EcoFlo DeltaPro
EB4 Batteries -
Xt60 to XT90 adapter -
XT90 Series adapters -
2A charger -
18A charger-
Wiring Schematic -
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All right, it's that time. Time for a quick battery video. All right, This right here is the Ecoflow Delta Pro if it's not D It's one of the best battery power packs available in the market. It's got all the features, it's got three kilowatt hours of battery on board, it's long lasting lithium-ion phosphate, and then it's got four of these plugs that do 20 amps and then it's got 130 Amp Max And then this unit can be used in conjunction with a second unit.

And then it could make 240 volts Ac so that you can run your really, really, really big appliances right. And so this can run your entire house if you set it up right. So one of the big questions that we get from time to time is how can we add more battery, right? Because let's say you can set this as a UPS and it works for people, But then it's like, ah, but I just need a little bit more battery. Well, the quickest way to add more battery to buy the battery that they sell for this, right? So you just there's a cable that you connect this and it'll just doubled your battery capacity right there.

Now that becomes a six kilowatt hour. Uh, battery powered, you know, unit or whatever. And then you can do that with another unit and then now you have up to 12 kilowatt hours, right? So this is, uh, it's expandable, right? But the problem with this battery is, well, that is expensive. You're looking at the right thing, like somewhere around three thousand dollars, right? So it's a double the price.

Yeah, you get to hold the battery, but you get double the price. And so the question for me is always, hey, how do we do this on the cheap? Is there a way to add a battery to this unit that doesn't break the bank? That doesn't you know cost so much And the answer is always, almost always. Yes, Let me show you how to do that. Okay, this right here is an EB4 battery.

It is essentially just four scooter batteries connected in parallel so they can make a bigger battery, right? So this one's about 750 watt hours and it's 36 volts. You discharge it through here and then you charge it through this little Port right here. So these batteries come from fleets of decommissioned scooters, so some of them are used. some of them are nearly used, some of them are nearly towards the end of their life.

So we've gone through tens of thousands of these and we've uh, tested them and then we match them and pair them into sets like this so that they all work right? So this is a reclaim recycled uh battery that we that it's available for reuse, right? And so that's really good for the environment to reuse batteries instead of sending them to be crushed and to be recycled, right? So these are very affordable. They're like 130 dollars, right? And I know what you're saying? Yes, but this is a small little bag battery that thing over there. It's like, well, that's that's 3600 watt hour. So how can you compare the two And to that I say Bam That right There is 3600 Watt hours, 3.6 kilowatt hours of battery and this costs around 650 dollars as opposed to this thing that originally costed three thousand dollars.
I Looked it up and I think right now it's selling for like 2200, right? So this is I mean this is still like one third of the of the cost of this, right? So let me show you how to plug it in. Uh, so that you can expand the battery on your ecoflow Delta Pro Okay, so the Ecoflow has a port in the back that will accept anything between 11 to 150 volts. DC right? And it will charge the battery using the energy that you put in there. Now, when we first designed this battery, we, uh, did it for another device that had an Xd90 connector, right? So this unit uses an Xt60 connector.

so you will have to use a cable that goes from an XD 6 the female to an XD 90 male. right? This little cable here this is easily found on Amazon and what you do is you connect this Xd60 connector here and then the other the Xt90. You connect it on the battery. Boom.

Okay, so there it is. It's connected this unit right here. It's completely dead because we've used it. Okay, so It's charging.

You see here, it's it's pulling about 390, 400, 260. Okay, so it's settling that somewhere around 260. 270 Watts All right. So a single battery will charge it at that speed 266.

It's not very fast, but I mean it's like having a 300 watt solar panel. A 300 watt solar panel is pretty big, right? And I mean this one is a lot more compact. so you need to charge it right. And it's a lot easier to charge with these batteries if you have them pre-charged these batteries right? And so how do you speed that? Because this unit here has the potential of charging way higher than that.

Right up to I Think over a thousand. Uh, Watts So the way to do that uh is to put the higher the voltage over there. Those batteries are 36. So we will have to connect more batteries in series and let me show you how to do that.

What that's going to do is going to bump the voltage higher and so it's going to increase this number right here. Okay, so now we have three batteries right here and what we're gonna do is we're gonna use this little cable to connect them. and what this cable does is that it connects them in series. You see that the positive goes to that one battery and then the negative that comes out of that battery goes to the positive of the next battery and then the negative that comes out of that goes to the positive of the next one.

And then the negative that comes out there now goes finally out into this cable. Right? So that's what we're gonna do. What it's going to do is gonna take the 40 volts from here and the 40 volts from this one and the 40 volts from that one and it combines them and it gets them up somewhere around 120 volts. And then that's 120 Volts will charge this really high or a higher, uh.

rate of charging. So let's connect those. Okay, so now we just connected them. You see that they're connected in there.
Okay, there we go. So now we're to 500, 600, 700, 800., 900, A thousand 1200. Okay, now it went back down to 800 and the fans have kicked in because that is quite a bit of solar charging that it sees on the input there. All right.

So let's see how fast we can charge this. Uh, these batteries are not 100 charged. They're around you know, fifty percent. So you could do I did the math and even fully charged, you can do a maximum of four and so I Uh, modify the cable I added one more.

So now we're gonna put four in series. We're gonna bump up the the voltage very close I Mean somewhere around you know 120 130 volts or something like that and then we'll see how fast we can charge this unit less connected once again, and then plug it in. Here we go. Now You're gonna have to careful.

be careful when you do that because that's down. That's high voltage. all right. As you can see, this is charging at a thousand Watts It's gonna take about four hours to charge this battery.

Uh, will it get it there? Yeah, it's about 3 000 Watts uh, kilowatts the battery charging a 3600 so it's not going to get to 100 with the four over there. That's why you would need a fifth. but this is a good way to double your capacity of this guy. And by the way, how big can you go? Well I mean the Sky's the limit.

You could get a rack like that and put more of those in there. Connect them. You know, connect three sets or four sets of those in series and then connect that right to your thing and you can have a massive battery that you can charge. And every time I do this, there's people always ask how do you charge the batteries and to me I'm like what do you need to you just get a charger.

We sell these Chargers These are for 36 volt batteries. You know they charge up to 42 volts. That's exactly what these are. These are designed to charge these batteries here.

Now we sell them in different uh with different connectors. This is originally what the scooters came with, but we sell them to charge with the Xt90s, Xd60s, and even these ones Xt30s that. it's what you need to charge this ones right. But of course it'll take a long time to charge that with these because this are small.

But if you don't mine this is great. These are really cheap. You can buy eight of these in our website for like forty dollars, which it works out to be about five dollars per charger, right? So that's a really good deal. Also, there is a project that we did way back in the day where I show you how to put eight of those uh Chargers inside this little box like this and now this becomes like an 18.

uh, 18 amp charger, right? And so if you need to charge like a big cart like that, for example, Well, yeah, you wouldn't want to use something like this, right? This has a fan in there and then you connect that in there and it'll charge it at the speed of the eight times eight of these charges because it's got eight of these Chargers inside, right? So uh yeah, there's a bunch of DIY projects. This is really cheap, Um, right, and way cheaper than when you can get an 18 Uh amp charger on Amazon. But of course, if you don't want to build every single one of these things, you could just buy an 18 amp charger in Amazon and it could do the same thing as that. You'll just have to pay more like I think in summer, like 250 300 bucks or something like that for this charger.
Um, and so you can charge that? That's how you charge these batteries right? You'll have to disconnect them and charge them individually and stuff like that, uh, you can. I Guess there's a way you can charge it, but that's a bit more complex. but I would suggest you just disconnect them, connect them in parallel, or charge one at a time. Or get a bunch of these little chargers to charge them all at the same time.

You can charge them from the plug right once you're back where you're You need energy once once the power comes back on. Or if you have solar and you want to charge this via solar and you want to charge those batteries too, just plug your Solar and this guy charge this battery and then plug your chargers in here and then charge that battery right? Eventually, the battery here will charge, charge all the way up, and then whatever is left over. whatever Surplus is going to come out of those sockets and it's going to go into those batteries. And so that's one way that you can charge them via Solar.

Or you could just plug everything into the wall and then charge that way. So that's one easy, quick way, and affordable way to add battery to your ecoflow. Delta Pro There are many other ways I will show you in different videos. Uh, because I did one originally and then I just forgot about it and people, uh, seem to try to go get those same batteries but those batteries are no longer available.

but unlike this new ones are basically they work the same way. So why don't you just use them? but I guess I have to make these videos and show you so that it's easy to follow along and then build these little projects. All right, Thank you for watching this video. We'll see you guys on the next one.

Bye AI.

16 thoughts on “Adding 21kwh capacity to ecoflo deltapro”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Josh says:

    I ain’t taking advice from a cholo thug gangster. Vato you know the rules ese, blood in blood out for life buster.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Klein says:

    $2200 for 3kwh….or $200 per kwh for new/very lightly used LiFeP04 cells.

    I look at your scooter batteries as "night time solar panels" and if you aren't drawing a load or just a small one these battery expansions are ideal for anyone that needs to recharge their unit overnight and then open their MPPT back up to solar in the morning. Even an 800W charge from these batteries has your Delta all juiced up in less than a short night.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars good buddy says:

    Looking forward to more videos on this topic.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars C Smith says:

    I'd love to see a similar video for Goal Zero Li 3000 and 1500 unit expansion. The max expansion units from GZ is 4, but what can be done beyond that….

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars emilio ochoa says:

    is it cheaper then getting a tesla power wall

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nerdsh!t enterprises says:

    River2 max design looks much better

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Estrada says:

    Are there any battery’s that are less than 30v like for a Anker 757 since it takes 30v 10A for the xt60 input. Finding panels for full 300w on this thing is imposible but 200w is a go.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alfonso Estrada says:


  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg Carden says:

    You surprise me all the time with your awesome battery builds, I have not got their yet , but when I'm able to get started I know I can depend
    on you for a good lesson in whats available ,I'm going to conto watch and learn have a great day

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars olafzijnbuis says:

    Please use proper spelling for SI units.
    It is kWh and not Kwh as in the title.
    Why should I believe you if make mistakes like that?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Garth says:

    How do you deal with the BMS of the scooter batteries – my understanding is you have the same battery system ???.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bman says:

    Can a 48 volt server rack battery be used to charge the Ecoflow and if so can it be fused to limit the amperage to not trip the Ecoflow amp limit?
    This would be a great video.
    Having a full rack with two Ecoflow!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Broom says:

    Great out-of-the-box thinking. It would be possible to have one PCB that puts those battery packs into series to create higher voltage, making it easy to extend the battery life of many portable power stations. Would it be possible to have a second PCB that puts them all in parallel for solar charging, with the right type of charge controller?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert S. says:


  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ExportedAfrican says:

    How much draw comes from the fan?
    Is it a case that above 800 watts you land up using 200 watts on those fans?

    Not a major issue on solar but significant on batteries

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BenBartlow says:

    I'd like to see the delta 2 expansion cable be used for a custom expansion battery. Based on pin count they have all the balance leads in that battery expansion cable. That would be a fun video to see you modify one of those or make your own adapter

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