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All right, it's that time. Let's talk about batteries. Uh, I'm gonna sound like a broken record here if maybe for some of you, but for some others, it's it's going to be new information Anyways, today I want to talk to you guys about battery cells. These are the Boston, Swing and Sonatas.

and um, if you've been following me, you know that we got summer back a few months ago or something. We got like 50 000 of these cells and half of them were like these loose sonatas, right? and then the other half were the swing. We got a few of these loose ones like this, but mostly they're in these uh modules and we offered these modules. Some of you guys have bought these and you guys hopefully are building some cool stuff with them, but then eventually what I ended up doing is making some modules to make them more useful because you know these are just kind of loose cells.

These have this plastic but you know they're not connected to anything so you still have to figure out how to connect them and stuff. and so that's what I ended up doing. Uh, and today I want to show you not the ones for the swings. Well actually yeah, the one module that I'm going to show you today works for both, but I designed it for the Sonata ones.

Here it is. these are those modules. They're 56 cells. so basically eight cells in parallel and then seven cells in series, right? So that would makes 24 volts right? 7s 8p that's written in there And those cells together can put about 80 amps each.

One of these cells could do about 10 amps and so 80 amps. Uh, it's uh, you add up the capacity right and it's about just over one kilowatt or 1080 Watt hours. Uh, the nominal voltage is 20 25.9 the nominal capacity is 42.4 amp hours, right? So you multiply that by the voltage. It's uh, just over one, um, kilowatt hour.

Now, the cool thing about these cells is that these are high quality. Yeah, maybe you haven't heard of them. I used to in the old times I say only buy from the main five, right? Sanyo Panasonic Uh, LG Samsung and Sony right? Well, that I think still true today, but there are some specialty cells sort of like these ones. Sonatas.

They're not very popular, but these are high quality because you only see them in medical applications. So when you go to the hospital, you have like, you know, devices that are like keeping you alive or running I don't know, just equipment around. Uh, the little cards that the hospitals have if you take apart those batteries. Uh, very likely that you're gonna see Sonatas or swings, right? And so yeah, that means these are high quality.

They passed a bunch of you know testing and stuff right? and so they're made up to really high spec. And lately there are several sources. Not just though 50 000 cells that we got a few months ago, but also battery hookup has a bunch of loose uh, swing cells right? and so as a result of that, that's why I started making these modules. These modules will make it really easy for you to go from something that you know it's like this that it's not very useful other than you know it's a cell to now a module which now you can connect something in here and now that's 24 volts, right? of course I forgot to put in here that must be used with the BMS Only crazies like me do uh projects where you don't use Bms's but everyone else should be.
especially if you're going to be installing these uh and leave them there and you just need them to work together with just what I designed these for stationary applications sort of something like this. Look at this little card that I made. this is just using that uh X-rail I think or it's called. you know, 2020 extruded whatever thing uh Amazon you can buy that you can buy it all kinds of sizes and stuff.

Uh, I will make a video showing you how to make one of these cards. but for right now I just want to show you that you could build this thing and then put these modules in there and that's 10 kilowatt hour right there. So you do one that's twice as high as that and then you'll you're looking at you know, 20 kilowatt hours very easily. Uh, in in a future video I will build that and I will show you how to route the cables.

Maybe I'll even make some boards in here to allow you to just make it better, right? So these uh modules are going to come in two versions. I mean you know it's the same module, but I've been playing around with the idea of like these ones, they just have a little pad here where you can where you can solder your own cable and connector right. You have your voice. You could do whatever you want, um and so whatever you know load you're gonna put in there.

You just have to keep that in mind. But also I've been throwing with the idea of maybe putting these little studs in here and this is the first one that I built and uh yeah, you just put studs in there and then you just use the nut to tighten that up in there. and so whenever you if you're building a large system and you have that, maybe it's going to be a lot easier to have those studs in there and then you just put a board on top of that and then that's your bus bar. So now your positive runs over here on top of the cells and then your negative right? and you can do wide traces in here and maybe doubled up on the layers and stuff.

like depending on you know what you're running but it's going to be a lot easier to do that when if you have just a bunch of little studs and you put them in there so these are going to be available in studded and also just with the little regular uh pad so that you can solder your own connector. uh as you can see here this module even though I designed it for the sonares, well, the swings are pretty much the same size there. I think there's a tiny bit difference because these seem a little bit loose on here, but they definitely do work and so if you want to push power more power than the uh swing can do, these are higher power rating than these right? Um, then you could you could do that right of course. I Don't know if I would recommend to build this module sort of like this for like an application like an E-bike or something.
I I don't know I think these are very good for stationary stuff right? and so maybe some testing. Maybe some Adventures went out. You want to try it out and maybe it'll pan out or whatever. but as of right now I'm yeah I'm I'm uh I designed these for stationary applications where they don't move a lot because they're kind of basic.

see they don't have stuff holding the cells on the sides here. uh and it's pretty basic the the PCB boards just going around now. they do Mash together and so uh, it should be a pretty strong box that we made here right? and then all of these are spot welded here, right? So that's it. Feels pretty sturdy and stuff.

but I don't know how well it would uh, deal with like a lot of vibrations like in a E-bike or something like that or motorcycle or something like that, right? So as of right now, yeah, I'm trying to. uh, these are designed for stationary. Sort of like that, right? So you're gonna put them in a little car like that. You put you, put a shelf, you can connect them all together and then you charge them, discharge them, you know, and they just stay there.

That's what where these are gonna be? Anyways, these are not, uh, energy dense enough to be, you know, compelling for uh, E-bikes or motorcycles. or Vehicles right? these are. You know, they're kind of big and heavy and so these are great for stationery where like, they'll grab the metric and volumetric uh measurements are The specs are not super critical right? so these are perfect for that. So anyways, these are the Boston power uh modules.

mostly swing. No, no, mostly Sonatas. but you could do it. Swing now.

I Have made this project open source so you can go to and then you can download these files and and then you can go if you want the swings we don't have them but you can go through our partners uh battery hookup right and you can order the cells. I will put the links down the bottom of this video so you can find those cells in there and then you can get the boards directly from the uh, you know, the the and then that way you make this module yourself and you pay the least amount of money. That way you remove me from the middle of the transaction because all I want to do is just gonna mark it up right and so then you end up paying a little bit more money or sometimes a lot more. uh but that way for those of you that are DIY I'm trying to hit everybody you know.

A lot of people complain that it's like ah, your your products are not completed, it always requires you to build something. and yeah, the reason for that is because I'm trying to save you money. I'm trying to provide batteries here. uh at an affordable price.
Now if I have to touch the stuff I'm in California it's like one of the most expensive places in the planet. So if I have to touch it, then I have to mark it up and I have to mark it. Upside: you know considerably just so that I could make a living and I can pay. you know, employees and stuff like that.

So I'm trying to remove myself as much from that, right? And so that's why I offered all these projects that are DIY I'm mostly DIY so you have to do something uh for them right? But you know I'm trying to get so that it's easy and you know help people out and stuff. So I'm also that's why we're offering these. These are available on the website right now. These are the blue ones are the Productions on these ones right here.

they're a little bit different colors because those were different batches that I was trying to get the dimensions right. I was moving things around I was like trying little things here and there and then I would you know the minimum you can order is five boards So then I would build this five and then be like okay, we gotta change that and then I do another one and then finally we got to the blue ones. Uh, and so the blue ones are production. These are the ones that we built a bunch of them.

They're in stock right now so if you want to build a large battery system, uh, this will help you. I do have another video where I'll show you what how to connect a BMS in here right? because this is uh, kind of I Mean it's not proprietary, it's just an open source is very popular connector. but if you are not like us dealing with batteries all the time then this might be like a weird connector, right? And so if you need to connect a BMS then we do have a tiny little device. I mean a little board right here that allows you to just put a little connector in here from here there.

and then you just have terminals screw terminals so that you can connect your BMS on here right? If you're using a single board, you use something like this. If you're using multiple boards, then you would daisy chain those right, making sure after they're all like balanced right the same voltage. Then you connect the cables the the ribbon cables in here and then you connect those to your BMS And there's a way you can either connect these in parallel right? so you can double Your Capacity or you can connect them in series so that you can double your voltage. because 24 uh and 24 makes 48 and that is one of the standards.

Very very popular standards for running an entire you know, systems that are. you know, house size right? You can. We want to run an entire home completely off the grid. You're gonna be somewhere around 48 volts right? which that's uh with all the big inverters are at And so this is how you would do it.

You would pair two of these boards and then uh, connect the BMS in here and then you would, uh yeah, connect this in series and then now you get 48 and I have a video I'll link it down there in the description also where I showed you how to use one some of these little devices that we're making to help you do that. Now there's also another way where you can you know connect all of these in parallel and then all of these in parallel and that becomes one You know, five kilowatt hour 24 volt battery and then this becomes another one. Then you connect this in series and so it's It's just, there's a lot of uh, ways you can go about it. There's no wrong way.
Well, I guess there's some ways that are better than others depending on your application, but um, yeah, you can connect these in in many different ways. These are just 24 volt modules. You have access to all the balance leads right there, they're labeled, they're marked. uh, we sell all the little devices that you can connect on and then you can use your own.

BMS Now uh for systems I will Design other boards that are gonna, you know I'm gonna incorporate some Bms's that are available and stuff so that it's just easier for people to put their BMS in there and you don't have to worry about all the routing and stuff like that. Um, but that's coming next. for right now, these are just available right now. These are kind of limited.

Like I said, there was only 50 000 cells so it's like 25 000 of these so these will go. They're gonna go uh I might not get to the part where I'm designing like a whole system so you can run this big because by that time you know they're they're all gone and then I don't know when it will be the next time that we'll find these. uh they, they're not very common right? I think uh, 2170s are probably a lot common and then uh, 18650s are still around and stuff. but these ones you know are, they're kind of specialty.

So that's why I felt like I needed to do this much work designing these these custom uh modules so that people can are able to use them and stuff right. And if you don't want to build in your home you could just go to Jackson find them all right? I Want to thank you for watching these videos and all your support throughout the years. Uh and all my battery projects all my crazy ideas stay tuned I have a few more uh batteries that I'm gonna be testing that I'm getting you know, torturing and stuff like that? All right. we'll see you guys on the next video.

Bye thank you.

13 thoughts on “Boston power sonata battery module overview”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Broom says:

    Had my eye out on the swing cells for a 150A 14S pack. If I end up having to scrap my giant 18650 pack, might go with those. Was really hoping for something I didn't have to spot weld though.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ejonesss says:

    a kit would be nice since the raw cells can be shipped as just ground and not require freight.

    according to batteryhookup anything above 500 watthour requires freight witch would go by 18 wheeler as less than loaded and many places have problems with big rigs in neighborhoods due to getting hung up on the sidewalks in tight corners or dont allow such industrial traffic .

    where as bare cells even in boxes can go as ground and can be shipped as ups or fedex ground.

    i understand and get it where you may not be able to kit the modules because making of the cell connections would have to be welded and to be kitted it would have to be springs like the vruzend caps.

    you are in california but you talk like you are in the uk.

    in the way that you say solder.

    also you dont have the links in the video either youtube is censoring the links or you forgot the links.

    you will have to view your video from another computer maybe in a private window using a vpn to avoid youtube biasing your verification of the post.

    if it is youtube censoring you may want to add code to your site to block the youtube algorithm from viewing the page to find out if there is any questionable content (yes you may not be able to monetize the clicks because youtube will get a cdn landing page or a no robots page but better that than no links because youtube deletes them).

    it may be possible to write a landing page that then redirects to the site so you can monetize the clicks to the landing page.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BERSHATSKY(UCANDIY) says:

    So,they just put two of branded 18650 in plastic shell to make cell special or they manufacture them?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josi Dasilva says:

    Short circuit risk between two batteries due to proximity of poles to the edge.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph Johnson says:

    I like the studs better.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jesse Pike says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oui Monsieur says:

    I'm an OG sub. Question what are you using for a 📸?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mustang Black says:


  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gus C says:

    Great vids

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TYPE xxi - WOLF says:

    Avoid mobile use of such batteries cause if things go wrong you most likely do NOT EXPECT IT cause you will have become used to that it works flawlessly forgetting about the risks. Automotive and ebike use are the hardest use cases and people think after 10 test rides that it is working perfectly, even after 100 test rides you can not be sure that something might be going wrong.

    Ask a car manufacturer how much it takes to make an EV reliable for 250.000 km and how tiny the margin for error is.

    If you sit on the battery you might feel the heat, but if the battery is away from your body you will not recognice much until it is too late cause even burning batteries might still be running for a minute or so. People underestimate the risks involved especially for all the Li Ion stuff.
    This is not LFP chemistry, which is a lot safer and does not burn.

    For home storage it is a complete different story cause usually your home is not suffering from vibrations, therefore a lot safer but still always risks involved and a few houses have already burned after DIY batteries had developed faults, last time in austria a week ago or so. High damage and insurance does not really wanna pay for diy built stuff. Better to keep that in mind and think about before buying and building what precaution can be used cause safety first helps to prevent things going too wrong. But these are general considerations and have nothing to do with these ideas shown here. Just a reminder that Jehu has warned about mobile use case people tend to ignore cause they usually do work pretty well , but it only seems to work well cause that it works needs thousands of tests in different conditions to be sure and not just to think it is safe.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Red and Gold fan says:

    keep up the good work Jehu

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Cliffe-Jones says:

    I’m always so jealous of your offerings over here in the UK! I wish we had a local European guy who was interested in doing the same stuff as you!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars di. mythios says:

    I like the Studs version.

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