteries just put together in parallel and so it's twice the battery capacity right? This is 148 amp hour.

This is 74 amp hour. but this one it could do half the power and half the capacity than that because that's two batteries right? So what we're going to do today is we're going to make the the smaller board that will allow you to have this skinny battery like this. But on the four cell version, let's go to the drawing app. All right.

So this is board for the 148 that big one that we have so all we have to do is just cut it in half, take the two layers off, and then copy it like this right and then save this as an another file. So I already did that. So here it is. Let's take a look at this right? So this is even simpler.

I Mean it's just basically half of that battery. All we have to do is just change a few of these things around. These right here are exposed traces on the bottom so it has more surface contact with the cell. Uh, these holes? Right here? These are so the little pucks stick out, those are only present on the positive side of each of one of these L60 cells.

And then this is the bouncer connector. and then this is that other connector that we can use to parallel more batteries in the future. This is I You know this is not going to be so popular, but I Just put it in there. It's also good for Diagnostics in the future.

Uh. Also this right here is the diagram wiring diagram of this battery. see four cells in series and then that's how they're connected. and then these are what the these connections are on that one right there on that on that connector.

this is uh, where where they're at in the battery pack, right? So you'll be able to tell exactly how it is wired. So now let's look at the layers. Very, very simple, right? You connect these two cells like this. Then you connect these.

These two cells like that. These two cells like that. and then these ones are the positive and the negative right here. Now these markings here.

these yellow ones. Those are the markings that correspond to the PCB bars that we have to. Oh here we go. There is PCB spacers that are here right? and this is the link so you can get them.

There's a 43 mm, these are 43 and then this is 55 and then these are these little round ones right? Um now in the past we used to put them in the bottom of this board but now we can put them on the top that because now we've made these holes and they just work better because then allows you to gives you more threads on here to then put your your ring terminals in Here you look at the bottom layer so the bottom layer just has all these traces that connect this to that in here to this connector and that's about it. just the main and then it just you know, mirrors this stuff. Very very very simple board. uh that we can then right? So what I suggest is you get the PCB for full power.
This one board here will be able to do about 100 amps continues right and it doesn't get hot or anything, just this copper traces that are here. This will handle 100 amps no problem. but because these batteries can do you know 600 amps Peaks right for 10 seconds and it could do about 400 amps continuous right from fully charged to fully discharged. Then you're going to need more uh layers, right? And so that's what those other little PCB uh layers are.

So when you you you go in here and see this link right here right? This link will take you to this page here. You can buy these little bus bars to order this. You have to come into this page right here that I've made right and here. I uploaded the gerver and you can download this gerver and then have it you know, uh, printed anywhere else.

Or you could just add it to the cart here and then you could order it from PCB way right? Uh, Also all these other things that you have in here actually, you know what I need to edit this project? All right. See, So now you just add this to the cart, you order it and then it's going to show up All right. So here is the board. Let's put it on the battery.

We already populated it with the uh green connector here. Um, I didn't populate this one. You can do it I Think we do it when we send it out to you when you buy these from us. but if you order it from PCB way, obviously they're not going to have it.

so you have to populate it right? So I think you can't go wrong here? Yeah, either way, it works. Uh, just follow the the signs right? negative, positive, and then you put that in there right? And then here is the other parts that uh, we were talking about is these guys, if you just want like 100 amps within 100 amps, this single board will be able to feed that. uh, which? Just fine. It can handle 100 amps, but if you need the full power that the cells can give you which is like 200 continuous I think on the on the data sheet on the specs for the cells.

but I've tested it up to like 4 100 amps. these cells can handle it no problem. Uh, and if you know you're going to want the peaks of 600 amp Peaks for for 10 seconds or whatever, then you're going to need a few more layers of copper in here, right? So these are available at Jack 35. There's a link right there, right? and so then what you do is you put those in here double layer to do full power.
You need like two of those, right? So and then the 55 mm are for over here. put washers. We usually send the cells with uh, nuts that are like these. They're serrated nuts and so all you would have to do is do that on this case right now.

I'm using nuts with with washers All right. So the reason we recommend putting these on top of the board as opposed to the bottom of the board like we used to recommend back when we started doing these is because, well, people, in order to get 600 amps off of this, you need big chunky cables, right? And so that means these ring terminals are big and so you want to have all the space to put your nut in here. If you put them on the bottom, then that rubs some of that, uh, some of those threads right. And so you're only catching like three threads and when you're trying to torque those in there, right? So this is the reason why you would want to put them on the top so you can have all the threads All right.

Last thing is to install the little balancer and with these screen connectors again, you you always have to open them up. first. Here we go. Now we have a hole there.

Now we have a hole there and now we could install this. Okay, now you tighten that one, next one, and the last one. so then you just use your bad Go. And there we go.

o This batter needs to be charged. It's pretty much a 12.1 volts. so each cell is a 3.3 but there's only 8. molts differ so there's pretty well balanced.

So then what? I suggest you just double side tape and there we go. There's your battery. It's capable of 600 amps. That's about 7200.

Uh, Watts right? 7,000 7.2 All right. So we made compression plates for these that you can use them to compress them and to attach them into your vehicle or wherever you're going to install these. There's a bunch of other stuff that we sell for them. Again, this is an open- source project you can go to PCB Way.com Follow the link in the description of this video.

you can go and download of these and those those and so that way you can just order them for where I order them. That will save you the most amount of money. So you get them for the same price that I pay for these right? Um, or you could just go and get them at our website Jack 35.com We sell these, We sell those. We sell the Sals uh.

they come with the with the nuts. We sell this guys in there and we sell the little cables, that and the connectors. All this stuff right so that you could just easily DIY yourself A battery that would cost about $11,000 right? from other people in the industry in the car audio industry. but you can DIY this for about 150 bucks.

Uh, we have this basic right now for 150 in our website right already. Buil and assemble for you. So this is a very, very, very affordable, very very powerful battery Lithium Aron Fosfate. It's safe and it's long lasting.
You can use it with your stock uh B battery right and your alternator. You don't have to, uh, modify your car's electrical systems as I understand it right? and so this is a very, very cool battery. Very powerful. You can put several of these, just connect them in parallel right? and so if you don't, if you can't fit like that bigger one or the fatter one or the other sizes that we have, then you can get a few of these and put them wherever you can fit them and then just run wires to them and these will run.

They're scale so you can run up to you know, four or five of these and you can be running 20,000 watts in your vehicle if that is what you choose to do. So right? So there you go, All right. So thank you for watching this video and thank you for supporting these open- Source projects. Thank you to PCB Way for being the sponsor of my channel and we'll see you in the next Battery build video.

See you later! bye.

13 thoughts on “This little 12v battery can produce 600a”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @wildgoose-media says:

    Are any if your batteries/configurations good for solar storage and use?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Basshead40 says:

    I need this but with 5 cells. I'm running 15.8v with my current charging system

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @sam_wyt9879 says:

    I saw a video where someone used 8s of this battery to start a helicopter 🚁

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @theWadestofWades says:

    Have you seen the drill using graphene batteries? Do you think they could ever be used it e vehicles

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ferkeap says:

    This would already be ok for a starting battery of a small engine. 12v 36/40ah lead now.

    What be the cheap/small minimum (weight) way to do that.

    Maybe add a big capacitor, for help with starting.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @DJShellingz says:

    How many amps do I need for a 20k amplifier

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @81mont says:

    I'm new to all this, but curious because I need to replace the battery in an old hot rod that I only drive once a week. If I bought this battery and the BMS, could I replace my lead acid? Or do I need something additional so it charges properly or whatever! Thank you.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @michaelrohrs7475 says:

    How long would it run a 1500watt power inverter for?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ecospider5 says:

    I wonder when they will make a lithium starting battery for a V6. We are at the point we can make one DIY now.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @dudeimbusy says:


    Find out the hard way from a bunch of tiny energizer 12v as kid?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @stevetrapp1095 says:

    where on your store is this?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @mannyfragoza9652 says:

    I just ordered another 4 Cell pac .Now i will have 12 cells. My goal is to buy one more pac to have 16 cells 4×4 pacs

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @swicked86 says:

    Like a dead short in a capacitor!

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