96Wh/Kg Honda Modules -https://j35.us/bMax
110Wh/kg LiFePO4 Cells - https://j35.us/LEV60-LiFePO4
150Wh/kg Audi Modules - https://j35.us/Audi-12s
200Wh/Kg Tesla Rav4 Modules - https://j35.us/Rav4-BattModules
200Wh/kg LG modules - https://j35.us/ChevyLG-Modules
220Wh/Kg Jaguar modules - https://j35.us/Jag-Modules

All right, let's talk about batteries. These You might recognize them as Tesla batteries. Tesla's kind of the only company that build uh, big giant packs like this for their electric cars using the very, very famous Uh 18650 cell format, right? So these are very similar to their Model S batteries, but they're not. These are actually Rav4 Toyota RAV4 From like 2012 to like 2016 or something like that, they made these uh for Toyota and uh.

the car has six of these modules and then four of these. So these are 12s, right? They're about 44.4 uh volt nominals and these ones at 5S are about 18 and a half volts nominal, right? So it's pretty weird. Six if you do the math. Six plus, uh, four of these.

That's about 92 s which is like 340 volts nominal. But you know, and whatever, it works right? That's just a number. usually. Uh Tesla battery packs are 96 and I Think that's kind of like industry standard.

Now they're going above like to 108, 110 12. uh, 355 volts nominal was the you know, the the traditional standard that was starting to form in cars. But now obviously there's a lot of these cars are trying to run to 800 volts. But these are, you know, from a few years ago.

so these are pretty cool. This one right here is 2.6 uh amp hours. Uh uh, kilowatt hours and this one is 6.3 almost 6.4 I think kilowatt hours I think new. It was like over six and a half kilowatt hours.

So I'm basing that on the cells. There's 45 cells in parallel and those are usually about three amp hours. I think they were 3.2 amp hours. but Tesla never really used them all the way up.

Of course. now that we're going to use this for, you know, our own DIY Purposes: You could use this and charge them all the way up the last, uh, 10 or 20 and then you can get all that capacity. but these are a few years old so they're probably they have some degradation. I Don't know.

There's not enough of these for me to set up, make jigs instead of, and run. Uh, these are huge, right? So it would take a lot of energy a lot of time for us to measure the capacity of these. We're just measuring voltage, making sure that they're not corroded, making sure that there's no visible signs that these are compromised in any way. right? And so that's we're selling them.

We got them cheap. We're selling them cheap. We just want to pass them on. And these batteries right here are really, really great for car conversions, right? Uh, you can use this for anything, right? But because of the energy density, these land themselves really good for car conversions.

And I have these ones here for that reason, right? Like take this for example, this right Here it's 70 pounds, right? and this right Here it's 70 kilograms, 70 kilos, which is about 164. I Think 164 uh pounds, right? So this is more than, um, more than twice the weight right now. How about capacity? Well, this one. we said it's like six and a half kilowatt hours.

This one's like eight and a half kilowatts. So this is like there's more than twice the weight. But for about 30 or 40 percent 30? Yeah, probably 30 percent, uh, of the capacity or something like that, right? Because these are eight. These are six, six, and a half eight.
So there's yeah. So and and that's just the uh weight, right? The volumetric is also difference, right? Like if you pay attention, it's about the same length here, but this one's skinnier. So maybe you can get rid of like all these cells here. And then this one's like way higher.

so you can take. Yeah, so it's about 40 to 40 or 50 more volume than this one right here, right? And so uh, for that reason, you know, if you put this battery, this is a Lithium iron phosphate. These are great cells by the way. Really high quality and stuff.

The only thing is that they're not as energy dense. I Think this one's come out to be about 110 What hours per kilogram? Where you're looking at 200 watt hours per kilogram. And we do have some other batteries that are higher like these I-pace ones Jaguar I-pace These are higher I Think these are like nearing 250 watt hours per kilogram, right? So that's why those are really good for conversions. These are really good for conversions.

These ones put them in the wall. Yeah, put them in a big box. Uh, and then uh. you know you could use them for for storage, right? Solar storage or some kind of other stuff like that, something that audio car audio.

Competition Car Audio Really loves these because they can put like crazy amounts of power. These are like legit 560 cells so they can put like, you know, 600 amps. Um, and these ones are not. I Think these are like 3C or something like that, right? So they can put quite a bit of a uh uh, amperage enough to run a car right? So that's what would recommend this ones.

There's a small batch of these, it's only about two cars worth. Uh, there's two sizes. These ones. we can actually ship them.

They're within the specs. the regulation specs. These ones are not. These ones are over 70 pounds on the and the size and stuff.

So the only way we can sell these is we put them in a pallet right? So you would have to buy a few of them to actually make sense. So we're gonna put these and list them on the website if you want to buy them. Uh, if you're local to. Southern California Great.

Come come by and pick them up. We'll load them up in your car, we'll put them in a pallet, and then you can have a nice little battery conversion stuff. If you're outside. yeah, you're gonna have to put on a palette and we're gonna have to get a quote.

All this stuff. It's kind of complicates the thing when we're trying to ship big big batteries. Uh, but if you are interested in these ones, this is a 5S right? Uh, for 144 amp hours, 18 and a half volts, right? These are great. You could build something like that even with these these, we can put them in a box and ship them.
Uh, other than that, if you're building a solar storage thing or a car. Audio competition: battery by our Lithium iron phosphate. uh. batteries, right? These are great.

They last forever. They're super safe. These are very energy density. They're very compact.

They're very light so use them for conversions. Okay, we'll talk to you guys on the next video. If you're interested in any other stuff, go to Jack35.com As always, we have a new product coming up all the time and we're trying to. We buy them cheap and we sell them cheap.

You know, just to try to save you money on batteries. All right. See you guys in the next video. Bye Foreign.

9 thoughts on “Tesla rav4 batteries for electric car conversions”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars c. M. D says:

    Can you put Tesla batteries in a Mercedes? Are there software restrictions? I was curious..if I wanted wanted to extend the range on an EQA

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deane TR says:

    All that soda is… no bueno

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Viral Patel says:

    Lol Jehu is surrounded with so much lithium that just being there he can treat himself for mania with lithium carbonate

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aperture x1337 says:

    Hey Jehu, I got the xt30 parallel powerstrip and the XT30 parallel y harness for 36v batteries from your store and I am loving the scalability with it. Do you have any other 36v ideas or PCB's coming down the pipe soon? I really wanna get the 18 battery rack mount kit soon!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Godfathers says:

    Stop drinking soda. Drink water. Lots of water.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars R3 says:

    Would love to visit your shop. Im out in Commerce.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dreamkiss4u says:

    Can I buy stuff and get it from your shop? Where can I get the address and do I have to call first or how?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Broom says:

    I just got my LEV60's today for my electric ZTR conversion.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Quinn Foster says:

    Whaaaa? Jehu Garcia teaching us the ways of the world

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