All right, As you guys know, the Lev60 batteries from Yosa claimed to do 600 amps in burst of 10 seconds, right? but I haven't had the equipment to test that, but today that changes. Let's test them all right? So we got a uh clamp here that will do up to a thousand amps. So let's build a battery using the Lev 60 Dash F Before we do that, we got to make sure that we got good sales and one way to do that is to actually test the internal resistance right? So you do that by pointing these little guys in here. the other one over here.

look at that point. Three Nine milliohms. The battery is really low at 3.0 so we'll have to charge them. But look at that.

I Think if I'm able to get three matching cells like that, we should be able to pull some good power off of them like 600 amps. Maybe Also an update I got better bus bars These little guys are the ones that are going to be carrying all the current and I got some thinner ones which means that with that even though they're thinner, they still have the same amount of copper as the thicker one, so that allows me to put more layers which means more copper, which means better conductivity, right? So let's build a pack using four good cells and then test it. Okay, so here we go. Time to do the test.

Now, it's not 100 percent, uh, balance. There's one cell cell number. Three is a little bit higher, but at this point that shouldn't matter too much. Some of these loads take a while to kick on, so I'm gonna see turn on all of them and then see how fast they come on.

Hopefully we can get 600 amps rather quickly rather than take so long that the battery is already sagging. we'll see how it goes. I Have no idea how this is gonna go. Boom Starting video starting timer Here we go: 400, 500.

520 There we go. So we were almost there, but it's one of these inverters is okay. Okay, all right, take two. I Added an extra cable to the battery because I was trying to shove 600 amps through the single cable and the voltage drop was crazy.

It was costing one of these guys to uh to uh, well give up, right? So now we've added another cable. so now there's two cables. Now You see, this is going to record that in there. Let's try this test again.

Let's see if we can get 600 amps starting to test. Okay, 260 300 400? Come on. 580 600 There we go. 700.

Somehow we're pulling too much, but it's going below 12, right? So let's see if we can control. Okay, so we're starting this tests. Uh, here we go: 525 600 A 12.12 20 seconds into the test and this is the point where we hit 600 amps for 10 seconds above 12 volts. 794.

There we go. So it was able to do 10 seconds 128. So those bus parts are going up 11.93 It's holding at 11.93 with 635 amps. This little battery is pretty awesome.

Battery is now my bus bars. On the other hand, 150 degrees. Yeah, these bus bars can handle about 500 amps, 600 amps, 6, almost 650. Yeah, they get hot at 157.

Okay, 1188. Let's see if we take off one of these loads. Okay, now it's back to 600. 11.94 Yeah, so it's right there.
right at the Mark where you could do 600. continues. But those bus bars need to be thicker. Okay, all right.

so I'd say the claims from the manufacturer that these can do 600 M for 10 seconds, they're correct. You know now some cells do I think I took the the best four cells out of eight. I had eight of them sitting here and I there was a couple of them that thorough resistance was reading a little bit higher right somewhere around. like actually higher.

Closer to the specs because the manufacturer spec says that they're 0.7 Uh, Milli Ohms I Think right and these are here that were. Well, they were reading a lot better, which I gave me an idea that this test was possible to do right before I hit. but I didn't know until I Tested it right now. This test was far from optimal.

My loads took 17 seconds to reach 600 amps, right? So the battery was pushing 400 between 400 500 and then 600 amps. but it took 17 seconds to get there and then from there it held above 600 630 amps for 10 seconds, right? And so if you add that up I Think this probably could do closer to 20 seconds bursts of 600 amps. Which these are Mains They're perfect Automotive Audio Because audio loads are. You know they're Dynamic they're not there.

They're Maybe they're pulling 100 amps and then boom 600 amps and then you know the the bass comes in and you look at the the wave. It's not. It's not a full duty cycle, right? It's like 50 percent of Cycles like hitting 600 and then going down to 400 600. You know, 100 times a second kind of thing.

And so these cells are able are going to be able to do that uh for a long time. So that's why at one point we saw 750 amps, right? And yeah, the the battery uh Power went down to eleven seven I think something like that. Eleven Seven volts. But that's because this is a continuous test.

Yeah, so I I Wouldn't be surprised if uh, people using these in audio applications are able to get to get like a thousand amps out of them. which is transfers to what like 12 000 Watts 12, 000 15? 000 Watts Yeah, I Wouldn't be surprised because this can hold 600 amps continuously for 10 seconds, right? if you use when you use for 17 seconds to ramp up I'll say for 20 seconds right after this test so they'll do it. Um and of course maybe the reason why the manufacturer is a little bit conservative with their rating is because maybe not all the cells are. This is good right? I Just got lucky and got this good of cells in the two boxes that I have here.

But I think middle of the road is probably 10 seconds. 600 amps right? So there we go. Confirm 600 amp cells from Yaza Uh, Lithium, Japan Company? Whatever. Uh, by the way, the thing that this franchises from everything else is that these are not Chinese cells.

These are Japanese cells right? So if that means anything to you, then there you go. Okay, we'll see you guys on the next video. Bye! By the way, these are available right now at Jack 35 for a hundred and fifty dollars which is crazy low price for this kind of performance. Now we're not making a lot of money on these so I think this is gonna be a limited time offer so get them out again.

16 thoughts on “Confirmed 600a lev60f 12v yuasa battery”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Klypchak says:

    We really would love to see this dropped into a vehicle with system alone on this battery for tests…thats the true test

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony Brown says:

    Would your Buss Bars handle 600amps continuously if your buss bars was made with thicker aluminum?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Manny Fragoza says:

    update: i waiting for my 2 battery pack of the one thats in the video. Also in the specks they claim 600Amps but they dont say how many batteries and in what configuration. Im guessing its not 600Amps per cell?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mario Nappa says:

    If put in the right enclosure can this be used as a boat trolling motor battery?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kilo says:

    Why does the specs sheet have the range for these cells between 2.0-3.5 volts? All other LiFePO4 batteries are rated for 3.65v max. Are these special somehow? I saw your starting voltage for these going as high as 3.83v if I remember correctly. Will that hurt the batteries long-term.
    Also, are these batteries good for the standard 3500-5000 recharge cycles that standard LiFePO4 batteries are rated for?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Benedict Calantoc says:

    Can I use this battery to replace my 12v car battery?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr.18’s says:

    Thanks for your company that is making lithium competitive, well at least at car audio that I know
    These cells seem legit and I’m waiting to save enough for the long bank setup

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruce Forster says:

    How would these batteries do for Solar applications?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars richtate says:

    Where can I get the battery monitor/balancer BatteryGO, do you sell it on your website?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thumper says:

    I just play 32hz tones for hour straight when I’m bumping 😂

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Reichoff says:

    How would this in drag racing maybe with some capacitors for a very large short duration burst ? I have something in mind.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Admoney35 says:

    Are these good at 14.8?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Lapham says:

    Would these be good for 12V golf cart battery replacements?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave Howard says:

    Would these be appropriate for solar storage?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars greg latta says:

    How can i get a hold of you? I need a battery built for ewave electric surfboard they used to be $2k now theyre at $5k
    I bet you could make one for $1500. This isnt a scam. You could make a good amount of money on these…

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Vincent says:

    Question: why the sudden increase in fires with lithium bat ?

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