24 Headway cells - https://jag35.com/products/used-headway-38120-hp-3-2v-8ah-lifepo4-battery?_pos=1&_sid=e7f591aeb&_ss=r
48Ah busbars https://jag35.com/products/48ah-12v-headway-busbar-pcb-kit-1000a-capable?_pos=1&_sid=b65900a03&_ss=r
Correction: On Video I keep calling the headway pack a 64Ah when its a 48Ah pack. It does change some of the statements I make on the video but not enough for me to redo the video- Im lazy.

All right, let's test the used headways against the battery. Lev60 sells that battery pack that we did tested yesterday. This is about equivalent 60 74 amp hours over here. and this is 64 amp hour.

So we're going to use this setup here. The same setup as we did yesterday. So about I believe about 400 amps. This guy right here is going to measure voltage and then it's going to have a timer and each individual cell voltage and then this one's going to be amps.

So let's start the video here that's recording. Let's start the timer. The only bad thing about this timer is that when this reaches zero, it resets. so we're gonna have to keep an eye on that.

Okay, now let's do the loads. Okay, so 100 200, Oh more than 400.. So look at that. 12.3 so already.

I Guess it's about the same as we saw yesterday. We'll put them side by side. now. the only bad thing is that we can't see how much amps are in there because it's exceeding 410 or 20.

I Think that this thing will measure. let's look at thermal now at 1 45 now. Okay, so the timer stopped. We'll start it again.

Boom there we go. Starting Turbo Camera now. Okay, so here we go. So those those are hot because they're seeing a lot of the lows now.

I Don't know why it's this one's not seen as much of the load. It's weird. Is it same on that side? No, it's about the same. So there we go.

The bus bar is starting to see some heat and not a ton of heat. cells are 98 the bus bar down there. it's at 106. 12.2 and we are uh gonna be almost a minute.

but then plus if you add whatever before the timer and then well I'll put a I'll put a separate timer up here so we can get an accurate still putting 400 amps. Let me see if I can get the clamp to show the thank you. Yep, let's see if we can take a a load. Okay there we go.

So we just took a time a small load off of the and over there and now we're still at 400. Exactly at 400 amps recording there we go 135. Those cables. Yeah, so you need more than three of those.

These are really small cables. They're like six gauge. Yeah, you need you know, two gauge. Uh, so these brackets will allow you to do two gauge.

And of course you can put bigger cables here. but that's just what I had laying around at one time and that's why I built a uh I had another setup with two extra cables and I think yeah four of these or five of these can do 400 amps. But as far as three of these six gauge, yeah, that's a bit too much. Now here's the thing with that guy that was uh saying that these bus Bars were getting to you know, 300 degrees, 200 degrees immediately within 30 seconds or whatever.

like well where where is that? How come our how my thermal camera can't see that you got some special cheap you know gun that you can't seem to hold straight into a thing for more than two seconds Like, of course yeah, it's gonna show erratic. Yeah, you don't know how to measure temperature. You need the better equipment right now. I Don't have them the most sophisticated equipment here.
This is a really cheap uh you know a 400 thermal camera here. Click those bus bars around 121 and this is how many minutes into the test? What? 346 plus the other minute that we had. So that's four? That's gonna be five minutes right here and it's at 1206. this battery is performing almost identical to the Uh Lev6.

There we go. We're five minutes into this test. Uh, 12. look at that.

Okay, so it just went under 11.99 Okay, so let's terminate this test five minutes. So we got five minutes at 400 amps and the bus bars got a whole 123. this one over here got a hotter at 140. but I think it's because of the cables.

Again, these are small cables. If you use bigger cables then it would be cooler over here. But the bus bar itself 125 125. Remember, this is carrying the current from here.

This sells to those cells right? So you're going to see the same over here in the bottom because it's doing the exact same thing. you know. So 125 at 400? You know? So do an extra 100 amps and you're gonna see these at 135. maybe at 140 or something.

which is the the top of what these cells can do. but they could totally do 500 now. Uh, this is a really small battery if we were looking at the bigger batteries. Well, you have more surface area and more points of contact so it's going to run cooler even with this same PCB right? Just a bigger PCB same thickness and everything.

So that's why those are rated at higher amps. All right. Just one quick uh point to make here. Uh, these audio guys are being.

You know they. they have been misled for so long that they believe just blindly What these guys that are authority over there say, right? A Lot of them are arguing that you can't use multiple cables like this, right? and I'm like, why not? What's preventing you I I'm doing it. Why couldn't you do it in your setup? They're like no, no bill Basically because they told us not to. They tell us that it's not to, but it is.

Look, this is 1-0 cable right? And it was like our with 400 amps continuous or five minutes it's around 160 170 uh uh degrees Fahrenheit It's hot. This thing's running hot now this 1l it's about equivalent to these three six gate uh, a six gauge cable or eight eight. Yes, these are six gauge cable. Um, you see the thickness of three of these.

It's about the same, right? So even if you were to put a single one in here, it would be the same. The same hot, the same temperature as these ones here Because you've got about the same amount of copper. Removing 400 amps from this battery. so you have to use multiple cables multiple 1-0 or zero gauge or two gauge 2 gauge will do better.

Three two gauge will be more copper than this. It will run cooler. But even even this giant 1l cables, right? you'd have to use multiple cables. And besides, it's not that hard.
You got one coming from the alternator you want got one going to your loads right? I Had to Bear minimum. So you got two cables. Um, you usually have two amps so you can do it right. So don't come to me with this nonsense that you can't do it if you say that.

I'm gonna call you an idiot, right? I Mean if you I understand if you don't understand, uh, if if you don't know about batteries or current or cables or stuff and you're just being misled by those guys, right? But don't come at me saying nonsense, uh and then arguing with me that you guys know what you're doing like, but it doesn't matter how you slice it. If you're trying to remove 400 500 amps of a battery, you're gonna need several runs, a big thick cable, or more runs of smaller, you know, thinner gauge cable because, but it doesn't matter, you're gonna have to run multiples, all right. So in conclusion, these batteries are very, very even. Uh, there's slightly differences, For example, like the fact that this one I was running higher amps.

Uh, I don't know why I think maybe it's because it sagged a little bit more than these and so as a result, halfway through the test I had to disconnect one of the loads that I didn't have to disconnect and this one to remain at 400, right? So if the voltage goes lower, then the amperage goes a little bit higher and it's just a tiny bit right? It was like a 10 20. I Think it's like a 20 amp load. So so this one was entirely from the very beginning running about 20 amps. uh, a higher than this one and it's probably because of the voltage was a little bit lower.

Uh, but the thing is, this one fell below. uh, the 12 volts where this one didn't But then again, this one. We ended up running a test uh, past six minutes where this one I think it was closer to five minutes and then we terminated the test. So again, these are very, very minor differences as far as cost goes.

Well, these are 24 cells if you buy the full 48 cell super beast from battery hookup. these are used cells. That's exactly what I did here. I Think you come out to like four dollars and eighty cents per cell, so it'd be like a hundred and fifteen dollars something like that.

For the cells plus the bus bars, you're somewhere around 150. But of course you'll have to get more than the sales you need because these are only 24 and you'd have to get like 48 cells. So you basically have to get two of these ones to be able to get to be somewhere around the 150. D Now, if you buy them individually, they're more like 6.99 or 5.99 something like that.

Which puts you somewhere around 130 dollars plus the bus bars that put you above 150.. this one right here. it's 150 right now if you buy it like this and it comes with those bus parts, right? So it's very, very similar. They're within 20 difference between each other and they're about 20 amp.

uh. output difference, right? Uh, this one obviously is 74 amp hours. This one is 64, so this is more battery more capacity and maybe that's the reason why it could hold the voltage just a tiny bit higher. Uh, making the the amps a little bit lower.
Uh, going into your equipment. so again, very, very close. It's close in in capacity, very close in price. This is a good comparison.

Not what that other guy is doing trying to compare a 20 amp hour cell that can do 250 amps for 30 seconds, right? That's not. That's like apples and oranges. This is a battery that is about the same size, about the same power output. His is like half of this and he's trying to say that it's better than this.

you know? And of course basically by saying that then he's saying that it's better than this He didn't actually say is better than this. but he's always saying that this one doesn't put out what I say it does right And you know, Uh, the 600 amps for 10 seconds. This is a rating that the manufacturer puts out. Uh, I don't have the equipment yet to do it, but as soon as I do, maybe I'll do that test and try to confirm that it is.

Maybe it's somewhere closer to 500 amps, Uh, 10 seconds or whatever these are. These have been in a pallet for about two years. These are not brand new, straight from the factory, right? They these are like Overstock For some reason they didn't get used in the original intended purpose for whoever bought them. So that's why we're selling them cheap.

These originally, by the way, a BMW battery. Uh, these cost a thousand dollars, right? And it comes with a box and the BMS and stuff. But if you do the math, you're paying like 200 250 I think per cell, right? That's what it comes out to. Where here we're You know we're selling them really cheap.

150 for the full thing in even including the bus, bars and stuff, right? So that's why you're getting such a good deal here. because these are. even though they're really good sales, you know they're two years old and they're out of The Thing Once These are gone. They're gonna be gone.

You will not be able to get them like that. These ones, on the other hand, they have been around in this use form for a while. I Want to say battery Hookup has been selling these for at least couple of years and I asked them recently if he's going to keep getting more and he says that yes, as far as he knows they're gonna keep I think they're they were using something that was was big. There's a lot of these that were used and so they're decommissioning those setups.

the original setups and that's why they're becoming available. And the second hand. Market These right here. Even though they're two years old, they're never been used.

They are Zero Cycles right? But they're They're a little bit old. They're about two years out of shelf life that they have in them and so of course they. They do degrade. but I think this the grade less just sitting two years of shell degradation I Think is a little bit less than a few years years of actual use going up and down.
Uh, you know a few Cycles rare. but again, these are lithium and phosphate with five six thousand cycle lifetimes and stuff. You got plenty of life in these. Uh, and for 150 or around 150 for each one of these, you can't go wrong.

These batteries, uh, ready made by some manufacturers cost up to a thousand dollars right with these specs. So DIY is the way to go. That's why we promote it here and that's why you. You should get one of these or you should get one of these.

You take your choice, right? I Don't care, but that's this is how you do it. Don't buy a ready-made battery, just build it. It's not that hard. I'm making it super easy with these bus bars.

and I'm really super easy with these bus bars. All you have to do is just come up with some. you know, a box. You could even do one of those pre-made boxes.

The plastic they could. They're literally like 20 bucks on Amazon and AliExpress you can put it in there if you want to protect it. A lot of people do do. uh, boxes out of wood.

Maybe in the future? I think maybe I'm gonna make a steel box for this one with big bus terminals and stuff, but that's uh, that's coming up. So anyways, thank you for watching this video. We'll see you guys on the next one. Bye Hey so I'm at the Peterson Museum They have a huge Tesla exhibit and it's so weird to see one of these packs.

This is the Tesla packs that we took apart in our shop so that we can put Tesla batteries a few years ago 10 years ago, probably about 10 years ago now. Yeah, we had a ton of these. uh I think there's like 500 of these or something that they had to take apart and so these became very common in uh at EV West and in my shop. and it's so weird to see them here at the Museum Automotive Museum.

17 thoughts on “6 minute headway torture test – 48ah lifepo4 pcb busbars”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ivan Drusc says:

    Jehu cool test that's definitely needed but would be legit if you could measure full current

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chris doyle says:

    Wish i saw these lev60 batteries before i bought my headway bus bars. Still need to buy the cells though maybe i will just go lev60. Very cool videos!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars joe kennon magnetizedmindz says:

    Do I need to balance the lev60 cells and what balancer do I need to run on it

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! ________GHOST________ says:

    Hello I need to know when your website is going to have the 48AH 12V HEADWAY BUSBAR PCB KIT, 1000A CAPABLE! without the blocks in thanks.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amer Khafagi says:

    As always, great video Jeh. People using Headway cells for car audio and as you mentioned (in min 9) is connected to the alternator so my question is it safe to connect to it directly ? as I know the alternator when connected to lithium battery (for charging) which has for sure low IR will get fried ? TIA

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars barry babbot says:

    Have you ever thought about putting together a video regarding Battery fires/safety? Have you had any fires?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yasin Arafat says:

    Hello boss I need to help

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr.18’s says:

    You should do a car audio build using your equipment
    Something extreme to prove the haters wrong 😅

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Riley says:

    Hey man you’re hiding the 300 degree spot under the bms 🤣

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars My Thoughts on Faith says:

    Electrical installations use parallel cables all the time, EVERY stranded wire is infact parallel wires in a single assembly. Anyone who says you cant use multiple cables just doesnt understand electricity. you will see things like what you did one wire will see different amperage due to length, and connection resistance. But if you get them reasonable to the same lengh the difference can be ignored.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jorge Jimenez says:

    I really get mad when a person takes knowledge for free on YouTube and then try to criticize the ones that are sharing the knowledge for free. You always give people the choice of buy from you or just diy. You have the wright to charge whatever you want for the items you sale. As an engineer with more than 15 years of experience working with batteries I can tell that your set of tests are the best that they can be with the equipment that you have and certainly a lot more accurate than those of the clown of the multiple color beard. For those guys trying to craft a high power audio system…. “The week is already invented” do not try to cut corners… is you want to move a lot of current fast, you need multiple cables with a good distribution over good chunks of copper bussbars. This is the only way to do is right. The only reason to use single cable is because cable is really expensive and terminals are more expensive. Less cable is less money….. but MORE FIRE HAZZARD

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Early says:

    Nice test! There is no substitute for real-world testing. When I built the first prototype EVSR electric race car, I used 3/8” thick aluminum bus bars, but they would overheat during race conditions (typically 800amp at 160v for as much as a 95% duty cycle, depending on the race track) so I upgraded to 1/2” thick, and that solved the overheating problem.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OV channel AG says:


  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kuntal Ghosh says:

    do a similar test on those a123 50ah pouch cells , they are also rated at high discharge .

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kuntal Ghosh says:

    buy a uni-t ut221 clamp meter , it is a bit expensive (150$) but it can measure 2000amps dc! . make sure its the ut221 as the ut220 is ac only or the ut222 can measure 2500amps dc.
    ut207b & 208b is around 100$ and they measure upto 1000amps dc.
    i have the ut204+ and the meter is very accurate and it was 45$ and only does 600amps which is enough for me but not enough for your tests.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TYPE xxi - WOLF says:

    Such a great channel and ideas, builts and what not, but unfortunatelly no opportunity to build anything like this cause there is no EU warehouse or partner looking for a similiar offer like yours.
    Nice to watch, learn a lot but in the same moment the big bubble of joy explodes .

    Keep going on – follow the channel for over 5 years already and so often had a feeling must build that one but could not.
    So I ended up in the usual ordinary EV LF280K world putting 16S together to a pack of cells from china that also delivered what they had been promising, but paid a lot more than you big battery cell offers for the US.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Gradea says:

    Good video! You can use a 500A or even 1000A shunt with an INA199A or similar Current sense amplifier and build your own tool quite cheaply to measure the high current. Or even easier, use just the shunt then use a precision volt meter to measure the voltage drop across the shunt then I = V / R, R = V / I , R = 75mV / 1000A, R = 0.075 Ohms . All the best!

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