Watch Seth's Test here :
Also make sure to give it a thumbs up and share the video as he will likely be attacked by the Audio Community for going against convention and proving that PCBs work well for Busbars.

All right time for a video guys! I need to give you guys an update about a video that I released about a month ago. If you are familiar with my uh Channel you know that a month ago I did a couple of videos that were saying one is like do not get ripped off by glow voltage uh by headways right and which I was trying to show that this person was, uh, will not trustworthy and he was kind of using lights and stuff right? Um, the reason why I was doing that is not because I care about him, it was because he had volunteered to test one of my products and so I felt that he wasn't being fair and he wasn't doing a proper test and when I brought this up to him he didn't He didn't agree at first right? and so that's why I thought well if people are gonna you know believe that my product's not good because of him then I guess I have to attack this character and that's what I went and did right. uh but then we went back and forth. you know I said you know he doubles down and then I kind of pointed out at some stuff that seemed like it was lies and now what happened there I think Seth turned well by the way, Seth turned out to be a very reasonable man right? I kept talking to him outside of you know, off the public View and we got to talking and we got to agreeing in a lot of things right and two and sets credits? that's uh, that's a sign of a big man I Don't know if I would have been able to do that right to kind of eat my own words or two.

maybe I admit that I was wrong in something I Think what happened with him is that he got hyper focused in the thing that he was doing right. He was proving. You know he's trying to prove that you couldn't put 500 amps through my bus bars and he was indeed able to show it. But what I was arguing was that it wasn't fair because he wasn't using the product or my my bus bars in the way that I intended them to be used right.

If he had built a thing the proper way then he would get a different result and he was like well, maybe but not really where I was like, no, really, try it and he agreed to try it and now he has actually done uh, a proper test What? I feel is a proper test right? uh and the results are quite different, right? And so he has released that in his channel and that again that shows a lot of Integrity man his part I Gotta give him props I want you guys to go and watch that video and then give him some props. give him some likes in that video because again it takes a lot to or I admit that you're wrong or you know, just kind of do the test and you know do the thing right. like I Want to say that I probably I would have more trouble than him. It takes me quite a while to like to I admit that I I'm wrong sometimes right? and so we all suffer from that stuff and we all do the same thing where we hyper focus on the thing.

we're just trying to win an argument. Uh, I suffer from that. Obviously it's at times too. uh.

but in this instance I think he's showing that he's got uh, you know character and he's an honest guy and he just you know got caught in this thing and whatever, he's not my enemy I you know that was very at the very beginning. it wasn't my thing too I got attacked him or whatever. it's just the fact that he was involved in maybe showing that you know my product was in as as good as I I Feel it is right and so that's why we kind of got back bite. Go check out his video.
I will put a link in the description of this video and then give him some props out because again that he's showing two characters there right? Okay, thank you. We'll see you guys on the next video. Bye.

12 thoughts on “I was wrong about glowevoltage”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tradersalt says:

    If only you played Ukulele while you did this video.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Noor Habib says:

    Sir where are you ?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Noor Habib says:

    Dear sir you use which brand battries?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roll2 Videos says:

    I've asked to test your product 🙂

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ugetridofit says:

    If it takes allot to admit your wrong, then you have little character to begin with.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Cole says:

    Awww you two guys kissed and made up. Wedding Bells ??? Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and the most important quote which thinking about it now, I think I made up along time ago. "Even at their best, people are ONLY going to do what THEY think is right" Understanding that has helped me in a lot of potentially pissed off and bad situations in life.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TechBoxReview says:

    It takes a lot to admit you are wrong 👍

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J Ram says:

    I can't say this situation paints you in a positive light. You may not recognize it but even in your attempt to make peace you where still very arrogant towards him and only tried to say that he is a bigger man because you would have had a hard time accepting your wrong. People make mistakes. You could have defended your case. Not shit on him and let him have a rebuttal if he still felt he was correct. I feel like you even admitted you didn't like the way his testing went down so you went on full attack and as a much larger influencer here you could have canceled his entire channel. Having run my own business and seeing how these collaborations work, if I where to be in your field I would be extremely cautious of working with you or being involved in business with you, the chance of you going off tilt is too great

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FalsePhilosopher says:

    This doesn't sound humble, it still sounds like some peen waving. Said something about felt the need to attack him then later says it was never his intent to attack him…bro sit down and eat some humble pie. That whole thing could have gone down way different, but it didn't. Don't get it twisted as i've been watching for years now so i'm not some rando hater but i'm not just going to pretend like I just watching the video I did and say its ok to throw tantrums and attack peoples character instead od the substance of the claim just because you are right about something. I get it that that's your baby but be more objective then emotional as facts speak for themselves where as feelings don't an just reflect upon you.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom111060 says:

    ( These glasses do not make the impression you should go for – they are a disguise and in some way irritating. For achieving a good (eye)contact with your viewers you should leave them aside.)

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt Kent says:

    Mad respect to you both.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Q says:

    Thanks for making the video maybe in the future reach out to him before and you can show him where he’s wrong then we don’t have bad things floating around on the Internet. Thanks for all you do. You’ve taught me a lot over the course of three years.

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