Foreign. We are going to test this Beast of a battery right here. So uh, these are, but essentially two of this guys right here, right? And we tested those already. We know these can do 600 amps, Uh, up to like 20 seconds or something like that, right? So this we know it should be able to do about 1200 amps now.

I don't have 1200 amps to load it, but I'm going to load it up because what we're testing here today is to see if these bus parts are up to the task. Uh, 1200 amps or anything above 800 amps? That's serious serious stuff, right? And so I've been I Think these are 10 layers of one ounce copper, right? A 10 PCB layers. So that means uh, 20 layers of copper in here? So uh, but the Space is really small and really narrow. so I Expect to to see the heat here here.

Uh, underneath this one here and that one over there. So we'll see we're going to load it up with I think somewhere around 700 800 amps and then we'll see how those behave. If they remain somewhat cool or below, you know, 160 degrees Fahrenheit or something. then we'll We'll find more loads and then we'll push it harder.

But for right now, we're just gonna see how it does on 800 amps. Let's start this test all right. 800 amps. Just look at the bus bars.

All right here we go. Uh yeah, you see the hot spots right there is going to be uh, right there. 114 F It's not that bad even though we're at almost 800 amps right here. Um, 116 over there.

115. this one I suspect is not gonna have as bad of a time because there's two Pathways so the same amount of copper, but it's got two Pathways to get to. So really, the the toughest one is going to be this one right here and then those right there. There's things we can do there without adding more copper, like moving that closer to between them.

So now it has two equal Pathways to those I might do that in the future, but this ones right here are the ones that are going to concern me. 121 F Right now? Uh, and we're around. Uh, still 800 amps so it looks like this will be able to do, uh. consistent.

Okay, let's give it all she's got, right? Okay, 853 amps. let's see how those start heating up now. Climbing 123 124 That's climbing. Climbing 131 Look, 831 amps 129 over here.

Oh okay, so these ones are getting hotter right there. The load is climbing down a little bit. 800 about 800 now 134. And yeah, we're stabilizing around 800 amps, 137 degrees.

That's not that bad. It's a bit on the high, on the on the uh, you know it's a bit on the hot side, but nothing really to worry about. Let's see, let's look at it from the top there. 149 Is that what we're seeing here? 142 on the one over there.

150? Yeah, yeah at 800. thank you thank you. Foreign. So there you go.

Not as good as I was hoping, but not really that bad, right? So 500 amps continuous is no joke. That's a lot of power. These batteries are primarily targeted for audio applications. You guys are the only crazy people on the planet that are trying to get those power levels at 12 volts.
You know, if the audio world ever wanted to really like break past the you know, 10 000 watt, uh Mark then you know just have to do is just build amplifiers that work at 24 volts or 36 or 48? Well gee, 50 000 watt systems. Although who needs that? I know. But uh, definitely in an audio application those are Dynamic Loads. They're not continuous like this, right? So you'll be able to get the 1200 watts the 1200 amps right? Which that equals what? like oh, 14? what? 14 000? Wow, right? 14 kilowatt? So uh, definitely you could do that because you know it'll The bars won't get so hot because they're not continuing.

they're not continues. Low continuous load is much much harder on everything on the cells on the bus, bars on your cables on everything, right? So Dynamic loads music that they can handle that. So think about this like the most energy hungry, power hungry uh sounds that come out of your system is the bass right? and the base is anywhere between 200 or 30 to 200. uh Hertz right? So that means every second you split it up into uh, whatever.

30 times or a hundred times and that's when it's actually the little motor. The speakers are just regular Motors they're pulling power but in between those Peaks and stuff, there's no power being pulled so it's like 50 duty cycle right? So so that's why you can go really really high compared to the continuous load. So Dynamic loads are way less less Heat stress on the cells and everything. So that's why even though this Kit only did about 500 amps uh, continuous? uh, it'll it'll do the thousand 1200 amp uh uh.

Dynamic loads on on music right? So this is version one. We only made a small batch of these. Uh, we're gonna make them available but I will keep working on these bus bars and I do want to make them so that they can pull, you know, 800 amps I have a couple of them. So the next thing to try is going to be the solid aluminum and then solid copper at the end.

right? So and by the way, this is gonna. this is the one version of this battery pack and then there's gonna be a long one because I know a lot of you guys are saying that you guys need to put it like behind a seat or something. So you guys are looking for like a long pack and this definitely is easy to. uh you know, just put the cells in a different configuration so it's longer like that.

So anyways, thank you for watching this video. These uh if you're interested in this, just go to It's gonna be available there. We'll see you guys the next one. Bye.

16 thoughts on “1200a 12v monster lifepo4 battery”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Woomer says:

    160 is really not that hot anyway. Fantastic product!!!!! Just installed the long version and it’s absolutely insane. I am running about 12k watts and it is extremely stout. I don’t like the fact that it changes so low though 13.3 is all I am getting currently.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andy Cowley says:

    we love to have battery like that in the uk

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Nagapoollay says:

    Is this better than headway?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shane Burcaw says:

    I would like to use this as a starter battery for a diesel truck. What is the temperature range for these cells ? also do you think a 300amp constant 1000a 5 second bms would be ok for that situation ? seems the starter would use 450-650 amps… Might just run a 750amp ANL fuse and no bms

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DIY Audio Guy says:

    Great video man! What do you use to charge something like this?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars microcement la cala Mijas spain says:

    Anywere in Europe to buy these please.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Cole says:

    I just bought 8 cells . I wanna make 2 seperate 74 ah batteries . And be able to connect to make 148 ah batt. Is that possible ? Do i need 2 bms ? Amd can i make one a solar generator capable of charging on solar and DC to DC . ?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Cole says:

    They do have amps that are high voltage. Dude has a fiat. That has 3 30k anps at 400v runs off his ev motor battery

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Skye Is the Limit says:

    How many amps was you putting into that pack while doing this test?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Brown says:

    I’m gonna have to get these for my next dual battery system. Been rocking the fullriver stick packs and want to get some more output.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cristian Nieto says:

    Just ordered 2 banks of the smaller version super excited

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob Heishman says:

    Used to like this fool until he attacked a friend of mine online….didn't think he was a complete asshole until i saw him for what he really is. I will always enjoy content like this but wish he was a nice person lol

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jaime Enrique Palacios says:

    Hello Jehua Best regards: I am trying to make a "Solar PowerPack 900Wh", as you explain it in your videos (which among other things I really like, thanks!).

    I have ready the 10 battery plates and the rest of the parts, but I have problems with the cable ("Ribbon cable"), that when trying to connect the whole set, this generated a big short circuit burning several of the battery cards. I already repaired them, but I have to burn them again…

    Is it possible that you can sell me the ribbon cable with the 11 male connectors, ready and tested, to finish my project?

    Just tell me how much it's worth to consign the money to you. Thanks again!,

    Hugs. Jaime

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gaurav Joshi says:

    How can I order your product to India?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alfonso Estrada says:

    My geez those bus bars are top notch πŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ”‹πŸ”‹βš‘οΈβš‘οΈβš‘οΈπŸ

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kswis says:

    I’m enjoying the headway kit, now I need to switch gears n go this route'!!!!

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