$40 500Wh Battery - https://jag35.com/products/r12-36v-15-3a-500w-ebike-battery?variant=40555096670323
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All right, Just just discovered that these will not run continuous one hour later. All right, let's talk about batteries today. I Want to talk to you about the 9bot 60 cell? All right. we're gonna revisit these.

Last time we checked these, we only had one small palette of them and so we just wanted to get them out of here. I Just want to show you what they were. But now that we've received pallets and pallets of these now, I Want to take a second look and go deeper into these because, well, there's so many of them, right? And so here. Uh, let's go first what they are.

there's a Nine Bot 36 volt Uh 1500 3 15 300 milliamp hours, right? So 15 amp hours? Uh, which is a weird way to do the rating, but it's Uh, 551 Watt hours. So half a kilowatt hour of 36 volts? It's a it's a 10s 4p. So four cells in parallel 10 cells in series, right? And that is what it looks like. The cool thing about this pack is that you can, uh, take screws off.

you see the screws right there and then you can take it apart and then this module comes off and then you can see all the cells. The cells are the LG M26 uh, purple cells that are very, very popular and the Uh Ninebot line of scooter batteries right? of course I can't guarantee that these are the same cells that are going to be in the pack that I send you because. Well, I'm not Ninebot and all I could do is open a few of these and then see if I find different cells. But Ninebot is known to use these M26s and the eve the blue Eve cells interchangeably in their packs.

So maybe some of these will have the blue Eaves and some of them will have the LG's right. Um, so this is what the pack looks like. It's got a BMS that's here that you can screw on and screw off. It's got a screws on there.

These are the balance leads. They go all the way to these cables, the red ones and then the yellow ones and they go on to. Half of the pack goes on this side and half of the pack goes on. This one's with black and then white cables in here, right? Uh, the BMS is one that has both the negative and the positive, go into the BMS and then come out.

Although I would um, I would say that this right here. they're just connected into the same post so the the positive goes straight out just goes into the BMS. So the BMS has power right and then it goes right straight into the Xd60 connector and then the negative goes through the set of mosfets and switches. You know, uh, that are on the BMS and then that's the one that's switched on and off, right? It's got two connectors.

one is the Xd60, a female connector and then this one over here which is like a Molex connector. this is probably the charging port and then this is the discharging port and then this is just a data connection that goes between this battery and the controller for the scooter or the E-bike or whatever this came out of I Don't know exactly which model of scooter or bike it came off, but here's another thing. Uh, there are temperature sensors, so there's a thermistor in there, which means that this is going to be somewhat of a safe battery because if the cells heat up, then you would expect the BMS to cut power to turn the mosfets off so that it lets the batteries cool cool off. Um, other than that, it's got this little light that blinks blue and I think it blinks red.
when it's charging, you can see this light from the outside. Uh, because this box here has a little window and so when you put that in there, then you can see the light. See it in there? Yeah, there we go. You see it.

So this is pretty cool now. I'm gonna take four of these apart and uh, we're gonna see how we can wake them up. First of all, we're gonna check to see if any of them are awake just off of the you know, off of the palette and then it. Whatever is not awake, we'll take it apart or we'll try to revive it and see which of the procedures will work to to uh to wake them up, right? Okay, first we're just gonna use uh uh.

Battery Goal Izt Bg-8s This is a thing that you use to check battery voltages and stuff to see if any of them are on. And it has a Xd60 connector on this side right here. so there's nothing there. No slow power.

That one's dead. This one is dead. Also, this one is dead. Oh, this one's on 34 volts.

So this one's on and we flip it around. Yeah, this light is blinking. You see this light right here. Okay, so one out of the four is on.

We'll set that one aside because there's nothing you need to do to this other than just use it. You charge it to this connector and you discharge it through this connector and then you're ready to use it. But let's wake these up. Okay, First, using a multimeter, we're going to check what the voltage is at the connector there.

So this one says it's 20 volts. This is what this is. 23 volt and this one says it's 23. Now what does that mean? Well, this does this mean that these cells are low voltage and they should Not be used.

They're you know, they're dangerously to voltage? Well, maybe, but maybe not. This could be an indication that the BMS mosfets are just off and this voltage that you're seeing here is just, uh, bleed. Okay, so what we're going to do now is going to try to charge uh through the discharge port and see if we can get this up to the point where the BMS will wake up right? So let's try that. This is a variable voltage and power supply right? You can adjust both the voltage and the power, so let's set it around 32 volts which is just slightly above, uh, empty.

You know, Uh, that means every cell should be around 3.2 volts. What I'm doing here is I'm turning down the power right and then I'm connecting the battery so that it doesn't see a huge Spike Yeah see. And that is a perfect indication that the reason why this we were seeing 20 volts in here. It's because the mosfets are off because if the mosfets were on and this was truly the the cell voltage then we would see 20 volts in here.
but we're not seeing 20 volts, we're seeing Zero That means the BMS is off. So let's see if we can charge and the way we do that is we increase the power. Here we go. there's 400 milliamps going into the pack.

All right. There's one one amp uh going into the battery and now the voltage is climbing up 26 volts 2 amps and the voltage is now at 27.6 and it's climbing. Let's leave that one in here a few minutes and then come back and then see if this is will will be on all right now that it's a 32 volts, let's see if it stays on now. No see, it's still off.

So what we're gonna do. So I made this special little cable that has these little connectors that go onto this connector. So positive, negative and we're gonna try and charge through the charge connector and we're just gonna do it for a tiny bit. Here we go, We'll connect this over here to know exactly when the battery turns on.

So here we go. We're plugged into the discharge connector. We're going to apply power voltage. Oh, it's not doing it.

It's not doing it. Okay, so let's take this apart and see where the cell voltages are at. Okay, so here's the outside, Uh, negative positive right here. Yeah, so the cells or the the total pack is 31.9 Which means the cells should be about 3.1 uh, 3.1 volts each.

So this BMS should be on. Why is it not on? Let's charge it a bit higher to see if that does the trick. We'll set this thing to 34 volts. We'll leave it here for a couple minutes.

We'll come back and then see if that does the trick. Okay, so now it's at 35. Let's see if we can wake it up. There we go.

It just woke up so just needed a bit more voltage. I Think maybe you need a bit more voltage here? You need to be somewhere around 42 volts. I Think so this one woke up just by charging through the discharge Port up to like around 35 volts and then applying that same voltage in here, right? But if you just put the 42 volts charger in here I think that'll do it anything. Let's try that.

Let's try another one and then we'll try it. Uh, charging it to 30 just to 30 volts in here and then 42 in here and see if that wakes it up. another battery. We're charging it right now to 33 volts.

Uh, going in there right? So now what we're gonna do is see if we can wake it up by putting higher than 33 volts in here. I Think it's going to require to higher than 33. still off. Yep, Oh look at that.

It woke up. It didn't even need that much. It had like oh, does it turn off? let's see. Oh okay so it's off, but it's only on when I put charge about 33 volts.

So yeah, 33 volts is enough to turn on the BMS now I guess to leave it to make sure that it stays on. Uh well let's see I think what we need to do, it's higher the voltage here. So usually the Chargers that you're going to put in here, they're going to be at 42 volts right at about 2 amps something like that. So let's see this there we go.
Okay, so yeah, so I higher the voltage here and now it's allowing me to put about an amp 2 amps right? So there we go. It's putting two amps through the discharge through the charge port here and hopefully once this gets up to like 35 or something, maybe this battery will stay on. Because right now I think if I let's see here. Yep, it turns right off.

What if we do this? just disconnect the load. Nope. Yep, so it's still. let's leave it charging here through the port, through the charging port, see if it gets up, uh, to around 35 volts, 36 and then see if this stays on.

Okay, it's been a few minutes now. the battery is sitting at 35 volts. Let's disconnect the charger. Yeah and see the bad.

the thing stays on. So now you? Yeah, there we go. 34.88 There we go. So another battery woken up.

All right. So here's the last battery and the question you might be asking yourself is like, why don't we just start charging it from the charging port from the very beginning and the reason is is because it doesn't always work. Let's try this one. We might get lucky here and actually work.

Okay, so let's lower this. Okay, so here we go. The battery is off and we're gonna put okay. so we're putting 42 volts in here, but it's not taking any power in, right? So no matter how much I increase the power here, it's just not doing it.

So that's the reason why you wouldn't start here. I Mean you could start. Maybe that's step one. Start charging it the proper way, which is through the charging port and if it doesn't then that means the cells are below.

uh, the threshold where the BMS says no, you can't charge this battery right? So then next, the next step that we do is now we try to bump it up a little bit on the discharge. Port Here, right? and here we go. We'll increase here. We go right and through this port.

Now we can get the voltage up to about 30 volts really quickly. Look at that. so 27 volts, 28 volts, 29 volts, 30 volts and there we go. We'll leave it charging there at 31 volts until it hits around 34 volts or whatever and then we'll uh, put the 42 volts in here and then it'll wake up.

It'll stay on and then you can use the battery, charge it all the way up, discharge it all the way. You can charge it through the this chart through the charge port, right? because then that's the proper way to charge these. Okay, this a battery now is fully charged. We're gonna be connecting it to this guy which is a grid tie inverter and what we're gonna do is we're gonna plug it in.

This one pulls up to 30 amps. We're gonna see if this battery can put out 30 amp continuous and This is going to measure it right here just to see what the power output is or if it shuts off. Usually a lot of these are like 25 20 25 amps. We'll see if we can pull 30 amps.
Okay, so this, uh, inverter is on now. 40 volts, 120. It's going to start pushing power from the battery here into the grid. 280 Watts That's 24 amps according to the meter over here.

Oh look at that. It stopped. Oh and look at that. We have a blinking red light over here.

Oh okay, so we might have hit the max. Let's lower power that it'll ask for. Okay. Second attempt I Connected a second battery.

Just gonna try to pull 600. Let's pull in 10 amps. No, they're blinking again. What a righteous! Just discovered that these will not run continuous.

They need a signal to stay on. They have that same safety circuitry so we're gonna have to figure out a workaround for these so that we can use them because right now they charge. but then as soon as you try to discharge them, they only run for a few seconds and then they turn themselves off. All right.

So here is where we are with these batteries. This is the BMS that is on the pack there and it's actually pretty nice to tell you the truth I Like it because we'll spot it one first, right? It's got this this compound. It's like a rubbery compound in here that I took off and then the other thing that I like is that it's got two thermistors. So these are temperature sensing, uh, little devices and there's got two of them.

So in two different spots of the battery, it will check voltage and then it'll send that information to the BMS the microcontroller and then the microcontrol decides what to do if it's gonna, you know, shut off or keep the battery on. but then it's got a third thing in here. This is a Uh temperature switch. a thermal switch.

This is almost a mechanic. I Think this is a mechanical thing so you see there it says 70c so if the battery hits 70 C 70 degrees Celsius This thing will mechanically will disconnect this cable from that cable and then that goes on here. and then I think what that's going to do is going to, you know, disconnect the either the charging circuit or the discharging circuit. I Don't know, but it'll So there's three different mechanisms here that it will take to check temperature and then either prevent from the batteries from you know, killing themselves or you know Catching Fire So that's pretty cool.

Now the bad thing is obviously that uh, it has that feature where it disconnects if it sees power. but if it doesn't, get the digital signal on this cable right from the controller. so this is from a Uh scooter. GT G30 I think it's called and and it's available as a Uh, it was available as a rental right? Fleet and it was also available on um uh, retail version of it right? So I can buy the retail version and then I can try to put one of my R batteries in there and see if it works if it works.

that's good news because now we have the communication between the controller and then the battery and so now we can sniff that communication and now we can isolate what exactly what kind of signal this thing needs to stay on and then what we can do is now make a device. uh that will give this battery what it needs to stay on right? We've done this before in other batteries. It's a lot of work. Uh, and we had thousands, about ten thousand the other batteries.
It was worth it. This one's we don't have that many. We only have like 700 of these batteries or something like that so that might not be the the route that we end up doing right because that might be like too expensive and these batteries are not as good as the other ones. Uh so, but it is the thing that might happen.

So the other thing that we can just do is this is an off-the-shelf aftermarket. Uh, 30 amp 10s BMS Basically the same thing as that. It's just you know, this is off the shelf. This is proprietary for that one pack, but you see how it's smaller.

What I can do is I can make a little board I Ordered these connectors already so that we can make a board where you we just you know, um, solder this into that board and then the connectors will be there and then you just put the connectors and maybe we'll put even like screw terminals so you can cut this cables and then put them with the little screw on there. So make it super super simple. Uh to change? Yeah, get this one out and then put this one in. And maybe that board is gonna have the same layout as that so it'll screw right into the same screw holes that it goes and just basically making it really, really, really easy to get this BMS out and then replace it by one of these ones so that those are the things that we can do to make these packs usable.

That as of right now. well there's no, uh, we don't have a quick an easy way to do it. So I'd say since we don't have an easy way since these are not as useful as some of the our other packs, I'd say we just lower the price on them. This is literally ten dollars on Amazon and then you would need two per kilowatt hour, right? So let's say that's twenty dollars.

Let's lower the price of these batteries to eighty dollars a kilowatt hour. So each pack will cost you a half a kilowatt hour and so it'll cost you 40 bucks. How about that? So there you go. As good as this pack is, right? Half a kilowatt hour? It, uh, has a few challenges, but hopefully we can entice you to, uh, figure those out on your own, right as a DIY Thing by lowering the price.

So if you're interested in this pack, it's going to be our Link in the description. uh, Chat35.com Uh, we'll see you on the next video. Thank you.

14 thoughts on “$40 500wh ninebot scooter r12 battery”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Olivier Swaelens says:

    pretty sure the packs are 10S6P. in my experience, the eve (inr18650/26V) are verry nice cells, around 7.5A discharge, the lg cells from the video are a bit more i think around 10A

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Flanagan says:

    What are the cells discharge rate?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Johani Adames says:

    Can I use these cells to make a 60 v surron battery?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars African Electron says:

    Watching from south Africa makes me sad because we can't get anything like this here and importing them on a small scale is not a viable option.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Chong says:

    Hi! My Segway ES4 batteries also blinked red when under load. I accidentally found out that I was running BMS version 1.3.6 and Segway app prompted me to upgrade to 1.6.0. That solved my problem. Hope that helps you with your bms cutting out issue also.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ash Bernard says:

    Sorry, there are no products in this collection"

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chema ChakMo'ol says:

    Dang, first time here since before Covid lol how have u been bro? I was actually thinking of ur genius today ๐Ÿ˜…
    Wondering if u have done a specific type of vid, donโ€™t see it yet ๐Ÿ˜ข
    Anyways, hope all is well ๐Ÿซก

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Pearson says:

    You at all interested in the new e-motorcycles? Got my first and have another one on order. Great for around town.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Silvio Pellicano says:

    Here in italy i found a used ebike battery supplier , about 10 euro for a bosch 400/500/625 battery , after test is 40โ‚ฌ/kwh

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KTMPilot says:

    Great deal for these scooter batteries. Has anyone figured out how to turn on the BMS and have it stay on – not cycle off again as happened to JG in the video?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Real Sense says:

    These look interesting, I did a DIY solar generator with the R5 and its been working great, I did a video on it and I couldn't have done it without your thorough explanations so thank you

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vijay Rao says:

    When was the pack manufactured?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars me boy says:

    I've been trying to purchase batteries from you for the past few years but to no avail. How can one purchase batteries from you?? I would like to possibly buy in bulk. I went to your site and it wasn't helping ๐Ÿค”

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Taylor says:

    anyone in aus doing this kind of thing? id love to be able to get deals like this

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