Okay, today we're going to check the capacity of those 2 KW hour LG 21700 cell packs, right? So here's our setup. We have a battery. It's fully charged. As you can see here, it's all.

the cells were, uh, started at 4.2 We have a meter, right? This is the one that's going to measure the Uh capacity there. and then it's going to 1 Kow uh grid tie inverter, right? So we're just taking the energy from that battery, shoving it right back into the grid at a rate of 900 watts. So about what is this about? 28 amps and we're recording this entire thing right here to make a time lapse so you can see the whole process. Uh, we start at 55 amp hours.

These are supposed to be 52 amp hours. Brand new. We'll see, uh, how far we get right? So start the test. All right.

So it's now 5:48 It's uh. we started this test. Uh, almost 2 hours ago, right? And it has used up the entire capacity of these cells. Uh, it doesn't tell me exactly.

Okay, let's stop this right here. and then we can rewind. But you see, the cells are down to 2.5 Um, down there there. Uh, the difference.

The Delta is 0139. These cells are very very well well matched. Which means that if at the top they're fully like balanced and then at the bottom they're fully balanced right? This is a little bit bigger than at the top because these are top balance uh cells due to the existing B BMS that used to be in there. But even at the very very top.

I mean this is like super low right? Uh, 24 volts? Uh, the entire uh uh module. Which means you, we took it too down. Like down too low, right? But even that here. Look the the cells are very well balanced.

So that means they're they're they're well matched cells. Now let's see how much we got. Okay, so I'm analyzing here and look the the battery went down all the way to 30 volts. That means each cell is 3 volts, right? And at that point we got about 50.

Just over 50 amp hours, right? And so then if we keep going down, then we got down to 29 volts and we got down to 3.63 out of 55, right? So this is 52. I Think 52 is right about here and it's at 26. Which means the cells are the max is 2.4 and then the max voltage is 2.7 right? So that's about that's 52 right there. So we got about 51 amp hours I Think right? So if we do this, let's see.

so at four, Yeah, at at 30 right? So each cell is at three, that's I think that's acceptable 0% even though these cells could go a little bit lower. but I would say three volts per cell, that's that's zero. And we have four amp hours left out of 55. So we got 51 amp hours.

All right. So remember this is a random Uh module off of the the pallet, right? So this is the first one that we grabbed. we took it apart, then I took the BMS off and then I'm designing our own custom BMS in here to put in there. but before I did that I'm like, let's see how you know how far off these are.

Uh, according to my source, these are new, um, unused modules. So basically they they didn't get put onto the robots. Uh, because the robot Fleet got the commission and something I don't know if I can I can't verify that information right? other than I can just do this test and right now we got 51 out of 52 amp hours that the module is listed at right. So I'm like, yeah, that's that's like 99% capacity, right? So these are these are very near 100% right? Uh, now, can can there be one that is degraded in the in the pallet right there? It It could be It's possible, right? So we're definitely not going to be able to check them all because this took like like 4 hours, 4 and 1 half hours to charge.
and then it took me almost 2 hours to discharge. This is a full day, right? Uh, and it's uh, about four kilowatt hours of energy being moved, right? So two kilowatt hours in and then you know, two kilowatt hours out. And so definitely we don't have the resources to be able to check and guarantee every single one of these modules, but we're just spot checking a few of them. You know, maybe I'll grab another one and I'll test it too I'll use it to make like a 72 volt module here like a like a you know, the whatever the the hardware you would need to do that and I'll make a video about that so we'll test a few of these.

but definitely when you buy these you're taking a bit of a gamble there. But but not a huge gamble because we are testing some and we have reasons and now evidence to believe that these are in fact new like our source says they were. So these modules are pretty good. Uh, every once in a while I get the urge to like hoard the like the best batteries that come through here, right? I get a lot of batteries that come in and then we sell them and stuff and through the years I have uh you know, kept some some of the best ones for myself.

um this is one of those. I I mean I'm like man I should keep these and I should build a very small, very light giant battery. you know, like a power wall or whatever. But the thing about these These are this energy density right here is good enough to use in cars, right? This is what's in the Rivan.

This, this is in what's in the Lucid This is what's in the Teslas right? Uh, some of the Teslas have still have 217s right? and so this is like you know, topof the line. Still, there's nothing. There's not much that gets better when it comes to energy density. There are in safety right in lifespan.

You know, Lithium orange phosphate is way better. But when it comes to smallest, lightest and with good power density, this thing can push like, you know, like 100 40 amps or something, right? And a tiny little pack like this? Um, yeah. this is as good as it gets. especially on the second hand, right? These are great.

They don't come often, so if you're looking for a really really good battery, don't wait on these because this is a small uh uh, pette that we got I Don't know if we're going to be able to get more I Know that? Uh, my competitors have gotten these before and they've only gotten small batches because then they they stop selling them right? So uh. also someone commenting that if it was the reason why they stopped selling them is because they were too far degraded and maybe it might be the case. But on the case this our supplier said that these are new unused ones and even though I can't again, I can't confirm that our testing is showing that that might be true. If these are not new, they're very lightly used.
Because they're They're uh, they're yielding. You know, like almost 100% In this case, like probably 98% uh. capacity. And so there we go.

If you're looking for really good battery right there, uh, click on the link. Uh, they're going to be at Jack 35.com Thank you for watching this video. We'll see you guys on the next one.

12 thoughts on “How much life is left on these lg2100 battery modules?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @2014andBeyonD says:

    Why exactly are you always wearing sunglasses inside?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @panospapadimitriou3498 says:

    mixing 3 of them on a good smart bms you can take even more on a splited 48v 150 amp …. even less losses!!! i could go 100% on em but taxes and geting here is double the cost !!!! europe scks

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @michaelrohrs7475 says:

    To save on charging cost couldn't you charge next one off the 1st one may not get you to 100% charge but should get you at least halfway if not 3/4 of charge.
    How much are they going to be?
    Per usual another outstanding video thanks for all you do.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @mannyfragoza9652 says:

    Ive fallen in love with the LEV60F batteries pre assembled 4 cell packs. Im going to buy as many pacs as i can or until the money runs out BTW is getting there. also i made a short video showing what im doing with the 2 4 cell packs.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @1969fallen says:

    Good batteries

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @seavil1 says:

    dont think control think intergrate

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @seavil1 says:

    dont join with tesla thay are the enemy. you were great before them

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @seavil1 says:

    i wasnt notified when you went on

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @seavil1 says:

    400k su and you have so called 8 thumbs up is not true

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @seavil1 says:

    youtoob is making you look bad trusdt

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @seavil1 says:

    trust me you are extremely important. the "system" is not making you public. we all need you 100%

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ionclaw7340 says:

    I was going to buy those… Then they disappeared 😅

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