All right, Video time. We're going to be talking about a 48 volt battery. This is an update on the 48v uh custom box that we're making for the L 60 cells, right? So done a few mods, uh revisions to the design and we're going to go through them here. Uh, just a bit.

Okay, so here's the first uh revision on this plate right here. which is the compression plate that go on both sides. Uh, we fold it up on the top and on the bottom because these were flexing a little bit and so adding another bend on the top makes it a lot more rigid right even though we're using aluminum. Uh, and it's light.

which is we want to keep this light cuz the batteries already weight a lot. So also, the other thing that we did is here. We added all these holes here that match the French cleat that we have decided to use and so now when you put it in there, the same volts that will attach this to the case here will also will hold the French cleat. Uh, and so that is going to be.

You know, less hardware and easier to install. Second change that we did is now we've used these little caps. We found them in China and uh they're really cheap I think it's like $5 worth of caps and these go over the little um the the 10 mm nuts are they 10 mm I think they're 10 mm and so when you put the top over here the case the you know this case right here then these will can actually support the case there. and so if you happen to flip this battery upside down, well this all this rubber here is going to hit and it's not going to short out right? Um so that's another one of the changes.

Now let's look at what we got going on here with the front end right? So obviously I'm going to try and use six gauge wire right? Uh, 200 uh de three wire. So this I don't know if it can handle the BMS is rated at 100 amps. so we're going to do this I know all the ones that are coming out of factory. they have two conductors.

uh but they're thinner than this I think they're seven or eight gauge I Tried 10 gauge and that's not enough to do continuous 100 amps. So then we have to go up right? So I don't know if we're going to do the uh you know two conductors or we can get away with doing one six gauge cuz the runs are small here so we're going to keep an eye on the temperature. We'll do some tests but right now I have it wired as with one um then uh I mov the uh as you can see this bus bar here PCB thing. um it's a different one I used to have all these connectors right here right? and so there was kind of in the way there.

so I just move everything to the side here and here's the connector. then I cut those in there and then I just wired them. So now it's a simple connection going from the the bottom over there to the top couple. Zp ties keeps it nice and neat.

Uh, now these are uh 17 uh balance leads and there's 18 wires so that means you have to put two of them together and some of these Bms's they do it easily. they just leave it out the end so you just tie in whatever's left. but on this one it's not. It's somewhere in the middle, it's I think it's exactly in the middle.
so the only way to find out which ones you have to tie in together is by contacting the the the seller and then they sent you a little diagram and then you look at it and then it's like oh okay, that's where it's at. So that's what I did here and that's where it's at. Um, other than that, what else do we got? Oh these uh things that I have here. Now these are the the Uh terminals that I've chosen to do and the reason why I'm doing this is because these are cheap and everything else that you can buy over there.

one of them it's it's uh, you have to use double like this so that you can have a a cross right like a one is the power coming in and then the if you're the other one. Dy chains to more of these cuz usually what you end up doing is using multiple of these batteries so you need two of these uh and so the ones that are available in the market. they're either kind of not nasty. you know the cheap ones and the nice ones are really really expensive.

I mean like expensive comes out to be like 40 bucks just to have some uh, some terminals there right? and so I'm I trying to see if this is going to work. This is just PCB stuff. This is a couple cents Pcbs and these are really cheap. Like a dollar A120 $150 each I think right? So now you're looking at less than $5 worth of those Now it might be too much work to put this together cuz that's like a bunch of pieces that you put together.

Then you got to solder it here. Now you got to use time to you know, got to wait till this big beefy like copper cable and then all these things heat up. So time time is money and so this might end up being more expensive than just buying the expensive ones and then put them in there cuz you can put them really easily right? they already come put together. Uh, we will try a run of these and see how well they work and then if we could actually do them for less money than having the fancy ones right? So so that's where it's that.

uh I have the now the front here I have uh worked out reworked out all the dimensions so that there everything kind of works and so I think this is uh a nice one I added the switch here cuz we didn't have a switch before and now we found a nice spot there. um other than that now we just have to put it together and then put the cover and then put the handles and see how this feels. this is already attached to the box there I have several screws attached to the thing you I think in the final version we're going to have more screws in there but right now I just kind of want to put it together. Uh so let's do that.

let's finish it up. Let's uh, connect this cable to the battery there and then put the cables and then put the top and then we'll we'll pick it up from there. All right. Another one of these things that uh we kind of figured out right now is how to connect all the uh or how to position all the install the temperature sensors.
So right now all I did was just put Captain tape there and then Captain tape the edges there. Now we put you know one here, one there, one there and right here. so they're kind of spread out through all the cells at least every quadrant of cells. Uh, we're going to see if that works.

Uh, but there's also that glue. That white glue glue if you know what it is. If you know where to get it, put it in the comments here. We could also get that I have some stuff that I ordered but it was really hard to get and so I need something that's readily available so that we can recommend people to use that now.

Also, maybe to run these in the future. Maybe I'll make some little holes so that you can easily put like Zp Tise in here or something so that um, we can do this and and you know, doesn't look shoddy and stuff. So let's connect the main positive cable now and see if it starts up. Boom.

We just connected it and now. Oh look at that. we got lights. Uh, there we go.

Well, it's blinking I don't know what that means, but it does need to be charged. that is for sure. Uh, let's see. does this work? Huh? Does the thing work I don't know the power button.

Works We're going to have to look into that. It's connected all right. We're going to have to look into that power button and why it's not responding in there. But let's let's put the cover on this thing and just try it out For all right and there we go, look at that box.

The only thing we have to do is paint it and of course you know this is this. This hole right here is for the one that's hanging on the wall right and this face is for that. The only difference is going to be this screen is going to be over here and here is going to have a you know this is where the cables are going to go in and out. Oh actually we right here so maybe this is just going to be covered.

Um yeah here's uh, here's the one that's made for for that and then uh these are the handles that I come up with. Got to figure out how to redo these handles cuz they didn't uh they're too sharp so we had to figure that out but we have to make that because you have to be able to put them from the front and there was nothing that I could find. Um also this it's weird it's not working but maybe it's just cuz the battery is dead. let's see here.

So when you put yeah, see uh it's 47 volts divided by 16. That's like below 3 volts right? So thing is battery is like it's dead like there's zero state of charge right here. So what we have to do is charge it up, see if it charges and then just run through the BMS. There might have to be some setup that has to go on through the BMS and stuff, but uh, as far as the Um mechanical here I think I'm pretty much done.

We're going to I'm going to try to paint that one and see how good we can do it and then we can put it, hang a few of these in the wall I think I have like five of these boxes. Now we'll get to see how that goes and then any of the changes, revisions to the thing and then I Guess we can order the first batch of these. Um, the only thing that is going to be really painful is ordering the Bmss. I have uh, a few of them on order right now and they just take forever, right? And they're expensive, so it's not like I could just order.
you know aund of them. Uh, because it would be a lot of money. um and I don't even know if we're going to be selling these, but I we'll just play by ear. We'll order a few, we'll put a few of these kits up there and then if it, if you guys do decide that that you like this idea and stuff and you want to buy it, then we'll order more and then we'll order more and more and then we'll eventually you'll stock them and sort of stuff, right? So this is where we're at.

like this now. this is a full-fledged battery. Pretty pretty common to what's out there. It's got every Uh feature than all the commercially available batteries have 48 volt batteries, right? And so I'm hoping that I'm going to be able to offer these at Uh at a discount so that you can.

You know you can be incentivized to by the kit by the CES and then put it together yourself and then we'll see how we can Shi a few of these, build a few of these inhouse here and then ship them out. All right. So here's a quick little update: I'm trying to charge this pack and it wasn't letting me. and so then I decided because I've been messing around with these so much I kind of broke this little screen here uh, a while back.

but I Just you know, because I'm still working on the mechanical of this, then I just put the screen here. but I have a good one here and so what I'm going to do is I'm going to check to see if the cells are right, right? So what you do. This is the cool thing about using this: BMS and any of these types of Bms's right. Um, check it out.

So pack info you click enter so it's 47. It's kind of low. It's like it's like zero state of charge, right? So it's low, but it should allow you to charge it. It's not critically.

it's not like overly discharge. So what you do is you go down capacity, temperature, cell info enter So then here it lets you see like all the cells. cell one is at 3 volts, cell two is at 3 volts, cell 3 is at 3 volts and four 3 volts so that's all fine. Uh, you go down 5 through 8 is fine N9 and 10 they're low.

Look at that 2.3 and 2.8 volts so that might be the problem. That's the reason why this BMS doesn't let me charge this. Um and then 13 and 16 they're they're fine. They're three.

These are brand new sales. but I don't know if I made a mistake I think I just I absolutely did not pay attention when I was building this because again I'm trying to figure out the mechanical. not really the thing I just kind of got excited and then just built this whole thing cuz I'm I'm up to that point right? So I think I might have grabbed those cells and those were like the ones that I used to check capacity. Maybe I don't know, but I'm just going to so I can get going here I'm just going to quickly charge those two two 3 volts and then once everything is balanced then I'm hoping that the BMS is going to let me actually charge through here.
Uh, if not, then we'll figure it out What the the reason is it is it is blinking run here which is um, it seems like well basically saying like it's not, There's no alarm, but it's blinking Which means that then there's also a reset here. If that doesn't work then I'll press it and if not then I guess I'll ask the the Uh, the seller of the BMS to see if there's a troubleshoot um procedures. You know to see why this BMS is not does seem to be working on these brand new celles Now I know the this is a un balance pack so let me balance it and then we'll go from there here. I'm charging at Uh 18 amps uh just to 3 volts that one and then we'll charge the other one using a variable uh voltage and power.

um Power Supply right? These are available on Amazon all over the place so these are super easy to use to charge. Uh, batteries, balance them and you know, just very very very useful tool to have. By the way, I Just got the shelves or a sample shelf for this box here. This used to be a Tesla Supercharger and we're going to.

We just gutted it and we're going to put batteries in here. So I'm going to turn this into a battery box that we can potentially actually put this outside we can bolt It To The Ground put it in there and then put a plug and an inverter on the other side and then we could have like a kind of a standalone charger. you know? Um, so anyways I'm this is going to be a video on the whole project, but what I want talk? It's like I got the shelf and I got it. There's a a A an actual more affordable material and it's um, galvanized steel and this stuff is really nice.

Look, it's shiny and because this galvanized obviously it doesn't corrode. That's the whole point about the galvanizing process, right? So I think I'm going to order the battery boxes with in this material. We can save some money and you could potentially leave this like this because it's galvanized so it doesn't rust. Um, so it could save you the time and money and effort of paint it and stuff.

and I think you could also paint this I'm going to Google this to see I think there's no problem painting this this is this is just has a little bit of lead I think on top or something so that it doesn't rust that you know it's a little bit more rust resistant. Uh I'm hoping this is going to work better. All right here we go and it's actually charging. Look at this uh pack status here we go: 49 volts.
I'm charging at 10 amps, charging at 10 amps through the thing here. Now the alarm was a little bit on for a little while but now it's off so that's all it was. It was the the cells were mismatch. There was below 3vt cells in there and so I just charged them up a little bit.

Now we're charging the entire pack. Uh nice. this is going to work. so we'll I'll post this later once it's fully charged and then you know we'll test it.

all right. Thank you for watching this video. Next video we'll have these. uh, put them up on the wall and then kind of connect them, turn them on, put an inverter and then uh, see how it goes.

We also have to paint them because this is this is getting rusty. Look at that, see that's not good. Oh one last thing, let me show you where we're going to install. uh, our first four of those boxes in here.

This right here is our new Warehouse We're going to put this is 24t high so we can put a ton of battery pallets up here. right? So you hit a rock there. No. So we're uh, anchoring down the things in here.

We just installed our LED lights, but here is where where those batteries are going to go. Uh, this right here is our emergency switch. manual transfer switch. We going to install this in here, Then we're going to install an inverter and then we're going to put those packs in here.

maybe one on top of the other one? I Don't know we we yet to see that. but uh yeah, the four first four are going to go here and we're going to test them on this building right here for our backup. All our backup needs. The weird thing about this building and all these commercial uh buildings that I have is that they have three face power, right? So yeah, you basically have to like just use two of the faces.

Uh, and then that's how we're going to use it because we I don't have a big equipment here. it's just regular stuff. But if I ever needed to charge like a car fast like put on like a fast DC charger somehow I'm ready to go. This will do.

Uh, 100 amps each each leg. So 300 amps w.

13 thoughts on “48v diy box for $479 lifepo4 lev60 cells”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Q says:

    This channel is so cool if you don’t like the products that are on the market, you could just build it exactly the way you want it

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tlteal says:

    Have you thought of selling these to those of us who aren't going to put all of this together?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! ⚡IGOR KVACHUN⚡ says:

    Yes akb👍⚡🔋 💡

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jouni Kyyrönen says:

    is 6 kake 32mm2

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob Withoff says:

    I love seeing when things that you create don't work the first time.
    This is a really awesome project. Thank you.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Koelker says:

    This all sounds great, but the zero warranty disclaimer is pretty scary, you could get a whole shipment of junk cells, and have no recourse. That does not seem reasonable.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Glenn West says:

    Powder coat would be better than paint

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jaime Valdez says:

    I have a 96V system for my shop. can they take the amperage if i set the up in a 96V arrangement?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TechBoxReview says:

    Awesome project. Keep up the good work mate 👍

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Quick Quote says:

    Excellent video and excellent design! Did where did you have the openings in the faceplate cut?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tubol Moto says:

    where can we buy your case?:

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars matej.m.rejsek says:

    This is pretty exciting! I'm following this closely because your development of this particular 48v box is dovetailing nicely with the money I'm saving up for a v1.0 system at my house. In a perfect world you'd offer all these component parts on your site and I'd be able to order it all and we'd be able to refer to a step-by-step video you'd make expressly for this battery.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CheApAss FPV says:

    @jehugarcia E6000 type adhesive / glue is probably what your looking for in order to hold wires / temperature sensors in place. E-6000 is a Polyurethane Industrial Adhesive. I use it in all my electronic projects. You can get it in white also. * I would recommend using some adhesive also on the balance leads where they connect to the screw terminals! Also on any connection / plugs they do not come loose during shipping! The E6000 is also perfect for that!

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