Hey, this video is sponsored by PCB way more on them later. Alright guys, time for another video today. We are going to be talking about bus bars. These are the bus bars that we're using for a Lev 60 cells.

These are lithium iron phosphate batteries 74 amp hours right? They can do a lot of amps. So we have these bus bars that we made and then we have a whole top bus bar that also it arranges all the balance leads into a connector so that you can connect easily connect your BMS right. Those are already shared open source so that you can download them and I think most of them were selling on our website but the ones that we have in are these the individual just bus bars that go in there right? We have two versions. The 43 uh millimeter version is for you to put the cells uh end to end like this and then the 55s allow you to put them side to side.

So depending on how you want to arrange your batteries it will dictate how or which one which size right, the 55 or the 44. So here it is what they look like. Uh here is what they look like side to side. This is a an aluminum one that I was trying out and it turns out that it doesn't do as as good as I wanted to.

So I went back to using two ounce. but you can order these in one ounce or two ounce right? and then you can also order them different thicknesses. So I've ordered these uh in a very thin thickness, half of the original thickness here I Don't remember exactly what's the thickness, but the reason why I did that is because we're building batteries that are made for car audio and they those guys want to push these batteries to the max like 600 amps right? Um, and so in order to get the 600 amps, you have to layer them up and so you will run out of Bolt here, right? You only have that much essentially that much thickness and so uh, each one of these ones will do at one ounce will do uh, 50 amps right? So you'll have to do like six layers, but at two ounce then they do 100 amps. so they'll do 600 amps.

Um, and so that's why we're we're doing that this way, right? But it all depends on what your usage is going to be for these batteries. Uh, and so up until now you couldn't just buy them individually and so now we're putting up on our website individually so you can buy them and then you can use them as you see fit in your build because there's these are like Legos You can build all kinds of things right? So let's go see and the uh the drawing program and I'll show you what I did there All right And here's the 12 volt version that I was talking about. these what people are doing are using them on car Audio. They're loading these up to 600 amps, right? Uh, not con consistent, not continuous, but Peaks and even more down to like 800 amps, right? Um, these will do it for a few seconds, right? So when you when they're having their music playing really loud and they have a lot of amps, they they can pull kind of power.

Now this right here what you see and it's a new version that I'm working on for a 24 volt version of this right. A battery so eight cells and they're all in series. Now this one. you might not pull 600 amps so you could.
Maybe there are some applications. Maybe you put this in a Go card? Maybe you put this golf cart. Maybe. And if your golf cart can pull 600 amps then you might need that, right? But for the most part, people are going to be using 24 volts with some inverter.

you know, a thousand, two thousand, Watts or even 3000. Watts That's only like a couple hundred amps. These will do with like a single one of them. So there's different uses for these things, right? But you could use all these parts interchangeably here.

And so that's the reason why we're offering them right or on their own here. What you got is the 55 version, the 55 millimeter version, and this one I Put a one ounce here, right? but you could order it two ounces and so uh, this are. there's little things that poke out and so that's why those cuts are there right? And so it's only on the positive side, but you you never know when you're putting in here, you might be positive here and then negative there or whatever. So depends on how you Orient the packs then you, you're gonna need that in there.

Now these is right here. All these tiny little holes are Vias and that will connect the upper layer right. It's got a layer of copper on this side and then it's got another copper layer of on the bottom here. Well, all those little holes are connecting the top layer to the bottom layer.

right That way it becomes one piece that will connect from this to here. So now you're using both layer and that will allow you to use multiple layers of this and so the layers that are in between. So if you put a second one up here on top, for example, right? So this layer might not be touching the bolt or the nut and so that's why you need these little BS connecting the the top layer of one bus bar. uh, to the bottom layer of that same bus bar.

So that and all of these layers are conducting power from here from this side to that side and that's the reason why those are there, right? and in earlier uh versions I didn't have those so I started putting them on and so that's why I hadn't share them. Now that they're done and I think we're there to, you know the the design is figured out. these have been working. We've been shipping them out.

Nobody's ever reported a problem with these. These are uh working. So there you go. They're going to be available open source on our website jack35.com and also add Pcbway.com This is our this video sponsor right here.

These guys are amazing. They sponsor a lot of my videos and I've made a lot of these designs available open source. Which means that what you can do here is you can come and then you can order them from them directly from the PCB makers the shop in China And so you cut me out of the whole deal right? And so you will get them for a cheaper price. Uh, and so you can order a bunch of them you ordering like 100 of these because you want to build a giant thing.
It might be cheaper for you to just order 100 of them here and you go to this. Click on the link. I'll have a link for both the 55 and the 43 uh millimeter version of this and then you just come in here and then you add it to the cart right and then you pick a few of these things like uh, you pick how many layers, uh uh and then like the the thickness right? So the ones are this is the standard 1.6 millimeter and those ones that I've been showing you are 0.8 millimeter and I Think it doesn't change the price? Let me see, does it change the price? It doesn't change the price. So you could order these thinner ones that allows you to put uh, twice as many in the same space, the same thickness right? And so if you are gonna stack them up because you need a lot of amperage, then get those thinner ones.

Also, when you're shipping the stuff from China shipping these thinner ones will cost less because they weigh less so you can ship twice as many. uh, copper right? Uh, for the least amount of of or the same amount of money? uh kind of thing right? and so you can choose them in different colors if you wanted to. There's all kinds of options here. there's not to.

Oh, here's the ounce right? the the board the the copper right? So it's so if you'll if you can fit them in there you don't need like high current then you can get them at one ounce. I Think it will change the price here. Let me see so you add it. Okay, so that went a lot because you changed it right? But as you're ordering more, this is only for five units right? So once you start going up then this becomes less.

a drastic change right? And so uh yeah if you're in quite a bit of them, you could order in two ounce. If you're ordering just a few of them, then just stay with one ounce and then just order more right? Um, what will happen? 159? Look at that. from going from two ounce to three ounce is not much. Oh look at that.

Oh you can't go four rounds. Okay, so you can even get there. Yeah, if you're gonna order a bunch of them, just order three ounce. Um now you will pay more shipping because the copper is heavier and so you know if you get a hundred of one ounce as opposed to 103 ounce right then there you.

If it's the same thickness then it will be. These will cost more to ship because there there's more copper in there. So anyways, this is uh PCB way. support them.

They're my only Channel sponsored in the YouTube channel here and these guys do great. They help, There's a full community here you can buy and you can go and check all my other designs. Alright so there you go there is the bus Bars finally available I know I said I would make these available long ago months ago and finally I'm getting around to do it. So there you go.
So starting today, you can go and download those and you can order those directly from the PCB makers yourself so you can save some money. Okay, thank you. We'll see you you guys on the next video. See you bye foreign foreign.

7 thoughts on “Lev60 custom pcb busbars 55mm 43mm diy- pcbway”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars richtate says:

    What design software do you use?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jeremy stover says:

    Link to those 12vlt distros (looks like 3 inputs) and please create some for seths glowe batteries that can/will handle 600amp+

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aerox says:

    My experience with vias is not that good, I needed for higher currents a lot of them to be able to pass current to the other side effectively. Is there a specific reason to use only this number of vias? I could see significantly better performance with more vias, especially in areas where you can put a lot of them (edges or even adding them to the middle section). Normally 0,35mm vias could carry only like tiny amount of current, so I would probably use more of them if you plan on stacking it. But I have to say that the 12V/24V PCB looks great!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars UToobRandomness says:

    Seems like to get pricing, you have to make a login at pcbway… is the price aggressive enough to make it cheaper than getting copper bar stock, hacking it to length & drilling holes in it?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eurymacheus says:

    Great content as always ! Thanks.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Broom says:

    FYI, the aluminum ones I was sent with my 48V PCB run hotter than the rest. I brought i up to Jag35 support and they DGAF because it's not hot enough with a test load. ANYWAY, if you have a temp sensor, put it on those.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! X sound!!! USA says:


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