Update to this video: https://youtu.be/61RTZIXCHys
Don't be mislead, buy headways from battery hookups (10% discount code JEHU) https://batteryhookup.com/products/module-with-32-headway-38120-hp-3-2v-8ah-24v?_pos=6&_sid=6f8640c35&_ss=r
The most affordable Headway Busbars - https://jag35.com/collections/new-arrivals/products/1000a-capable-12v-headway-bus-bar-kit-for-lifepo4
or buy assembled LEV60 12v 74Ah battery pack for same price as the Glowe battery when you use discount code "GLOWE" https://jag35.com/products/fully-assembled-12v-lev60f-battery-lifepo4?variant=40883998720115

Video Time it seems. Glow industry submit a rebuttal to my uh accusations that they're using lights, but in their haste I think they just made more false claims I Guess this guy's kind of lazy and sloppy and so it kind of shows anything. Anyways, let's look at the rebuttal, but before that it's just in case you don't know what's happening here. Let me just kind of set the stage.

I Have been having a feud with this fella right here. This genius here likes to for now months say that my Headway bus bars do not work. They fail. There's a ton of evidence, There's a ton of unhappy customers all over the Internet My argument is like hey, Brad where are these examples of uh, unhappy customers or failed bus bars of like all this stuff and he's never.

He's always just kind of deflects post a link to his group like just the thing. He doesn't actually post a link to the actual thread or the person. So I'm like okay, so you're just lying right? just lying. You like to lie about this thing and so as I'm having this go back and forth with Brad Seth from Glow Industries the subject This video interjected himself and said I have a set of those bars I will test it and I will put this argument to rest and I thought great, uh, independent third party will test These Bars and now I don't have to say believe me, I'm not an unbiased party and this this thing right? So I'm like this person is the right person.

He seems to be a little bit at the time I thought he seems to be somewhat knowledgeable. Okay so he's very sloppy and he just throws some cables in one of my bus bars. He does. You can't really see the numbers but he calls out numbers oh 200 degrees Nope these do not work.

These do not put out 500 amps right and so when I went and explained to him that I like hey you know this is not a proper test. you should probably put some cells in there and put several cables. Like most of these guys that are doing those levels those levels of power will do do that test. You know instead of this thing this this is not a proper test.

You didn't prove anything I can poke holes at it all day and you you didn't prove anything here right He goes well. no that's not true. Most people are using a single cable which is a lie most people that are trying to get 500 amps of the battery. Now that's a power level that requires several amplifiers I designed this bus bar so I'm like can you follow my instructions on how to use it so you can properly get the rating that I put in there and he's like man, you know I'm not gonna do he.

he just threw an extra cable. He's like begrudging. He was like yeah I'll throw another one in there. no no, you see now I desorn and so I was like, okay, so this guy is not a non-biased third party or at the very least, not capable of doing the thing right.

He wants to serve as an authority on the thing, but he doesn't actually have to do the work he probably doesn't say oh my God I have to go look for some cells, get some screws, screw it together, and like, uh, who wants to do that? can I just throw something like really quickly here, like an improper test, and then just be be done with it and then you know you guys can take me as a serious person Seth The answer is no, we can't take as a service person if you're not gonna seriously give an attempt to do the thing. And so I thought to myself, why would this guy have a vested interest in discrediting my product? You know he doesn't doesn't seem to sell once I looked him up, it doesn't He doesn't seem to sell headways. And then a few days later I saw that he was advertising one of his batteries. He does build batteries and sells up to this group and he makes some false claims.
He said that his battery's the four cells that he was promoting are better than a 64 amp power Headway Bank of used Headway Banks right and I thought oh that there we go. He's trying to stop people from buying used Headway cells because he wants people to buy his cells. This is the connection there, right? That is the bias that he's got against. Okay, so this is the guy that offered himself as an expert to prove that my that my product was no good but yet he's using lies to try to promote his things.

I'm like okay so this guy is kind of dishonest. Let me make a video. I'm gonna discredit him because obviously if he's the reason why people will believe that my bars are are not good, well they should note that that guy's a liar. The guy is.

it's not above lying to push his product right? So I made a video and now this is the rebuttal. He basically is trying to defend himself, but in classic form. He's just making again more lies, more claims that are untrue. So let's watch the video he titled his video Jack 35 is ripping you off.

Here is the proof. Okay, let's watch it. Hey good evening everyone. Hope you're doing well.

Uh, voltage here. And recently Jehu Garcia Jag 35. Uh, pretty popular Nmd in the battery battery world has published a video about don't get ripped off by low voltage by used lithium cells instead. Um, let's just not even go into the fact that they're used cells.

They're nearly end of life. They're coming from cell phone towers. They are headways. And headways are a great cells.

Don't get me wrong, they're just kind of dated and really old. Um I've gotten cells from these Super Beasts I've tested them. you can look on my channel I Have lots of information about life before. So he hooks up a bank and says that some cells he has will outperform four of these.

First off, so he gets together a bank of cells. Um, it would be 48 amp hours. so 24 cells he's selling them each for I think 11.99 So 12 to sell so you have 480 in cells there. Okay, that's first lie there.

I I Told him this before he uploaded this video that I don't sell Headway sales that he was more than welcome to go and check and that he was going to look full if he claimed that I sell 12 used Headway Let me explain. Okay, so when you go into Jack 35 which is what he did, then you can see all the products that I have in there. But then when you click and you search for headways right then what happens is that all the headways, uh, listings will come up right. and so there we go.
look at our bus bars. We have a the 64, the 96 and then over here in the bottom there's the Super Beast one and then there is the 1199 right? So that's what he's talking about. It says 11.99 right? But what happens is when you click on it he doesn't. The first thing that says here is that this product is Ling to a third-party affiliate.

Battery Hookup I'm not selling this product. it's a redirect link and when you click on the bike, you know pay attention to the to the thing there to the URL It takes you to battery hookup and now you can buy your 6.99 The reason why that says 11.99 is because when I made this listing back a couple years ago, battery hookup was selling these batteries at 11.99 Now if you want to say that it's kind of stupid that I haven't updated this I will agree with you I should probably change that to the actual price current price because I would probably be selling more through battery hookup and I will be collecting more Affiliates right? I also sell new cells right? that I don't sell I don't you know? I'm just again another redirect to Zrico batteries which is one of these uh, sellers that is partnered up with the Brad the guy that I'm arguing with right? So again, I don't sell 14 sales new sales I don't sell used twelve dollar sales I'd redirect to the sellers who do versus our 150 salt pack that comes with balancing. It comes with bussing. Okay, so definitely don't get ripped off.

Go spend twice as much to get a very similar level of performance. Whatever. Um, the next thing that I wanted to address was he's accusing us of trying to rip people off over and over again. Where if you check out his website again, back to the used.

headways that he is defending so adamantly, he's selling them for 11.99 He didn't even change the picture from Super Battery Hookup: If you go to Super Battery Hookup.com you're going to find the exact same thing for 6.99 Seven bucks. So he buys them from Super Battery hookup and then doubles the price list some on this website and doesn't even post his own. Graphics It's the same. Is this guy slow? or I mean I I Think the guys just sloppy.

He did actually went and checked. He was like, oh, let me see what dirt I can pull up on this guy? So yeah, obviously I'm about to rip you off. That's why I'm buying used cells and reselling them once again, telling you they're the best thing. Um, next thing.

PCB Bus Sports It is one one ounce of copper that's like point zero three millimeters thick or point three millimeter stick. It ends up being like point zero zero one three, four inches. Uh, I'll post it down below like what the actual measurement is, but it's very small. The amount of copper Terrifyingly small for calling it.
Good for 500 amps and now he's releasing thousand amp versions. Here's the test that I did. So here's where you throw like this: Sloppy. Just two wires on each side of that thing, right 85 degrees.

Okay, go ahead and put the switches. Okay, so he showed like a hundred degrees, 130, 100 and 60 100, 186. So far 160. That's all I saw I never saw 180.

he's putting the the probe out of the camera over 300 degrees Fahrenheit Now okay so Mom and Carly he's like 235. why is it going back down to 200.? can you? can you actually show a proper test where you we can see the temperature 300 degrees and that was only after a few seconds. So yeah, who knows where you were pointing that thing at? Again, it's very sloppy. like I'm not gonna accept that.

Okay I'm gonna do another high current test. So apparently now he went and put several wires. like he should have said in the first place, but still no cells. Again, not showing the pro.

he's just thank you. You're already getting spikes back up to almost 300. where's the 300? He showed a thing. it was like a 140.

Am I Am I wrong about this guy. Does this case seem Shady like he just seems like it's right here in the middle right there the hottest. There's no current going through the middle but sometimes for a few seconds. where's where is the 380? We have to believe you.

I'm questioning oh you didn't have all this house in there. Okay so he knows that he did something wrong. Oh you're gonna say you didn't have the cells there? Yes I'm gonna say that because this design with a bunch of cells in there and when you test it that way then you get a different result. But why is it that you will not actually properly test this thing? Is it? Maybe because you're gonna come up with a with a different result and now you're gonna have to admit that you don't know what you're doing, that you're trying to lie and mislead people Maybe I need to hear her there.

No, there is either here or there and it'll make a difference we're gonna call. The PCP is fine, you know I've I've bought this one before he did sideways over a client, but why write 500? answer if it doesn't support 500 Days Um Next let's address the performance that he he puts a Headway on there because 48 amp hours of Headway that is a 4s6pic. You know I tested Headway cells and some of them do. They put out the 50 amps per Fort Uh, that would put it right around the 300 amp mark more typical in my experience and you'll see these videos down below both of them.

both the 30 and the 50 same cells uh, both came from Super Beast just like what he's selling and some tested as low as 30 amps of output per four. so that could theoretically put you much much lower than that performance. So I Can't help but notice that he also sells new Headway cells. He says the ones that he tested were used Maybe Um, but again, that's that's just the nature of buying using lithium cells is you don't know what you're going to get.
So okay. I'll agree with him that it is the nature buy new cells that you might get some that don't perform the same. but battery hookups been selling uh, headways for years and there's plenty of evidence in there that you will get good sales. I that's what I do day in day out I buy and resell used batteries and I test use old batteries and I'm like there's plenty in life.

There's plenty of performance in used batteries to be worth the thing. Now he's questioning that I these cells came from this module I just bought it from battery hookup. This is how much I paid I took it apart on camera and then I built this pack and then I tested it now I Is it possible that you can get really, really degraded cells? It is possible. Is it likely not as likely as he says.

So in a few words, what he's doing is saying: look, my battery is better if you just happen to get the worst cells that you can get while you're buying this used one. Okay, that's a I don't know you but that to me seems like it's a a bit dishonest, right? It'd be like me saying, you know what when I walk into a room I'm the tallest guy and then you're like, well, you're five five, what are you talking about you you and then I show you a picture of me instead of from in front of like 100 midgets and I just happened to be in a convention and I'm like, see here's the proof. You see anybody taller than me and so you're gonna be like, well, technically that one time you were taller than everyone. but if you're just randomly walk into any room in any place, you're not going to be the tallest person and I'll be like yeah, yeah, but my statement was correct and it's honest because that one time it was real.

That's what he's doing here. Yes, you can get some cells that are completely degraded, but there is not likely most of these. I Didn't go looking for good sales. These are literally the two modules that I just bought.

You may look out for 480 from his website and be able to beat her 100 false, not 480. if you do the math here, it's a hundred dollars worth of spells that I paid two battery hookups so you can pay because I I gave you the link to go get it like us many of my videos show I show you where I buy the stuff and I go go get it next. He's posting in the comments in his video that you know we've already bowed to his will and we've reduced the price of our bus bars. And that's what he wants to do because he is doing this for the good of the consumer.

Yeah, no, we've never sold Bus Sparks ever. Okay, this this guy's just an idiot. Okay, he doesn't get that. this whole thing is happening here involves three parties.
it's me arguing with Brett and then he interjected himself. So now so when I say these clowns I'm in him and Brad right? So I'm not lying. When Brad sent me a message, here's a message and it says that they're going to lower their price of their bus bars. Now That seemed to be also another lie because last time I checked that uh discount code that he made you will Not Stop us does not exist.

A Draco which is the the business that he partnered with to push uh, cheap bus bars that it made to compete with mine. That's not something we've ever sold. However, if you go to his website right now, there's even a glow special. So just the opposite is true.

He has lowered his prices because of our product. That is true. I have Lords So I can match a better battery for the same price because this guy. So again he says it's for the good of the market.

Then he also says competition is good. But I'm going to put you out of business. Um, you know we reached out to him. We have some.

Yeah, the reason why they deserve to be put out of business is because they're shady and they're lying, right? And there's deceitful. And I mean uh, well, that's not good for business. That's not good for customers. If you're lying about your product, well, you should be, But you shouldn't be allowed to.

You know, at least freely operate as a business. and you know, like you shouldn't be able to lie to your customers. At least be honest. Be honest.

Stop saying my bars don't work and start promoting your things. You know in a more honest way though. like do the don't say they're better than headways because it's easily approvable that you're wrong that you're lying Results: When we ask them, you know, Why Is he acting like an aggressive Chihuahua Why you know what is yours. That's right.

So he knows he's in a conversation with three people. Yes, this is. this is by the way right here. This is me talking to Brad and telling him like he Brad banned me, for instance, groups right from his group.

and then another guy actually had me banned from another one of the groups. So these guys don't want me in their groups because I'm steering the pot over there, you know. I'm I'm uh, I'm an obstacle for them to keep lying to customers and keep selling batteries at uh, inflated prices or prices that are probably not fair, right? And so that's why I said hey, I'm going to aggressively Target your audience: you were not in my radar now because you are lying about my things and now you're preventing me from being able to to defend myself in your platform I'm just gonna Target your audience the uh, the 12 volt competition audio uh Market is it's a tiny tiny little market of mine I sell to a bunch of other markets right? And so I'm like, oh, okay, now you're now you're getting my attention. Uh, this is true before I started selling these bus bars here.
Super affordable bus bars. These guys were asking not his particular, but like people that he was supporting Brad right? because he's an influencer and he has a lot of influence in that in that Community right? So he was pushing other guys that were selling bars that were about three hundred dollars. Literally, there were more than the cells that you would want to use them with right? And so now because I came in and my bars are doing so good because a lot of people are buying them and they're appearing in the grooves there. Now they're being forced to lower their prices and now they're They're like, you know, around 150 or something like that, you know? And by the way, the cheapest ones.

now that Brad has started making. so now he became product Pusher A product designer. A product I Don't know what you want to call it A manufacturer I think he likes to call himself a manufacturer even though he doesn't manufacture a lot of things I think he's got somebody else according to this message. Now he says that they are going to give a discount code to actually be priced below mine which I'm like great.

There you go. Now you're pushing product that is not so expensive that you have to lie to people and say that mine's on word so that they can buy yours right? Okay, stop using lies. How about you actually compete like the rest of us with price and actual specs right? And performance? Now let's talk about why he posted this video. Why Now he's offended because he posted on a post about this about his new love 60 songs.

Yeah, this is where I'm like oh, you're lying about these I was like oh I get why you're lying above my bus Parts I see why your vested interest in trying to discredit headways and I said oh, those are weak you're showing. For 50 more you can buy these batteries and they're way better than yours. The specs are way better Now He didn't like that they actually banned me after this like this instantly. Boom Bam right? And so I'm like okay, all right.

So he posts his left 60 kit and you know I was advertising these on one of the the DIY Lithium Forum groups and you know he's talking about Oh by my love 60 cells instead I Never said that. but okay I can tell you mathematically they're not if you look. He tested the internal resistance to these cells at 0.7 million. Now he's saying that the 600 amp uh rating on these cells that is it's it's inaccurate right? That might he might be true in there.

This is the manufacturer uh ratings right? This is not my tested ratings for that application. Uh, but the fact that mine that those cells that are now priced the same prices is are better than his. That is not a lot that is true is more battery. They could put out more power.

They could put Power for lung right? So it's like he's gonna cling to the one tiny little thing they have. Like what tiny bit less internal resistance. That's the one thing that this cells are better than this one's at and he's gonna cling to that and he's gonna be like This is the reason why not. Mine are better.
So these have a lower internal resistance and voltage drop is a direct calculation of the internal resistance of the battery in the current if you take those two numbers and you can find your voltage drop. So I guess he got really irritated when I quoted the math at him like no, these will not put out 600 hands because he advertised them to 600 amp cells So um again, a really low voltage. Maybe it may burst it back. That's the one.

The one thing that he said that it might be actually true, right? I haven't tested these to 600 amps at least not on camera. So but I I didn't get offended. You immediately banned me I got offended at the fact that you banned me that you had your buddy ban me I don't know how that went on. but immediately I was banned and so then I I wasn't able to answer him.

That's why I'm making this video because I'm like, okay, you don't want to engage me in your platform. Okay, I'll make my video my own, you know I have my own audience. The next thing I want to address is he. he keeps circling back to this: oh I only test it for a 30 second burst run.

Okay, so I don't know what this is about. Honestly I don't think he understands that The fact that if you're gonna say a battery is better, but it's only able to stay above 12 volts, staying over 12 volts when you're using a 12 volt battery is very important to them because they say that that will prevent your amplifiers from frying. It's true, right? The lower the voltage, the higher the amperage and then you exceed the rating of your thing, then your mosfets will blow up or whatever. So staying over 12 volts is important to them for this particular application, right? And so when you post a battery and he says hey, look at these are great, They can stay above 12 volts.

Uh, when they're putting 250 amps right? But then when when you're only doing it for 30 seconds and I'm like oh, 30 seconds I mean like that's a walk in the park for myself? Let me show you a 10 minute. It's more like an eight minute test where they stayed above 12 volts the entire time, right? This is the reason why I'm saying I'm laughing at I'm gonna like you're saying your cells are better and you can only do 30 seconds above 12 volts. So that's the reason why I laugh and I don't No, I don't think he gets them I don't This next part doesn't make sense to me. That's odd that that's so, um, unusual for him because again, look at this video here.

So 200 amps and the second to 12.7 260 to 12.6 volts 300 and it's at 12.4 10. 3 20. He literally writes down the voltage the second the amp hits that number. There's no burst test.

There's no 30 seconds. His burst testing is like a second. So I'm not sure why he's so offended by a 30 second burst test. Okay, no.
I I I'm like, why do I need a burst test like I'm trying to prove that these batteries are better than yours. So I'm going to do a continuous which is harder to do for yourself. but I don't know how he doesn't understand that like he showed me testing a battery for minutes and showing higher amperage number. This guy is completely out of his debt.

First testing is like a second, so I'm not sure why he's so offended by a 30 second first test. We'd rather make sure that the cell isn't going to explode at that rate, but again, we're just out to rip you off and you know, charging stupid markup and he's going to save the market just like he always has and make us lower the price of our bus bars. So it's true, it's happening. Take from that what you will.

That's what started this drama. so he's if he wants to be. Petty I mean just hear the truth. So here's some more of his posts and the things that he said: I'll leave you with that before heading out.

I'm super tired but you know he was still rambling on on his video about oh, we haven't replied. we took our time to do this. We took our time to do that I don't know where I said that. they had to reply sorry we have to do it's a weekend.

Uh yeah, he took time out of his weekend I'm here in the office Monday he went out of his way too late Anyways, just let me know if you have any questions. This will be probably the last I ever bring this up because I just don't have time for drama and man it feels like I'm back in high school with this guy. So I gotta agree with him on that. Yeah, okay and then there's like another item.

Another thing that doesn't matter if you're still watching this. Thank you for watching this veggie arguing. But I thought it was important to show how these guys are dishonest and why they should be put out of business because they're They're ripping people off over there right? and those people don't know like look, one of these guys makes a claim that this battery is better than x other battery. Most people are gonna believe it.

they're gonna be like, well, you're a battery seller. Oh okay, you know you seem to know what you're talking about and it's this. Takes someone like me to go in there like what? Stop talking nonsense like this is. Your batteries are not better.

You're charging too much for those dumb batteries they're they're 20 amp hours. a tiny little battery I can show you another battery that I'm selling that's three times bigger in capacity so more battery is good. better. uh, it will put out more power for longer amount of times so that bad for the same price by the way.

right? And so there you go. So now I'm forcing him to either lower their his price or or maybe just stop lying about the performance of your battery. Start out, stop down playing everybody else's batteries. in up playing your how about just just be honest and actually Market your batteries in an honest way.
Why would you even make this video? If You're not even gonna bother to check that your statements that you're making are true. you're just sloppy. Seth I Don't think Seth is as evil as maybe I may come out to look like I think mostly he just doesn't know what he's doing if you look in his YouTube videos. Uh I think he's only been messing around with batteries for like eight months.

but if if that is the case, why are you offering yourself as uh, some, uh, someone with authority, as someone that can set the record straight on a ongoing debate when you don't even have the ability to actually mount a proper test, you don't have your depth, You should just stay quiet and just push your product in an honest way. That's my advice. look and I'll end with this, right? My uh claim is that this. these guys are just dishonest and they're you know, using lies to down play my product.

It's performance and they're using lives to make their products look better. I Thought it should be exposed at the verities, right? and I I don't seem to be like the only one who thinks that look there's there's a guy that came at me at first really strong with me and him share like real nasty words right? but then he's softened up and then he started talking and he started reasoning right and so we started to start a conversation and I told him I Go hey what do you think? Oh because by the way, he's the one that got me banned from the group or he at least told the owners hey, this guy is just bringing drama and then the owners are just like okay. Cut them off like no questions asked right? and so I asked them I Go What do you think about these groups I Go it doesn't. They don't seem, they don't.

They're not gonna look good if they're just letting Brad and Seth just lie in the groups again to make their prayer look better and to make my pride look bad. but then the minute that that I tried to defend myself, there's just no question says they banned me right? I Go. Doesn't that seem like they're Shady like that? You guys have like no ethics that you and he goes well honestly ask them why he goes I just want less drama and more improvements for the Audi Community seems like the stuff that you can't chase so I'd focus on your groups so he now he's saying I should focus on my groups and sales that you can focus on and the funds only costing you customers I Haven't seen one customer suede from our bars and cells by your infant. Quiet? uh uh, quite the opposite.

Feuds Oh by my feuds, Uh, quite the Opposites he says right I Go, you're probably true I'm probably not swaying and trench bass hits right? These guys that I've been doing this for a long time I Go. but sales are up, My sales are up I'm selling these bus Parts more and more every day, right? Uh, and I Thought it was unfair for these main dudes of these groups to be bashing on the product. you know, especially since it's a bunch of Lies And then he says what it is is that TDH I think that's what they call their groups uh and other groups that are linked with brass. Okay, this is very important sis uh and them will always defend them.
You won't change, you won't change their minds because it's out of loyalty he says um and I then I said yeah, it looks like blind loyalty Brad is allowed to say whatever without any consequence. Anyone, them uh, defends themselves and gets bad no questions asked and and he says that's how it is. That's how it works on those pages he built with people. he's helped.

if you provide discount codes, he pushes your items. so basically saying like this is your mistake if you had offered him you know Affiliates and he would be no problem, he would be pushing your product which I agree I think that is I think Brad is 100 motivated by Financial gains right? And so that's the reason why he's putting my bars because he doesn't make money on those. but he makes money on everybody else's bars and that's what I've been claiming. I'm like your your opinion on my thing is not.

It's not honest. It's not based on actual truth, it's just based on the fact that you don't make money and he's always denied that. but I'm like it's very clear to everyone. not obviously not just me, he's the guy that's saying that.

So anyways, I guess I'm going to take Tony's advice and I'm gonna focus on my sales and all my groups and on my community. If you are in those communities and you happen to be victimized by those guys, I'm sorry I tried at least I exposed them. If you're watching this, yeah, be careful going into those groups and talking to those people. They have now displayed that they absolutely have no shame.

Brad has absolutely no shame shamelessly. Blast is, uh, advertising links all over there and all those groups and these guys let them because they're his friends or whatever. and I guess maybe there's an interchange of like money going between them. They give them cut back Kickbacks or whatever.

But yeah, basically no. that guy cannot be trusted and you know he's kind of shady. So okay, that's it enough. Tomorrow we'll talk about batteries.

Next video We'll talk about batteries. We'll build a thing we'll share where I get all the stuff. We'll probably make it open source. We'll DIY some battery projects and then, uh, call it a day.

All right, Thank you. We'll see you guys on the next one bye and then you inspect that these are all the right ways so all the black ones should be here. And all the positives right? If they're all matching and you're in good shape now, we're gonna install the bottom. This is positive, negative, positive, negative.

There we go and there you go. You have your 96 amp hour 12 volt Headway battery. This battery is a beast.

14 thoughts on “Glowevoltage doubles down on their lies”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Xcentric Lithium says:

    Let Brad Shulke know his old nemesis is in the chat, he's been screwing shit up for years.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Head Honcho says:

    This guy is taking advantage of of people who don’t know any better. Who sure didn’t hold the meter on the board

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Yao says:

    Saying you don’t sell the batteries seems when you collect a kick back through an affilate link sounds wrong to me. The term sell has multiple meanings in English. It could mean that you are the owner of the thing being sold prior to the sale. It also could mean that you are the one convincing someone to make a purchase, which is what you do when you offer a link. Salesmen often work on commission, and you get a commission for every sale made through your affiliate link. Having those affiliate links means that you are essentially a salesman selling a product. It is outright wrong to say that you are not selling that product. Blame English for having sell be able to refer to two different things.

    If this is not clear, look at how sales work in real estate and it should be obvious that the term sell has two meanings. The owner is called the seller and the listing agent is called the selling agent. They are both selling the property.

    I can put this a third way to make it absolutely clear. To you, the person selling the product is getting money from the sale. You get money from the sales through your affiliate links. Therefore, you are selling the product.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tilly says:

    Jehu, one issue I remember about these infrared thermometers (which was why I never bought one) is that they work well if you use them right, but certain surfaces don't give proper readings. … Just for what it's worth. (Gives false temps)

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crypto Monk says:

    I was looking at the total number of his Subscribers, 562…. lol! and you have 430K …

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crypto Monk says:

    LOL! Garcia never believe a hairless head person.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Doyle smith says:

    A professional would have used a flir camera. No real test as the ir guns are meh. Close, but not really good to use for this test.
    I have a flir adapter for my phone.. and I'm a nobody. Ir guns are trash.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Russell Hank says:

    For starters, his temperature gun was pointed who-knows-where and the temperature fell as he came back to the pcb. Lol. That must have been practiced repeatedly to get the results he wanted. So sorry. Didn't realize that was explained in your next sentence.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marvin Postadan says:

    Aggressive chihuahua? Wow!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rawbasic rawbasic says:

    Lol of course it will over heat there’s no batteries to allow a problem power flow

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kendall Bennett says:

    Lmao, sad you had to even say anything but they targeted you to get thier name out there.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars drock1974life says:

    "Aggressive Chihuahua" WOW! that's really RACIST!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben Nicholls says:

    That's twice the distance then what would really be occurring you should tell him to try it long ways to see if he can get it hotter😅

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben Nicholls says:

    And that's not a proper test you're right because the power is coming from headway cells that are distributed perfectly acrossed the entire surface the only have a certain distance to travel when you try to take a lot of current and and move it acrost that long of a distance it's going to heat up regardless but not that much

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