Electric Car Batteries do catch on fire sometimes, but LiFePO4 Chemistry is much safer. https://jag35.com/products/high-discharge-600a-lifepo4-1780w-prismatic-cells

So I was watching the YouTubes as one does you know on a daily basis. This video came up and I was watching it and I'm like what in the world so much that I thought I need to make a video about this because this is I mean it kind of concerns us. You know it's having to do with Lithium batteries and electric cars and stuff. and the whole fire thing.

right now. electric cars and Lithium batteries do catch on fire and it is an issue. Uh, but so is everything else. Gas cars also catch fire.

Houses catch on fire. You know everything. So the problem is I think is there's a narrative the the electric cars are much more dangerous because their fires are so much more dangerous, right? Or they catch more and fire more often than gas cars. and I think there's there's some misconceptions there, right? But today I'm going to talk about this one right here.

this company, this video by the way, Fire Cloak USA Let's watch this video and I'll just I guess I'll just react to it I don't know if we'll watch the whole thing because it's long. uh 12 minutes. Um, but I think I will uh skip this whole thing because this is, uh, just them talking as well. I've got Ginger Johnson Ginger Johnson Sales people.

So what we're going to be doing today is we're going to be it's 2013 Tesla Model 3. it will be in full thermal runaway and we're going to light it with a torch. Model Three: it's a Model S and that's when they'll close the thermal we're on a way to start and let's hear that again. Sports uh we believe around 180 degrees Fahrenheit and that's when it'll cause the thermal running way to start you know Casa Terminal Runnelly Kind of give you guys a background how we got here.

We partnered with Prosol out of Sheffield United Kingdom and these blankets are being used a lot in Europe They're a few years ahead of us, but we're the sole importer for fire blankets in the United States for Fire Cloak USA Uh, we spent the last, you know, four months since the last Uh demo and we've been meeting with Phoenix Fire Department Las Vegas Clark County Fire uh Wichita Tulsa all across the country and you know if you feel really good today we've got you know every all 50 states are being represented on this as well as four different countries so we're getting the word out. We encourage you guys as well to share this and because all the communities are needing it and I wanted to just uh like I said I'm going to turn it over to Chief Joe and and ginger as the demo starts and guys are ready so we're getting ready to go and if you have any questions, be sure Fire Cloak USA You can contact us, send us any questions, any concerns. If you need a blanket for a demo, let us know we'll get one out to you and you know the other thing is kind of on the how do you fund these things and that's always a question we're getting and the biggest answer Clark County Fire When we partnered with them, they wrote a grant and the grant was from the standard operating procedure. We worked together and that Grant was funded and so they're buying 170 blankets for their department so that's a great way for the any of the Departments to get funding for these and we encourage you.
If you have any questions that we'll write the grants, we'll help you with the grants. We'll get the information to you because it is a new Hazard we all got to work together on it. I'm going to turn this over to Chief Joe and Ginger and we'll get started with the with the demo. They're going to like this fire with a torch with direct flame I Think the person that's speaking right now is Chief Joe and he's an actual fireman.

We'll get these batteries in the thermal runaway structure of the battery and once it starts, it can get up to 2500 degrees and it's very difficult to put out. And uh, we're going to use this blanket and this blanket is not meant to put the fire out. It won't extinguish it, but it will suppress it and contain it until you. so you have time to get your water supply and that's incredibly important.

Uh, like in parking garages? I'm going to stop the video here. Um, this battery is not on fire. They dose some accelera and maybe like gasoline I Don't know what they put inside of the car, but they put it inside of the car. Dude? I Don't know if they know that the batteries on a not an interior of the car but on the bottom side of the car and it's sealed in a box.

It's very tightly sealed. uh, weather seal. They lit up the in the inside of the cabin like that's that's a separate compartment of the car that fires not in the battery right? And so the battery here is not on fire. And so when we talk about uh EV fires, typically I mean I guess some of the time it's just going to be a regular fire that you know your seat caught on fire or your interior of the car or a tire caught on fire.

But when we talk I think I think when we talk about EV fires I know what I mean is that the battery caught on fire right and there. Therefore, that's a special uh, kind of fire that is different than the regular gas card fires, right? Uh, and so they are trying to show how this blanket is gonna tackle an EB fire right? but without actually them while creating an EB fire. Because this is not an EB fire. this is just a regular car fire.

There's it's just the interior, it's just Upholstery and glass and fabric. And you know it's like there's the battery's not on fire here. I was like gonna catch on fire later on at least areas and also large parking lots that's already starting to pop. No in real life.

Basically the battery's not on fire. He thinks that in five minutes the the fire is gonna go from the cabin to the battery and white smoke that's gonna be there. No what. over charging will cause this.

Just get into full thermal runaway before we deploy this blanket. Well, the multi-use looks very enticing when you think about it because obviously you don't have to buy another blanket after you use it the first time. The problem with multi-use is they're going to degrade. They're not going to work as well the second or third time as they did the first time.
you're not going to get all the contaminants off of it and there's some major contaminants that come off of that battery that you don't want to be in contact with. inhale that type of thing. So what this blanket is going to do, it is going to contain the blanket. Okay, there's no white fire.

He says that that's that's when the battery, that's this indication on the battery caught on fire. We don't see no white smoke corners and take it up. And the car? Okay, they're gonna cover it. so they're using train.

Uh, firemen. firefighters retain it and that also in case of the wind and so it's going to contain the fire it's gonna. That's very important. Know how to put the thing on top over the car.

just let the blanket sit there and do its job. Like any real life situation, you have to make some adjustments to make sure that it's on properly. These are deployed to blankets comparative which is blankets are centered and he says it didn't Center it overlap overhang to be able to cut that blank again. Under you got to tuck it inside.

underneath. There you go. Very important or it won't work like it's supposed to. Okay, so I don't think those guys did it because look, he's still fighting on that other side.

There's still Fire coming out of the one side, second half into the environment. So let's say that you're not deploying the blanket and you're going to use the traditional method of dousing it with water. What are some of the issues? Okay, we're talking about this later for now. then they burn out trying to douse them with water.

It's going to take a tremendous amount of water, probably up to around 10 000 gallons. So that is a lot of water. That's why it does. You know it's why it's retained and allows you to get your water source so you can the fire extinguish because you're not going to need as much water once you get that temperature down and it's going to as when it contains it.

It's going to reduce that temperature greatly from up to 2500 degrees down to less than 500 probably to 300 degrees right? So then it's a lot more manageable to be able to. Uh, you tilt the car, get water underneath it so you can actually get that fire out so you can use here as much water. Okay, so now they're using water. A lot of people or a lot of departments are going with let's just let it burn.

Especially like on the interstate. Well, that creates a lot of environmental problems. you're going to have runoff you're gonna no. I Do agree with him just letting it catch.

fire burn out. It's not the way to go. I Don't think right because yeah, there is a lot of nasty stuff that comes out of there. So again, there might be a small amount of visible flame.
It's down to 96 degrees now. If that's to be expected, there may not be any. but you may or getting air back to it. I Mean it's a pretty cool blanket.

It contains the fire like it's a little bit. the Fire doesn't go through it. I Think if they leave it there, it might actually just put out the fire because it will run out of oxygen and since the batteries are not created is on oxygen. I Think you can kill the fire, you could just run off.

It's just not a good. It's not a good plan So you get down to where you're only going to use about the same amount of water you use on a normal car fire internal combustion engine. That's that's the goal and that's what it's designed to do to help you get to where you can do that. So these blankets are designed to not only be used on EVS but also hybrids and gas as well.

They can all be used in it. You can just blankets you only need one. Department And it's probably going to take you less than an hour to get that fire contained and put out so that vehicle can be hauled off. We suggest that the blanket actually goes with the company that is going to be picking up the vehicle and to keep that vehicle covered with the blanket because there's always the possibility that the fire can reignite.

It's not uncommon when you are dealing with a Lithium-ion batteries that it does reignite. At some point they can rig night up for 30 days after trying to extinguish it the first time. That's why salvage yards don't really like these EDD vehicles at all. So I think there's some truth there.

I Think because the battery packs are so tightly packaged and so when it catches on fire and maybe if they were a successful Lee able to put it out, then there's portions of the battery that didn't. You know that wasn't exposed or they weren't and so maybe they're still shorted out or something. I I don't know I think maybe there. There are some cases where they catch on fire.

some like so it should long time after the original fire, right? I I I Guess it's possible it's possible, right? Um, but my problem with this video is not really the fact that this blanket doesn't work. Obviously, it works to suppress the fire, right? Uh, I think if they left it there longer, it would completely kill the fire, right? It would run out of oxygen and it will just give itself out so they didn't really have to I Don't think they really have to doubt dose it off with water at the end. Um, my problem is that they're trying to show you how this blanket is used to put out an EB fire. but they're They fail to actually create an EV fire and so this is a demonstration this is supposed to sell to.

uh I Guess the public is this is a YouTube writer but like the fire departments and stuff and I think they failed I think they failed at showing us that because this is not a lithium fire, this is not a Lithium-Ion battery fire. this is just a regular traditional car fire. Uh, and so you know it's funny because he's saying like oh well I didn't know this would put out a regular gas car fire right? and I mean that is essentially what it? well actually probably the gas car would probably be a bit more than that because uh well, you know the gasoline is pretty flammable and so uh, it would probably be a harder and harder to put than this fight right here because this is was literally just interior material. just Upholstery And then they they didn't let the car burn down to the point where the battery caught on fire.
uh I think it's a fail so this is just a quick video I I don't mean to you know, just completely trash on these guys. uh I think it's a good product I think maybe I think the fire departments should have those um and I think it probably would help I Just I think they failed to show us if it actually will stop a Lithium-Ion battery fire. So they probably should do this test again and in fact they this is the second time they've done this test because I just found another one with another electric car hybrid I think but it also did not successfully were able to uh, get the battery on fire. They did the same thing.

they just lit up the the top of the car and the bottom of the car where the batteries at. they didn't right? So I think Fire Cloak USA needs to try again and they need to do a better job doing this or don't I don't know, this is just my suggestion. uh thank you for watching this video. We'll see you guys the next one.

I know it's different than regular but I thought I need to make a video because this is uh related to what I do lithium ion batteries right? and uh, they do catch fire from time to time and they do have to put them out. So I was hoping that this was gonna be great, but no I don't think so I don't know I mean maybe it does. Maybe it does perform great at doing what they're saying but they didn't they didn't show us. so I'm hoping they will do okay.

See you guys the next video bye.

15 thoughts on “Firecloak usa fails to show how to fight ev fire”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fire Cloak USA says:

    @Jehugarcia Thanks for sharing our video and discussing it with your followers. We would like to address a few key things that have been written in the comments and said during the video.
    1. This was a training for a fire department to learn how to contain an EV Fire using the EV Fire Blanket, the Fire Cloak USA. Yes, as you can see, they didn't center the blanket. That is the reason they do these trainings. To learn and prepare so that when lives are on the line they are ready. Due to this demonstration we are now going to make adjustments to future blankets so that it is easier for fire fighters to center the blanket quickly.

    2. The vehicle was purchased from a salvage yard and yes the battery was still in the car. We have photos available for anyone that would like to see them.

    3. Battery Fire: The goal was to create a situation in which the car goes into Thermal Runaway. The Fire Department waited until temperatures were above 1200 degrees F before the blanket was deployed. I won't argue whether the battery was on fire since the fire chief of training stated that it was. We are not trained fire fighters at Fire Cloak USA. The main thing is that we were able to show in this demonstration that the product works not only to contain, but also to cool the vehicle down in minutes making the jobs of the fire fighters much easier.

    4. We really appreciate your feedback in saying that had the blanket been left on that it would have extinguished the fire and that it effectively did the job of containment. Our goal is to provide fire fighters with a solution to these fires that protects our environment, fire fighters, property, and innocent bystanders. This blanket allows a single fire department to contain an EV fire in under an hour with less than 10,000 gallons of water. Letting them burn is toxic for the environment and requires hours of a fire departments time, and typically multiple departments. If they extinguish with water it can require 20,000-65,000 gallons of water. The Fire Cloak USA does provide departments with safe containment solution and we are definitely proud of that.

    While our demonstration didn't go as planned, we wanted to share it with everyone so that they know what it takes to effectively use the blanket and hopefully learn from this experience. In addition we've learned how to improve this product so that we can keep our fire fighters and environment safe. WE are extremely thankful for the fire fighters that participated in this demonstration. It was over 120 heat index in Oklahoma that day, windy, and challenging conditions while wearing the amount of gear they had on. This is a good real life scenario that could happen to any department and it was a good example of what can go wrong and how to make adjustments.

    Thank you again for sharing our video. It was really great to hear your feedback toward the end that the blanket does work. If you are ever interested in collaborating with us on another video, please reach out. We have smaller blankets for lithium-ion batteries for e-bikes on the way. It would be great to partner with you to discuss how these blankets can work and to show how it works on a lithium ion battery fire.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BobboNaught says:

    Great catch. That sales video is so dishonest. Maybe the blanket would be effective for a lithium battery fire as well, but regardless the video is a dishonest demo.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Key says:

    Fire blankets for house tarps , underlayment for torch down roofing sorta brittle

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Johnnie says:

    Fire blankets wonโ€™t work, because the lithium batteries donโ€™t need air to burn. I think the blanket will actually put the fire fighters in danger.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kissker Venwrath says:

    the only way to stop an actual battery fire – is to cool the battery to the point where damaged cells – on fire – can't heat up and puncture non-damaged cells, causing the chain-collapse of the entire battery. Your not gonna do that by raining water on it from above. Now – if you flip the car over and spray the heck outta the bottom where it is, and from the inside pointed up – you might have a shot. Otherwise "10,000 gallons of water" is just wasted while the battery finally runs out of Cells to burn.

    Now, the blanket could possibly help this as well – but honestly… this is a sham of an example. Not only did they not center the blanket and give it full coverage (the side kept burning and getting fresh oxygen) but they didn't even have a Li-Ion fire to begin with.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 1sheinz says:

    What they did prove was that a TESLA battery will Not catch fire EVEN IF THE CAR IS ON FIRE.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TruthOrDie777 com2 says:

    No, its not a narrative, lithium chemistry catches fire without a spark and cannot be put out.
    Its called thermal runaway, which is a problem that gasoline never has

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Kennard says:

    There ain't enough hours in the day to watch this bullshit. Keep fighting the FUD.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tejeshw Vardhan says:

    Battery fire is short circuit. So to stop it you need to open the circuit. Simply C4 it to open the circuit and disintegrate the battery. Make battery pack in segment. Whichever get damage will get seperated and c4 it๐Ÿ˜…. Look at electrical point of view not the firefighter point of view!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tejeshw Vardhan says:

    You just put a c4 and disintegrate the car then wait for it to get extinguish.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hans Keesom says:

    Someone should sue them for spreading BS information

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rogue ร†mpire says:

    I'm appauledd this Chief doesn't remember his basic fire science. Of course, this would extinguish an ICE fire. I'm going to give you the basic science that is fundamental for understanding fire.

    For the combustion chemical reaction (fire) to occur you need 3 things; fuel, heat and oxygen. This is known as the fire triangle. You remove any one of those things and combustion ceases. Meaning there is no more fire. So, if you have a piece of wood out in the open, it isn't likely to burst into flames even though it is a fuel source and surrounded by oxygen. If the wood was heated to around 250-300ยฐC it would start to burn. Everything has varying autoignition temperatures. Wood's autoignition temperature is between 500-600ยฐC. In other words, it will continue to burn if it reaches this temperature and potentially reignite down to 250ยฐC.

    Water is commonly used as an extinguisher; because, for most materials the water does two things; reduces heat and smothers fuel from oxygen. Before we get to the chemistry lesson. The primary way it functions is to remove the heat. Water has an amazing capacity to absorb heat and then transfer that hear it into the atmosphere; because its boiling point is lower than most combustion occurs. This is actually how water extinguishes wood. It brings the temperature below the iginition temperature and once the surface is soaked it insulates the fuel from oxygen. Though this effect is much milder as the temperature has to be brought well below the ignition temperature, 100ยฐC before it can apply this affect.

    The issues with chemical and metal fires is that because, they are combusting at such high temperatures (Magnesium 3100ยฐC). When water is applied, the initial water that comes into contact with the surface is rapidly heated beyond the covalent bonds of its atoms (2000ยฐC). The water molecules actually split into Hydrogen and Oxygen again. This adds both another fuel Hydrogen, and Oxygen to the triangle. This is what leads to the initial catastrophic explosion if water is applied to a magnesium fire.

    As this occurs the effect is a shielding of further water from getting to the surface. An extreme version of the Leidenfrost effect insulates the chemical or metal that is burning. So, the heat is not removed. The only way to overcome this effect with water is to continuously stream high pressure water across the surface until enough vapor escapes from the Leidenfrost bubble that the heat draws down below the temperature needed to actually soak the surface.

    What this fire blanket accomplishes is reducing the amount of oxygen getting to the combusint materials within its envelope. Once this is reduced, the fuel can no longer combust and then the heat is reduced through natural radiation and convection into the surrounding atmosphere.

    Why they say it wont extinguish the EV battery fire is that; because, under this blanket the chemical reaction of thermal run away within the pack is still on going. So, there is a considerable heat source present until all the electrons move through the broken barrier. Additionally, while under this heat the chemicals begin to interact and undergo changes. Which can lead to the release of flamable gases such as hydrogen and oxygen. Which persists the fire triangle. Until either the chemical reaction expends all of the fuel gases, oxygen, or the energy stored in the battery is expended and it begins to cool.

    What this blanket allows for is time to reduce the electron energy, reduce outside oxygen influence, and limit heat radiating to the outside environment, making it approachable and preventing additional damage. They said, you'll have to tilt the vehichle to be able to douse the battery pack.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrey M says:

    Looks like there was no battery in this Tesla ๐Ÿ˜‚

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Electronic Artis says:

    these people didn't get that battery on fire they just get the car on fire where is that car still I need the ๐Ÿ”‹ I will salvage it for scrap.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Storeskeeper RVL says:

    It is just another business which wants to sell these (I guess blody expensive) blankets. They do not care about truth and honor.
    A burning Toyota Camry would not have had any attention in media or YT, that`s the whole point ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜† poor guys ๐Ÿ˜ช

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