Hey, guess what? These little guys just showed up. Let's put one of them together all right. just in case you're not aware of the history of these. A few years ago we started making bus bars for these uh Headway cells and we started with this size.

This is a 64 amp hour, about 32 cells right? And the reason why we started with this is because the original project will had a box. just a typical 12 volt battery box that you can buy uh in China right? And so those 32 cells will fit there. But as time went by then customers started asking for different sizes. So then we decided just recently decided to make the 80 amp hour which was you know requires uh what another four cells, another eight cells right? And so now we make this bus bar for these.

This will whatever how many cells and then a lot of people are doing the big the big batteries which are the 96 amp hours. So I think 96 on Powers is twice as those I don't know, no I think it's not. it's not quite twice, but it will require do 48 cells right? And so this is where we're at right now. But just recently.

uh there was a few customers that were asking for a smaller one and then I went on camera and said well you know you can modify easily modified one of these things and you just cut it So that's what I did in a video recently. I just took some some metal cutting pliers and then I just cut them you know and I made two a smaller one which is the 48 amp hour one and then a tiny little one that's over there. so. but I also said that we would make those because it's easy to just design this thing and then just print a custom file and then you can.

You can make them right? So that's where we're at right now. This is the 48 amp hour and so this would go over here in the lineup. would go there. so we have the little one, then the regular one and then the bigger one and then the biggest one.

So let's put one of these together. All right. So here's the the battery that we built. uh using the modified one that I did.

this is a bit, uh, famous Infamous I Don't know if it, uh, battery pack because it is contested. Some people don't believe that these are actual, uh, use cells that came out of uh, super beast. you know, from battery hookup and stuff, but they are. You know, there's plenty of evidence.

I got IE on camera, took this apart and put it together here. Um, but today what I'm gonna do is I'm going to just, uh, just transfer those cells in here and this is a production version. By the way, this video is sponsored by PCB Way. Our sponsor and these guys just came to visit me just this weekend.

They were here and we went on a ride. They never been an electric car, they've never eaten Mexican food. It was the first time in the U.S we had a lot of fun. These guys are great and they sponsor my videos.

These videos where we talk about Pcbs right? It's an organic way of uh making uh, a sponsored video because every YouTuber out there gives you a bunch of bake in ads of like all kinds of nonsense right? and I never do that if you watch my videos I don't really tell you to go buy you know Squarespace or whatever any of those nonsense right? I The only sponsor that I have on this channel is PCB way because I have my videos in this channel lately are about PCB So okay, it's just the most organic way that you can get this. so let's put this together. We're gonna take this apart I'm just gonna time lapse and then put this one together all right now that we have this uh, battery built and stuff. um I Want to talk about, uh, we're getting a lot of questions about how to connect the balancers on here, right? These don't usually for audio or applications you don't You can't put a BMS because it requires too much power and so the Bmsc there has to be super large, really expensive and it doesn't make sense to use it right? So what is happening is that people what they're doing is they're using half of the BMS the BMS.
It's a switch that connects and disconnects battery and then a balancer. And so there are just regular bouncers. This one is a meter balancer and it's really good. You put it on top here and this one has screen and it shows you exactly what the voltage of each cells are.

right? This is a 4S uh cell, right? Um uh. battery pack. So there's only four cells. Even though there's a bunch of them here, they're all connected in parallel, doing the same thing.

so only four cells. one, two, three, four. And by the way, when we say uh, cell number one, you always start with the negative. This is the most negative.

Then this one connects to this one and then this one connects to this one. This one connects to that one. This is cell number four and this is cell group number four. All of these cells are group number four, the ones next to three, two, one.

This is how this works. Always start with the negative. So when you come in here. oh by the way.

so the balancers come in many shapes and forms. This one's a little balancer with the screen. This one doesn't have a screen, but it does a higher uh, amperage or balancing right. And it also does way more cells look.

Each one of these cables is one cell. so this one will do what? Up to 24 cells right? This is four cells. This is on the 24. so this is for like a lot, a big battery pack that is high voltage.

Also, this one is the same right? But they're all the same. They're all have these cables that are connected into the battery terminals and they're connected usually in the same way, Right? So you each cell has to have a cable connected in here. So with the way you do it is, you start with uh B minus this is battery minus. So this is battery pack.

So this is the minus. This is the negative. So this is cell number one right? So the black cable would go on here and then the next cable on here is usually called something like B1 or C1 Center Tap right? I Like to call them C1's because they're Center Taps but this particular model calls it a B1. So the B1 is the first red one here and that one's gonna go on the positive side of cell number one right and it goes in here on this side.
but this, uh, this, this cell is connected to this one. So the positive, uh, the terminal that's positive on this cell is also negative of the next one right. So then the third cable. This cable here goes in the positive of the second cell.

So this is the second cell. so this is the positive side of the second cell. Now this also is the negative of the next cell and then the next cable here goes to the positive of the third cell which is here. the third cell.

Then you connect it in here and then the last one is going to be connected to the main positive. So this is the the fifth cable right here goes connected into the main positive. You only need a balancer that can support four S right? You could use this one in here, put in there and you just you know, Uh, ignore all the other cables I Think there's a way some of these require you to like short out the rest of these and some of them. you can just leave them alone.

Depends on the model of balancers that you're getting. but basically the black cable goes here. the second cable goes in here, the third cable goes in here, fourth and fifth and that's how you connect these balancers on these batteries, right? Hopefully this is a series I Don't know? Easy to understand. Um I Wish I had a little connector sort of like in my other batteries.

This one right here for example has a little connector and all you have to do. it's all that's worked out there. It's labeled and it even has a a diagram in there for people that know how to rediagrams and stuff. and then you can connect your bouncer in here.

But the the reason why this battery is able to do that is because it's got all the terminals in the same board and so I can run all those lines into a simple connector. On this one, it's all those all the cell terminals are spread over two boards, the top board and the bottom board. and so we would have to have cables going no matter what. Have to have cables going from the top board to to or the bottom board to the top board and it just makes it a little bit more complicated to do that right.

So maybe in the future I'll find a way to make the putting the bouncer a little bit easier, right? Something that you can just plug in kind of thing. But for right now, that's what how you have to plug them in. Uh B minus second cable, third cable, fourth cable, fifth cable. That's how you connect those, all right.

Another reminder is that you gotta use a two gauge cable. This is a two gauge cable on here and you can put a bunch of them on this one. You can put like eight of them or nine of them in this side, right? Um, I've we heard from some customers are saying yeah, how do we can use two gauge cable because our amps, uh, have a zero gauge? uh Power ports right? and I'm like what? of course you can I guess people don't know that two two gauge cables equals one zero gauge? Uh cable, right? So it's the same amount of copper. Here's a zero gauge ferrule.
And let's say that this is your amp has holes like this. Right for zero gauge. Then uh, sort of like this one too. Then you can just put it in there right? and then you just tighten that and now that's your zero gauge cable coming out of your amp.

And then these two cables. You cut them there. and then now you use two ports. Now when you're putting this, you have two cables.

We, uh, recommend on a battery this size. and if you're trying to pull like 500 amps or something about seven, you know any anything above 5 5 000 Watts Uh to use several cables instead of one big one, right? Of course, Because you can't use a big one here. So if you use one, there's gonna be two. And if you're gonna be using a minimum of two, then don't put two right here next to each other on the side of the battery.

Put them in the middle. So spread them out. So do one here and then do one there so that all these cells have, uh, a chance to evenly spread the load through all those cells, right? So because where exactly where you put it, you put it here. These two cells are are gonna take the brunt of that, but all these other ones are helping, right? So you don't want to put them right? here because then all the yeah electrons have to flow from all the way over here to to this side and this whole thing is gonna.

You know, these two cells are gonna be uh, stressing more than the rest of them here, right? So you spread it out as much as you can and this is how you do it. If you have zero gauge equipment that you're powering, just use two cables that are coming out of your battery here into each one of those. This is how you do it all right. Short video today.

Thank you for watching. We'll see you on the next one. Bye, Come forward and praise me. Let me hear you say All Hail Megatron Yes Excellent! Round of Applause I Look forward to seeing what you can do on the battlefield.

Ah I See you come with your own ride. They try to give me a hat I Only I'm missing half my face I Don't think it will quite fit. All right guys. The forward little one, two three Perfect.

We had a small window to get that photo. Decepticon.

17 thoughts on “Balancers on headways”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DemonOfFury says:

    Need more of these in stock amigo

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Abu Kausar says:

    Excellent jobโค๏ธ. Can use transparent battery box?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon Wenning says:

    Would these work with the 38120s headway cells

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jerald Aio says:

    Question on 2/3/4 connections. I see that your pointing to the area of connection between batteries. My question is do I just use a self tap screw with my ring terminal into the board itself or is that not what you mean and it connects to one of the battery bolts?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Master Ivo says:

    Hi Jehu, are there any CMS available? (super) Capacitor Management Systems, for series connection, over voltage protection?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars R3 says:

    I just got my BattGo but it didnt come with cables or a plug. Where can i get that? Thanks!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Panos Papadimitriou says:

    nice one for a transformer portable welder.!!!!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Uffe Ibsen says:

    Great !!! Can you make a video about Charging the batteries ?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaron Aaron says:

    great job as always

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gama harrison says:

    Keep up the good work ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars atienne navarre says:

    Quick off topic question. Ive watched several of your videos about using your PCB 18650 kits. On some of the stacks you mention using two of the BMS boards. Is more than one required for a certain number of units or is this just for amperage. IN other words, If I order the 25 pack, how many BMSs are needed? Thanks.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin says:

    I'm kinda wondering what would happen if you added the all threaded connectors that allow you to screw two cells together on top of the bottom set of cells stack them and put the top plate on won't it give you a 24v battery?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alfonso Estrada says:

    Jehu โ€ฆBMS .: no BMS whatโ€™s your take

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kuntal Ghosh says:

    Make one massive pack with anr26650. They are even more capable cells than 8ah headways

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bob J says:

    Cute finish!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars steve myers says:

    you never leave that much bare copper without covering it with heat shrink – potential for arcing. NOT GOOD>

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CheApAss FPV says:

    **TIP** If your only using a couple of the terminals, I would also recommend taking some short pieces of wire and connect them and loop them in between the unused terminals. So whatever terminals are not being used with your wire to the amplifier just take a short piece of cable and connect the unused terminals together.

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