Contact me to adopt this little guy at jehu

Hey, today a different kind of video? uh I really need your help? The father-in-law came home with a puppy and he can't really take care of it. So now I am tasked with me and my wife are task yeah in trying to find a loving home for this little guy. He's uh, he's really cute. he's small.

We think he's like eight nine weeks old or something like that. Other than that, we don't know much about him. We don't know anything. Actually, we don't know what breed he is I think we think he's like a mixed breed.

Uh, he seems to have like an injury in the back leg but it seems to be getting better. and the three days that we've had him today this morning they've run around which is a good sign. My wife took him to the vet and gave him some shots I think just the essential ones so that he doesn't get sick. Uh, but other than that, if you're in Southern California and you have, uh, you want a little dog or you you have the ability to take in a little dog.

uh, you know, having a having a pet is a long-term uh, commitment and so yeah, if you can take care of them, definitely hit me up. I'd rather hand him to a loving family that is, uh, going to commit to taking care of them rather than surrender him to any kind of rescue or something like that. I Would just kind of feel bad because some of these dogs have rescues. They they're there forever, right? and so so if you're in.

Southern California and you need a little dog, you're looking for little dog Here he is even if you are a bit far away. I will drive up to Uh as long as I know that he's going to be taken care of, right? Okay, thank you! short video I Know it's kind of different but I feel like I at least have to try this before we looked up to the next thing right, which is surrender him to some rescue thing I Really hope we can find out for him. so I think it will see you on the next video. Bye stop that.

Hey, you're just trying to shoot it. Hey, you gotta stop that. Okay, it's not acceptable. Thank you thank you.

17 thoughts on “He was adopted!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PCBWay says:

    He is really lucky!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SweetSuccess Trading says:

    Awesome News on the Update!
    My neighbor is Flying to Arizona this week to adopt and drive back home a Rescue dog 😊

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jehugarcia says:

    Happy Ending to this story, Baxter has been adopted !!!!!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Austin says:

    Are you sure you don't need a shop dog. He seems to love you.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Austin says:

    Thank you for your kindness and doing the right thing

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Randy Lenart says:

    It looks like you're falling for the dog 🐕 what a good friend to have lol

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephany Estrada says:

    Has anyone claimed ? My husband Alfonso estrada emailed you .

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cloxxki says:

    Put the puppy in the thumbnail, I almost missed this one and many others will have.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mofoq says:

    if only my folks were in the "market" for another doggo….they are in the next town over

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Valadcm says:


  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ntvtexan says:

    Good job Jehu! We JUST got adopted by a stray 2 month old kitty that mysteriously just showed up on our front porch last Sunday. She's a cutie, and we're gonna keep her, but I know your feeling.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Rohrs says:

    Great job looking out for the little guy if lived remotely near you not other side of country east coast I definitely would.😉

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Hansen710 says:

    my dogs would love that little dude for company, denmark is just a bit to far away (and to cold for a cali dog 😂)

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fernando Rosebush says:

    Chuy, no seas ojete, adoptalo tu, tienes los medios para hacerlo y tu lo sabes, acuerdate de cuando estabas aca en Tijuana tanto perro callejero que hay, yo tengo 10 de la calle, y no me la acabo, pero todos tenemos que poner de nuestra parte….apelo a tu conciencia…

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ra27jan says:


  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Barry Bruckner says:

    In utah with 5 acres fenced can meet in vegas have two trendily dogs and kids for him to play with lmk love dogs

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emmett Turner says:

    I was turning right Friday morning when a beautiful dog got hit in the intersection right in front of me. He was a neutered male Staffordshire Terrier approximately 1 year old with a collar but no tag. He seemed OK but he ended up cowering in the turn lane right in front of me, refusing to move out of the way.

    After waiting to see what he would do (nothing) I got out to check on him but opening my door prompted him to run to my side and jump in my van. I didn’t have room in the passenger seat but he clambered over there as I tried to reach past him to clear the seat. He must be familiar with riding in vehicles and thought I was trying to climb in the driver’s seat so he made way for me before his seat was ready. He was a very good boy in the van!

    Before leaving I made a couple passes through the intersection looking for his owner but saw no one. Knowing Animal Control had a Humane Society animal shelter less than half a mile away, I took him straight there. He hopped out as soon as I opened the door but I had to grab his collar (no leash). This made it difficult to tell if he had a limp or anything but he certainly had no trouble jumping into the van (seemed OK). Within seconds of opening the door they scanned him for a chip and BINGO! It turns out he was very familiar with the place since he was recently adopted there. They had already notified the owner who was on the way before I could even sign the paper to leave him. Moral: Have the pup scanned for a chip!

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