All right, let me show you how to build. Uh, one of the easiest, quickest, 24 volt battery that you can build today. By the way, this project is sponsored by PCB way more on them later. All right today.

We're going to start by using these cells right here. The Lev 60 Dash F I believe that's the name stupid name I know and we're gonna use eight of them to build a 24 volt battery using this uh, DIY PCB bus bar right? So the first thing you have to do is you have to play some in the orientation that is on the board here. right? So positive on the very end here. So we're about to flip that one and then negative, positive, negative, positive This one, it's negative.

Turn it, then positive this way and then negative at the very end. There you go. All right. Now that we have, um, a range in the way we need to, this uh connector right here is gonna be for your BMS right? and it sticks out past the back side.

You see that? So we're gonna have to use some little spacers and these spacers about two of them will do the trick. They look like these. Okay, so the first things you're going to do is you're going to position this in front of your battery there and then this is the most positive and then it's gonna go across like this. So you put one there Dan is going to come down here and then go across so you put one there, then it's gonna go up and go across, cross across, across.

and then across like that. All right and then on the edges. Here you have to take one of these ones and then cut it in half and then double up like that and then we put it in here. Also on the negative side, do the same.

All right. So now what we do is we put these on here, right? So we start with this one over here, this one and this one and this one the top four right here. All right. So now you have to be very careful to do the bottom ones because you can't put them in here because then you'll short it out and then it'll be a bad news, right? So you start with the one right this one and then now we go to the second position here.

connect those the next position here and again. Pay attention. You can't put it in here because you'll short it out and then at the very last one here. Okay, so our spacers are there.

Uh, these spacers are also bus bars and they will help carry the current that this bus bar is designed to do right. These batteries can do quite a bit of power, but 180 amps continuous and about 600 amp bursts so that we need all the help that we can get. So now that you have those like that, now, what we need to do is just position this in here and push it in and it's a bit a tight fit. Here there we go.

Next, you just have to put your Uh M8 nuts in here and then tighten them all down and torque them and then we can test this battery. All right. and last, we'll put our cables in here to charge it and discharge the battery. Thank you! So there you go, That is a battery 24 volt battery 70 amp hour.

So this is like 1.6 kilowatt hour or something like that. So this connector here is to use or connect a BMS right? and so if you don't know what a BMS you can Google that is basically just a safety device that will manage your battery will keep these cells from getting to overcharge, overly discharge, or uh, overly discharge and then also will keep them in Balance right? And so that's what these connectors goes here for. It's label and so you all you have to do is get a BMS that's compatible for this and then put it in here and connect. The balance leads here and then usually you connect the the uh negative to go through the BMS and then this cable will go on the BMS right and so there's a bunch of them out there.
We'll put some recommendations on the description of this video. Also another thing you will need is some kind of compression. I Have ordered some plates and we'll be offering those soon, but they're not ready yet. But it's basically some plates that go in here which just some all thread.

sort of like this here just you know and then um, you just compress them a bit so that the cells do not, uh, expand right while you're using them. Also if you want to check the balance of these batteries, there's this little device that we often use with their battery builds. This is a battery Go Vg-8s and this is the maximum amount of cells that this will do. Eight cells and this is eight cells in Lithium on phosphate.

You will need some kind of cable sort of like this one here. I'll put a link to this and then what you do is you connect it in here, will let the brown be the the negative right? and so the Brown is going to be the negative. and then you come and check here and this is the brown and what you do is you put it in there. Well you have to tighten those little bolts in here those little screws so you have to loosen them first.

Now you can put the connectors and tighten them. Okay, so now that it is connected, you see that. Now we get to see what the cells are doing in here. and look at that.

uh, Lithium Ion Phosphate 8s. So there's one cell that's higher than all the other ones, right? So they're all pretty much a three and it's just cell one. It's a 3.2 So what we do is you set this guy here to balance the cells and then it'll burn energy from that cell number one and it'll make it match all the other ones in there. We also put this battery to charge and then uh, then you can use it after that, right? So this is a balancer right here that you could use to keep these batteries in balance and you can check it.

You can see the uh, the status of the batteries I Like this little thing because it's got this little screen I did graphically and with the numbers, it shows you the voltage of each cell and then you can also tell it to balance the cell. You know, whatever. Even if it's at the bottom like this or in the middle or at the top so you can top balance, you can middle balance or bottom balance these batteries. This is a very, very cool little device that is very useful, right? Uh, so this does half of the job of the BMS BMS does all this, but the BMS usually don't have a screen and so they don't show you what is happening so you're always just kind of wondering if the BMS is doing anything and if your battery is doing okay or not right.
Some there's some higher end Bms's that will show you this if you have like a mobile device and you can connect via Bluetooth or if you there's some that you can get with the extra little screens like these. but luckily they're more costly than this little guy in here and they're harder to use and and set up and stuff right so you could either go all the way or get something metal. There's everything there's BMS come in all shapes and forms and I will put some in the description including this one so that you can decide which one you want to use with your brand new 24 volt lithium iron phosphate battery. Okay, let's talk about these projects if you're not familiar with what I do here every time.

I Uh, design? uh one of these projects for a battery a DIY battery thing like so I it's an open source project I Share it on this video sponsored PCB way Right! This is a company in China that makes Pcbs. You can submit your own designs and then they will print them out and they will manufacture them and then ship them to you wherever you are in the world. They sometimes could do it as quick as 24 hour turnaround right? So they're pretty cool. So I share these files openly in their platform and then I share when this video, I put a link to that project and then you can go and download it.

So I realized that there are different levels of DIY and some people want to go all the way down the rabbit hole right and just get all the things things and buy all the things and try different things or modify some of the projects that I'm doing here. and the having them open source like this allows you to do that. You can go and download the files and then modify them and then re-upload them and then you can make your custom thing that you know that works off of what I've already done right. So also, you could just download the files and the the designs that I've uploaded just the way that they are right.

because that's what I'm doing here. I'm testing them. I'm ordering quite a bit of these things and testing and trial and erroring my way into something that works. and then I finally share them right? And so this is where this Project's at.

So if you want to build this battery, uh, then you can just go to PCB way here. and then you can either download the file or you can order them so that you can just receive your Pcbs that way, right? So this is, uh, pretty cool and it's really the easiest way that I can help people that want to. DIY I'm a big proponent of DIY right? Like you're learning how to do a thing. Building a thing, uh, empowers you to do it for less money and then you know more about the the device or the project that you're doing or the thing that you're building.
and so I think that's very beneficial all the way around I think uh, it's it's very useful and that's how I do everything that I do I tend to not. you know I mean some things I do buy like cars I don't actually that's not true yeah I drive a DIY electric cars that I built. but there are some things where I draw the line right. but uh, usually in my life I like to explore DIY uh Avenues or you know things.

the things that I can build myself and so that's what I like to share these and so if you want to support me, just go and build this battery right. If you could help yourself by building this battery and you can help me by supporting the sponsor of the stuff and uh, these projects, some of them are quite popular and a lot of people are building this. so sometimes the links that I put on these project pages and stuff, sometimes they run out, sometimes they sell out. uh and so yeah, just keep that in mind if you when you're trying to build this thing.

it's if you have travel uh, finding some of the items and stuff so there you go. This right here is currently one of the best and easiest 24 volt Lithiumar phosphate battery you can DIY depending on which route you go, which BMS you get and stuff, it's like gonna cost you somewhere around 200 to 250 dollars a kilowatt hour right? for this one right here Which you compare that to a plug and play battery that you can buy on Amazon on AliExpress In anywhere else it's anywhere from like 300 or 500 a kilowatt hour right? So this is not only fun and easy, this could save you money right? So I Want to thank you for watching this video and we'll see you guys on the next one. Bye foreign, foreign.

11 thoughts on “Easiest 24v diy lifepo4 battery build – lev60 busbars – pcbway”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Victor Reece says:

    In emergency can your car be plug into your invertor to charge you battery bank?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BobboNaught says:

    I love these, I love these cells. Awesome!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeffrey Kropp says:

    What gauge wire would be sensible for the terminal connection cables from this battery. I would like to connect battery to my Bluetti AC200Max. Was going to ask this question on Facebook, but my account has been blocked – no idea why…..๐Ÿค”

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rusty says:

    can you do a thermal scan on the PCB? most PCB are build with super thin copper and power electronics would heat up with thin conductors .. perhaps a fire risk.. but also a wasteful battery.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jaizar ebreo says:

    Wow nice,,,I like the battery,,, can't you send me ahh battery like that,,,

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrDocTech says:

    Would you consider making this board for a larger cells?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yenni says:

    Can you please make a "fat" version of the 24v LifePo4s with these cells? โค

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mac Mc'Cabe says:

    I need to build a 36 volt pack for a ego golf cart. Any recommendations ? Thanks !

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars playitcool says:

    I know you don't really ship to the UK and you use a shipping service but it's not another company that I can just get these directly to the UK. Thanks!.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DarkSideOfTheForce says:

    Great videos my Hispanic brother. This Jamaican guy learned DIY battery setup(s) from you. I've put many of my friends and family to your channel. They love it. We've learned so much from you.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Russell Hank says:

    It's been 3 months and the price is still the same so I'm on board.

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