$150 (introductory price) 12v LiFePO4 battery - https://j35.us/12v74Ah
Don't fly Blind anymore, See your 10A balancer working https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_De1jIyT

All right, quick video today we're gonna check out a balancer. All right. As you know, these 12 volt batteries that we're selling with the LED 60 cells are very very popular and this is one of my favorite balancers because it has a screen so it lets you know that it's working and it lets you know uh, what's happening in the cells as far as the cell voltages right. But it turns out this is not the only device that will do that.

We just found another one here that you can buy in AliExpress and it has a screen. Uh the adventure. This one is that unlike this one, this one is capped like at 500 milliamps or 300 milliamps of balancing. It's right, so it's very slow.

If you have cells that are you know not that great or not well matched then this this can't keep up and so it might not work for your battery like for example, if you're doing this with a Headway that is using U-sells right? In this case these are new cells and uh they are. You know, very well matched. So this one's enough for that. but just in case that you wanted more balancing for some reason right that you didn't trust or you just got unlucky and got one cell that is different from the other ones then this right here might work for you because this one will do five amps right which is way more and there's another version that will do 10 amps I don't remember which version I think I just got the 5 amp version because I'm like I don't need 10 amps but um, let's see how easy it is to install it first.

just in case you don't know, all our batteries that we built here. Uh, we use this board in here or some kind of a PCB board on top. and then we put a connector here with screw terminals which makes it really really easy to install a balancer. And so here is the cable that comes with the balancer.

And of course the black one is uh, batteries negative and then the positive is the red one and then all the center Taps are in order. right? So in our battery here it is labeled B minus all the way to the top and then B plus on the way to the bottom and then all the cell uh, Center Taps and sequence are in there right? So all you have to do is just do that. Basically install it like this in sequence so we're gonna use little uh, how is that thing? Okay, screwdriver, stick it in there. There we go.

then you just tighten that, then the next one is the green one. There we go, the yellow one, then the white one and then finally the red one is B plus. Okay, so now you have that cable in there. Okay, so let's plug in this guy in here.

Positive and negative, right? All right. Look at that. it shows you the voltage. Now what did you do? Oh, this one just turns on and off the screen.

Okay, so here it has on or off. Okay, so it's got a switch. This switch. on and off switch.

You literally turn it off and on and then you turn it on and there we go. And then this Lfp. Okay, so I think you choose between Lithium over here or lithium-ion phosphate. So I think that's what that switch is for.
So there we go. look at the little screen here. so it basically just shows you 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.2 This is pretty balanced battery and if any of those are off, then yeah, it's actually much simpler than the other one. so it'll just balance the battery at five amps, right? Um, I Guess in the future I'm gonna see how I can introduce that, or how I can make this part of the board here, right? So it's got these little holes in here.

Maybe we'll measure those out, put them in here, we'll put some standoffs, and then we'll make it part of the board. Um, you gotta be watch out because it's you know, so we can put it in here. Then we can put this screen somewhere also with the little things. Yeah, I Don't know if it'll be the same board or it'll be a special version of this board that will, uh, accept this right and it'll work with it or whatever.

But here we go. I Just wanted to show you that there are other versions of these and you can order these on AliExpress and it'll do higher rates of balancer. So there you go. Just quick video today.

stay tuned for the future. We're all in. um, you know I'll I'll make the board to be able to work with that in here and then uh obviously this one is one of my favorites here that works for these batteries because these are brand new cells and they are now uh they. These batteries will go up in price what we have them at right now.

it's an introductory price so you're on the fence and and and thinking about buying these but you have it, you might want to do that I Don't know when the price is uh I think as soon as a dealer signs up to sell them then we will have to hike the price because basically that's what we're selling right now. we're selling them at dealer price right? And so once we get partners that want to sell these, then we'll have to hide the price. So take advantage right now if you are looking for a good audio battery. I Don't know what's being said out there in the Uh, Ether and the audio groups I Know we have a lot of haters I Know we have a lot of people that uh, are their little markets are being disrupted by these and their price their current price.

So there are a lot of Haters. There are a lot of people that are probably saying that these don't work. these are not that great that these are problematic. Whatever.

um you know I think all the dumb people are gonna listen to all the negative talk about these batteries. All the smart people people that have a brain will you know do their own research. We'll look at all the videos that I made about these and they're testing and they will probably jump and uh in this opportunity to get these really cheap. then after that they're gonna go in price and then and then the masses are gonna buy them once.

once these end up in at SEMA and some crazy build you know and every competition You Know Audio competition uh is gonna have you know a few of these people that have these and maybe you start winning competition then people are gonna believe and then they're gonna try to buy these but by that point these are gonna be expensive and they're gonna. you know they're gonna be available in more places and stuff so they're gonna be easier to buy but right now they're pretty easy. You can just go to Jack35.com and get them at a discounted price. All right.
thank you for watching this video. We'll see you guys in the next one. Bye Foreign foreign Foreign Foreign.

15 thoughts on “12v 4s lifepo4 10a balancer with screen -lev60”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TRCC says:

    I would love to buy these batteries, but i wont be in the USA until mid october, i really hope it's not too late to get the introductory price. If there's any way i can pay now and you ship later i would gladly do that.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SylwerDragon says:

    All looks good. I would only add active protection resettable fuses or something similar to protect battery and bms as well from shorts and over currents

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Uffe Ibsen says:

    How do you charge this battery ?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kwame LION says:

    I like those batteries, but here in England it I think it's a 3.7 v and usually put in a string if 7s for 24v and 14s for 48v

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JT MTB says:

    when is 4 packs in series to yield 48V with bms in one container ready for order? Do you recommend to get 4 glow packs now and order the container when ready later?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SlimeSquad says:

    You are sold out of the GLOWE batteries, will there be more?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ricardo Sanchez says:

    Is it ok to connect multiple balancers in series to make a 48V or 96v or 144v battery pack? It would be great if we can have 10A balancing capability on a large battery.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LeadMonkey says:

    When ‘on’ Is this always automatic balancing or do you have to tell it each time to balance like the BatteryGo?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars waspinator says:

    are your balancing connectors big enough and your traces wide enough to handle 5A?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars R3 says:

    awesome!!!!! Thanks Jehu!!!!!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wile he Coyote says:

    Those are perfect!!! I love it!! Thanks for the video!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gordon B says:

    Do you have permit to store battery in your warehouse?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TrunkThunderLithium says:

    I love that monitor. Glad you like it 😎

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Manny Fragoza says:

    i already bought the suggested 200 Amp BMS from Aliexpress. To be honest i have my doubts ill even get my order. I cant even get on my account page. Customer service is non existent IMO

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave Johnson says:

    What we really could use is an active high-amperage balancer solution for our hodge-podge home powerwall solutions 🙂

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