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Either today I want to talk to you about Starlink or at least my experience with Starlink. There it is. You see it right there. So I ordered this dish on day one.

as soon as you were able to place a pre-order I went and put a pre-order right. But I want to say because I live in California's Inland Empire right? It's kind of like a suburb, but it's it's you know City Um, they didn't send it to me right away. They sent it to a bunch of people before that people that were in rural areas that there was no internet connection. There's because that's where it seems to work best, right? So I got it I don't know.

maybe a year ago and then I just kept it in the Box didn't actually use it, set it up, played with it a little bit and then about a couple months ago I decided to test it. What happens here is that my internet comes through a coax cable. Uh, this cable probably right here. this is this is my internet comes today, coaxial cable and what happens is that it's fast, but it's very intermittent.

so as I'm watching TV for example then everything will freeze and then you know I'll play with it and mess with it and stuff. and then as you know by the time that I actually want to get up and then try to go and see the thing like it comes back it's It's just just enough to screw you know with your whatever you're doing online and then by the time you want to get on the phone, call some or something, then it's back right and so it's kind of annoying and it has happening all the time and it's always happening and so I thought well let's get uh, let's set up this. uh Starling because I have it there and I haven't been using it and let's see uh how well it works. So I'd set it up and then I connected several things like my phone.

My computer would enter like uh, will, uh, connect to it my TV and what happens is that in those last two months what ends up happening is that I get to notice when this thing now uh is intermittent right? because my TV stops working and then I go and look, oh, which network is it connected? oh yeah, it's the startling Network and then I switch it over to my other one and then I continue watching whatever I'm doing the same thing with my computer. if it's slow, if I'm uploading a video, whatever, then you know it's like slow. then I glitches like oh, which which network is it connected connected to the starlink and then so I know this is just as uh, intermittent as the coax cable that is coming to my house. Why? Because for the past two months I've been using it primarily as my main thing and then I have to constantly keep switching it back to the regular internet that I have, right? So of course, this is because this is uh City I Live in a city, it has a lot of people I don't know there might be too many customers here that have it and we're all connected to that same little satellites that are going by it, right? Uh, and so that's the reason why this works really good in rural areas where there's no other internet, but in City areas or in you know, uh yeah, with people who are more populated then this this is that isn't good as good because a lot of people are connected to it and so therefore the uh bandwidth is a bit slow, right? I Guess every station that connects to that same radio up in the satellite, right? Uh, we'll slow it down because now you have to share that connection and so that's what it is.
I give you an example. So my regular connection, uh, coax connection. It's sometimes it's like 30 to 50 megabits per second download speeds. This one is usually like, you know, 15, maybe 15 20 megabit download speeds.

and then the uploads, pizzas I've never seen it above 10. uh and it's the same thing with the with my wired connection my coax connection it's about 15. but I think it's it's way quicker. it's more stable the Uplink the upload speeds right? and so that's why um I'm gonna take it down now this, that's it.

Uh, maybe what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get the RV service which is the service that you can turn on and off uh as you need it. If you're gonna need it this month because you're gonna travel somewhere, then you can just take this with you, set it up, and then just pay for that month. Um, but yeah, I think I'm gonna disconnect a monthly thing. It's about 135 dollars because I got the extra roaming thing.

Um, and so it's a bit expensive. It's more than what I'm paying at home to have it and so yeah. I I Think the only thing that is very, very cool about Starlink is that one if you could take it remotely anywhere, right? and so you can bring it with you and it will work even in super remote areas. If you end up somewhere in the middle of the desert or somewhere in Baja California or you take it to Hawaii For example, in the on the in the dry side of like Maui where there's no internet, there's no you know, electricity or whatever you could, you could connect this and you could be up and running right? You can go over there and stay over there and you can do work.

You can connect to the internet, you can I can upload videos and download and you know all this other stuff which is very, very cool. So there you go. This is just my experience with Starlink here in California and the Inland Empire not the greatest. It's great to be able to take it with you.

but yeah if you're looking at as a primary thing yeah I'd say the you might be wasting your time I Tried it, it didn't work as my primary things. not faster than what I have or it's not even better. you know, less intermittent than it. So there we go.

17 thoughts on “Is starlink worth it?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CraftyMulligar says:

    As long as it's line of sight with the satellite it's good don't worry people. 😉

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cashpot says:

    Sorry, you have more money than sense. Not activating for over a year, yeh! Read the bloody instructions or pay someone to do the job for you. Bet you are using Wi-Fi and not Ethernet. Move the dish away from the power cables. Don’t make ignorant bleeds before setting up properly. God, I wish I had money.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles Hage says:

    It should not matter whether you live in a city or a rural area 80miles away as both locations could be using the same satellite. So you are not sharing more bandwidth in a crowded city than if you lived in a rural area. Each Starlink satellite is planned to cover a 500 km diameter area. It is probably the interferences that may be the reason for intermittent service, either WiFi or the satellite signal getting attenuated because of bad signal to noise ratio. Good luck.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars evilvet says:

    how's your cell service? Verizon 5G home is way fast. i get around 300 down, 20 up.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrJoegotbored says:

    Jehu, if you're using wireless to connect all devices at home, try wired. I can't explain how much a difference it will make. Look into using the existing coaxial cables in your home as your network cables instead of running cat5 or cat6. Just make sure to put an entry filter on the coax cable coming into your house from the cable company. Using the coax as ethernet is way cheaper and just as fast. Google around for MoCA adapters (minimum of v2.5). You can get a good pair for around $100 to$150 depending on extra features; put one at the source (your modem) and one at your connections, like a 4 port switch (which itself only cost about $20). Some devices even have moca support built in, so you'd only need it at the other end. Using a wired connection for your fixed devices, like a TV or PC, makes the wifi wide open for wireless devices like your cell phone and cuts way down on frozen connections. You can also Google connection "bonding" which allows you to digitally join two internet connections together and combine their bandwidth! It's a bit advanced, but you can always skip that step and use moca without bonding. Make sure you read the instructions and you'll be happy with the result.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jesse Richards says:

    I just received mine in FL and have a similar issue, I can watch movies and download things because buffering smooths it out but I can't do gaming or facetime without freezing constantly… I hope more satellites fixes this as I think the dish is losing connection when it switches from one to another as they pass over, it needs to connect to several satellites at a time.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WJK says:

    It doesn’t matter which dish based satellite service one chooses, none are going to work well if your property doesn’t have a clear/unobstructed view of the sky. That said, at least Starlink is constantly adding more satellites, so the signal quality/stability will continue to get better from month to month.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Big Click TV says:

    I am 4 weeks with no help from StarLink. I want a wired ethernet to my laptop, desktop, and security camera .. and a WIFI I can turn on and off when I want. Any ideas? I have the StarLink Ethernet adapter .. but cant get my Apple Airport Extreme to ethernet and WIFI at the same time

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LeJimster says:

    Star link is perfect for rural where the only alternative is slow, slow satellite internet. For city usage it makes little sense.
    Sounds like there is a fault on your hardlined internet, i had a really bad patch with mine a few months back which left me without internet for hours at a time. It's really annoying because my internet historically is live 99.9% of the time, with the worst being some kind of hardware lockup that results in a "stuck session".

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars vmoutsop says:

    Your router should be able to combine and balance the bandwidth between both internet connections. Most every router has that capability.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sergio Lastra Vasquez says:

    You need a load balancer to join the two connections to patch the intermittent connection

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gavin Ferguson says:

    Btw I’m in the uk 2km from a town stuck on adsl on 3mb down .5 up no starlink available due to to many trees south of the house £500 to buy kit £90 per month 😢

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gavin Ferguson says:

    Think you nailed there’s only so much bandwidth in an area and it has to be shared out in chunks and every company sales pitch is at the max possible

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bee Gee says:

    If you think it sucks now wait until you get the RV service on it.. You will get about half the speed your getting now.. It is better than having nothing in the rural areas and I think thats where Starlink shines!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carol Kar says:

    I was on wait list w/deposit (& $99 price)for 2 years,,,,nothing. Then got notified that I could get RV starlink (now at the $149 price). I'm disappointed with performance. Over-promised, under-delivered.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Gene Jordan says:

    Definitely check with your local ISP about those low download speeds. I recently checked with my ISP and discovered that we were using an outdated cable modem that couldn't handle their faster speeds. We were getting well under 100 Mbps download speeds and should have been getting up to 300 Mbps.
    Since we got the cable modem from them, it was a simple matter to swap out the modem for a newer model. We instantly had faster speeds for both upload and download.
    The kicker is that they didn't tell us we had an old modem. I complained about that enough and ended up getting their advertised rate for new customers of $45/month for up to 500 Mbps download and up to 25 Mbps upload. That rate is locked in for 24 months, too.
    Competition has picked up in coax, wireless, and fiber-obtic Internet Service Providers lately. It pays to shop around.
    T-Mobile has a great rate for their ISP services, especially if you have them as a cell phone service provider because you get a discount for having two services. I'd have gone with them for that reason, but we recently switched to Mint Mobile for our phones.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben Wilson says:

    The fact that two completely different methods for internet had exactly the same issue is suspicious. Makes me think something else is the problem. I'm sure you have tried a different router and AP, since that would be the first guess. But it could also be any device on your network that might be messing with ARP or something and taking down the network periodically. Or a compromised machine maybe.

    A Starlink sat with a very high load could be slow, but it shouldn't have mini outages. Mini outages seem more like an issue where something gets worse and worse until a router watchdog triggers a reboot or reconnect.

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