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Okay, it's that time to talk about batteries. Okay today I Want to talk to you about these: These are bus bars that I designed uh a while ago for the head weight batteries and this is one of these things where I'm completely wrong I designed these uh, not thinking that they were gonna be popular, people are going to use them I thought like okay I need to build a battery so I'll design them and I'll make them available. but then we've sold hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of I Want to say maybe near a thousand of These Bars Uh, for people that want to build these, uh Headway it's a 12 volt battery lithium-ion phosphate right? But people are using them because these put out a ton of power like crazy amounts of power, right? So I designed this one and I tested it doing uh, 500 amps right and it got hot I got you know hot in here in the middle while transferring all the power right? but it didn't get too hot and so I made the test and I uploaded it and people have been watching it and people keep buying them and then I later designed the BMS right. So this is a BMS thing that you can put on top.

So so I think this is the reason why people are buying them? Uh, because there's our cheap right as opposed to uh, buying like a big thick aluminum bus bar, right? So people are using these really thick three-quarter inch aluminum bus bars that cost more than the cells themselves and so some people are using them and I don't see a problem with that. If you want to use that, they look nice. They look fancy, you know, aluminum machine, aluminum and stuff. but it's not as easy as build as this because uh, well, there's sections right? So these would be a section and then the other section I think they actually Mount them different.

They go this way and then this way right? because then they use every connection here. We'll share the look I think it's overkill for what they're doing. but I'm not gonna argue with the audio world because they've been doing it right and they don't seem to you know who am? I I Really don't know anything about audio I know about batteries and I know about amps and volts. but these people you know are listening to their gurus and stuff and so they're building and I just happen to stumble across this because we were selling these batteries at one point and then uh, because we just selling other batteries that that they were using right? So these bus bars are very popular and very popular because they're easy.

I Went to the trouble of marking everything you know and they're easy to make you. It's very hard to make a mistake with these bus bars and they are held together really nicely. You know, even with the you know with the BMS and stuff people that want to use the BMS then they can do it that way. Um, and so they have asked us for a bunch of different things I know we get emails all the time about like hey, what about one that does a thousand ants you know and I'm like well yeah, you just double up These Bars you can do a thousand and we've been telling people that all from the very beginning and I think people are buying two sets of these and then they were making the Thousand right.
but then eventually one day I was like well, you know, okay there's another person asking for the thousand and oh and by the way, I um I made this file available for people so you can order your own so you don't pay me anything right? That way you can get these even cheaper because I'm you know I I buy them for a dollar and I sell them for two dollars, you know kind of thing. Uh, and so I'm like, well, you can just pay the one dollar, don't even pay me my cut, you just go straight, download the file and order them yourself and that would be the cheapest way. Now of course you would have to buy a minimum of five and so that's maybe the reason, but I may made it really easy. You can.

you can go download the file and buy them yourself or you can just buy them for me if you just won one set, you know, uh and so people uh I put it in here. How to get the uh, a thousand amps right? You just you just double the thickness of this copper. this is one ounce copper and I made them green and then you know if I thought well if I ever order the the two ounce copper, it's like double the price. So I'm like uh you know I don't know I'll just do it another colorware.

So I got tired of telling people to just order two that that email just keeps you know keeps coming and coming and coming. So Eventually what I did was I just started ordering the two ounce copper ones and I put them purple right? and then um and so now this is the product and this is this has thicker copper twice the thickness now. so you know these one tested well at uh, about 500 amps. this one will test now.

some people have made the argument that it's kind of a weird to ask for a thousand because these the eight cells can't even do a thousand and that might be true I don't know I haven't tested it I know these are U-cells right? and so I know that these will probably will have a trouble getting a thousand amps out of eight cells in parallel. but maybe if you got brand new cells, yeah, you might be getting there right. And so I made this. but today What? I want to show you is that I even made another change to these.

Now currently this new batch that we got in is slightly different and what I ended up doing is removing these. It's these right here were made only for this, um, 200 amp BMS board right? and so it makes it really easy. you just bolt these holes in here and then they screwed onto here and now the connection is made. So there's not a lot of connections and wires that you have to do with this because this this physically mechanically is holding this.

it's also making the connection right. But then because in the audio world there are people don't know too much about this. they they. they know enough to be dangerous.
As the saying goes right. Then they started really criticizing me for using 180 amp. um uh, terminals here for 500 amps, right? and I'm like yeah, I guess it kind of makes sense You can. The battery can give you 500 amps, the bus Parts can give you 500 amps but then I only got like you know, 200? You know 180 to I mean there's two of 180 here.

so you know 400 amps of uh of uh, terminals right? And so then they're like it's ridiculous because I the file the same file that I was making into a thousand had those and so it's saying like oh, this guy doesn't know what he's doing because he's he's using 180 amp uh terminals for something that is rated at a thousand amps and so what I ended up doing was taking them off of this file of this design the one that is a thousand because they were right, this are under size for a thousand amps right now. I Can you know ex try to explain to them that it's like this is this is uh, you have many options. You don't have to use these. If you want that much power, you you have to go directly into the uh, the screws and the terminals of the cells.

Here you can each one of these ones. you can put a you know, a lug nut and then put cables in here. but of course you know I'm talking to people that don't know about batteries and of course I'm talking to people also who in the groups in the audio they're my competitors and obviously they have a vested interest in just trashing my design here because you know they don't make money off of anyone that's buying these cheap bus bars. They only make money if they can get them.

uh and convince them to buy the big expensive hundreds of dollars worth of you know, aluminum bus bars. So I can't go in there and and you know plea my case because you know I'm an outsider and these guys you know have uh more Authority in that group and stuff and so whatever I'm just doing my thing I did the design we put them on our website. people who listen to those guys, the gurus and the audio. then either they're sueded by those guys or they're sueded by my test that I did my online you know video that I did and showing you how you can get 500 amps continues half of these little thin bus bars that made out of copper right? So enough people are looking to build a cheap battery and and they're new to this and they really like the fact that these are all labeled with the you know which the polarities and stuff like that and so they keep buying them.

and so I don't you know I don't mean to go into that world and you know, disrupt the audio world or whatever. but I made this and it's selling well and so now I keep making small adjustments here and there. So that's one adjustment that I did I took those off because it is kind of a you know it doesn't make sense to put a 200, 2 200 amp BMS on a battery that does a thousand amps right and so obviously they're not gonna. you're not gonna be using this board with this bus bar.
so I took those off and what I did end up doing is using these These are recently I found some cheap I mean affordable blocks of aluminum that will allow you to put uh, two gauge wire in here. and I this is something common that I see with the builds from the audio world. People are using welding cable. uh and they're using instead of using one really thick one.

you know I want too odd or zero odd or something? What they're using is they're using a bunch of little ones. you know, two-way two gauge cable. It's uh, it's sizable. Uh, here is an example.

This is two gauge cable from welding, right? So it's got good quality. All Copper strands in here. Uh, and the sheeting is really nice. It's flexible and it can withstand quite a bit of heat.

and so this could easily carry. you know, 150 amps, 200 amps, you know, especially on a load like music that is. Transit is not a continuous load, right? And so um, I put this in here because it makes it easy for Builders to use. You know all the cables that they're doing.

This is what they're already doing this. So I thought oh okay, I'll just make it easy for them to you. Also, this is a lot easier doing because all you have to do is you have to peel this back and then you use one of these little guys. You don't even have to use this, but it makes it really easy if you do.

These are, um, called ferrules. uh and they're available everywhere. And uh, you don't have to have a special crimping tool to put ring terminals, all sorts of stuff. You just you literally slide it in there, right? and then you just use an Allen wrench and then you, uh, you tighten it in there.

and now you're able to carry about 200 amps off of this one, right? This one connection here. Now you put all the other ones in there and you're easily going to be able to load this up with a thousand amps. bursts. A thousand Fifteen hundred amps, No problem.

And so that's the uh, the new version of these. If you order one of these today, they will have the you will be able to get them with with these installed already or with this without install if you. you just also can just do the ring terminals in each terminal of each cell so you can do up to eight in here, right? Um, so this is the new version. This is the change that I've done to these batteries and I never made a video about the Thousand amp uh bus bars because they were essentially the exact same as the 500 amps and I did make a video of that.

Very detailed in how to load it up and how to, you know, assemble a battery. And so the only difference was that the copper was thicker and uh, then it could carry more current. But now that I've made now substantial changes to the 1000 amp Uh plates, Well here they are I Wanted to make a video right and so there's a difference in there and so you can choose to order them. you know, without these or with them.
obviously it's going to cost more with these because these are not that expensive actually, right? I've been able to find them affordably in China and I ordered a bunch of them and so yeah, we're gonna make this I think this is a better product I wish I could put them all facing the same direction and closer and Tighter but it's just hard to do with the you know with the layout that we have here. so this is the only way. Now you don't have to use all five. Is it two floors? A five? Two Four five? You could use three.

You could use two depending on your setup, depending on how much amps you're loading this with, right? There are options. That is. the thing about these things and everything that you build and everything that I design is that I give you a bunch of options and sometimes that's confusing for people who don't know exactly what they're doing or don't have very much experience. right? and so, But you know I I Try to give you options that are very useful and not just give you options to give you options because I'd realize that it can get confusing, right? So These Bars by far are the easiest to build.

Uh, when using um Headway batteries right? And they're very affordable compared to everything else that's out there that's made with like thick aluminum bars and stuff. and I think uh, structurally is a lot better because these hold all the cells from both sides, the other ones are only holding from one side and they could be like an accordion and you could cause some damage too. Um, you know I don't know you could. There's ways to mitigate that obviously.

and uh, so there you go. These are going to be available at and I just wanted to make a quick video showing you the the slight changes that I've done to this design. These are very popular. you might see them in the car, groups and stuff and people that are building batteries.

Uh, someone just posted a whole write-up on how to build this and it's not for audio I think it was more for like transmitter equipment and stuff like shortwave transmitters and stuff. So those transmitters sometimes need quite a bit of power. So this battery build was really easy for them to build and someone made alone. and so I think that's why we're getting quite a bit of orders for these right now.

and so I thought I'd take the opportunity to to share this with you today. So there you go you can get the 500 amp bus bars. um most of you are gonna you know this is gonna be good enough for you. but if you want you know to really load it up and if you want the ability to put you know up to five cables in here uh two gauge cables then um yeah just get the all right as always.

Thank you for watching this video. uh next video I will do a little bit more of a build instead of just showing you an overview of a product or a thing or a battery or whatever. Um so stay tuned for that. If you like that you might consider subscribing.
and if you like this stuff, do like this video. It does help my channel. my channel is actually has the the least amount of use. There was a one point where I used to get a lot of views millions of views in my videos but because I went really Niche I went really like concentrated on batteries then now my audience kind of got smaller right? and so it does help if you like this video.

and if you hit the Subscribe button thank you for all your help and all your support through the years. We'll see you in the next video. Bye foreign, foreign Thank you.

17 thoughts on “12v 1000a headway busbars”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars anonym pers says:

    u r talking too much …

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JustAnotherNewProject says:

    Thank you @jehugarcia for another informative video. What would be a reason to not use them for an EV as a "Tesla" 400v equivalent pack build?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Noor Habib says:

    Dear friend that's a totally new item for me we need to run a battery system for off grid type use to run home appliances by charging solar panels is it workable for our need to use a few fan refrigerator etc i thanks in advance for your kind advice Rgds Noor Habib Afridi

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gregory Williams says:

    Can I build 4 of these to run my 48 volt golf cart and ditch the lead acid batteries? I love this channel but 90% of it is over my head

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Universe is under no obligation to make sense says:

    PCB’s make great buss bars.
    Do you have any info on temperature rise on the PCB at different currents?
    Since power is I^2 R and copper has a 0.3% per degC resistance change.
    Concerned about hot spots and thermal runaway for continuous use, intermittent not a problem.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Moab s10 blowthru says:

    How much are those boards? 1000 amp

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Gooden says:

    Could you offset the cells in your next design and make an 18650 version

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dave carey says:

    Good job! I really like the purple color

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Levi Lucio says:

    If you can't beat them join them! You can mass-produce these and be the middle man to audio stores. Have them pre package with your name or brand on them. I can see these on the shelves of my local audio store

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Lorentzen says:

    Sweet. Did you ever make the Boston Swing boards available for download?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheRealNixoriuz says:

    can you make a 12volt 18650 PCB that can handle 500-1000Amps with a small BMS just for balancing

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 67RS427 says:

    Definitely need to make a 36-48v+ or 8S to 12s2p 16Ah+ version for ebikes or go cart/golf cart applications.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ric Stewart says:


  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Flores says:

    Here from Chicago
    Really like the music and the time lapse
    Question is there boards for 72volt ebike batteries (headway)??

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars silverstoned83 says:

    You should definitely use a hydraulic crimper with those ferrels. The resulting difference is massive and is equivalent to the strands fusing into one after proper crimping, which is important for longevity especially in the trunk of a car and for minimizing the resistance in the connection.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Turner Hayes says:

    why not an alternate version that is 8 wide (with the terminals between the screw terminals)? Then you could get 7 on one side, instead of 5 aimed 3 different ways….

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars F D says:

    Great job! All we need now is a clear case to show off this beauty…Do you think you can do us this favor? 😂

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